Legacy Leagues
11:24:02 Alyssa
My geldings brought me 550k this week, thank God
MakeEm Fancy
11:22:28 Ally 💜
Do you like having SD geldings? @Eagle
Gypsy Family Farm
Everyone did everything right, it was just too much for them.
Gypsy Family Farm
My friend's marriage broke up because of that; her spouse couldn't handle all of her mental and physical issues (and those of the stepchildren) on top of their own issues.
11:21:12 Ceci / (Call me) AL
True that Eury
Eagle Creek
11:20:42 Eagle
I was finally able to get my 6th 100 stall barn today and have more than enough for RO and showing next week. I'm finally able to get what I want and have extra. Showing is so important I can't believe I waited till last year to do it! I regret not starting sooner!!
The Old Gods
11:18:11 Void Malign
It's why communication is important
11:14:55 Ceci / (Call me) AL
There is often talks about struggling to be taken serious if you have issues (and very much so if your illness is an invisble one) but our friends/family/supporters also struggle and for them its no help because they are not "ill"
MakeEm Fancy
11:14:15 Ally 💜
I have made 269k this week from shows so not terrible
Gypsy Family Farm
Sometimes that happens. It always sucks, and it's always sad. I'm sorry that happened to you.
11:09:58 Ceci / (Call me) AL
I tried really hard to get well and I eventually got better. But not in time to save things
MakeEm Fancy
11:09:43 Ally 💜
I messed up and switched my geldings so had to enter them into jumping today for the BM to enter them lol so hoping I get a good chunk tonight
Eagle Creek
11:09:18 Eagle
I'm so happy with my gelds! They pulled In 600k for me this week! So after rider fees I made 500k. Feeling pretty good right now.
Gypsy Family Farm
That's really hard, Ceci, and it sounds like you tried really hard.
SandWitch Arabians
11:07:56 Witchypoo
Not a bad show week.
Another 158k added to the bank account and just in time for RO.
11:07:50 Ceci / (Call me) AL
And not everyone have an unlimited amount of resources to go dealing with it day after day
11:06:54 Ceci / (Call me) AL
The longer you live, the more you learn. And our problem was we did not know how much of a struggle it can be being in a relationship with someone with mental issues.
Silver Creek
Assuming just makes an ass out if you and me XD so let not do that.. mmk?
Fading Light Estate
11:03:39 Dark Sarcasm
You like to make a lot of assumptions
Munchkin Stables
11:02:13 Munn - PONs
I'm not the one that sounds disappointed...
but life goes on.
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 Year: 187   Season: Winter   $: 0 Thu 11:24am CST  
 Forecast: Bright Sunshine with a few High Clouds

Horse Page

Like Her Father
"Ariel "
EEP Knabstrupper Mare

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Like Her Father

Color: Flaxen Red Dun Blanket Appaloosa
Horse Nbr: 26048714
Breed: Knabstrupper
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: May 1, 2021
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 142
Height: 16 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge
Barn: Rainbow Bridge

 Neptunes Waters
Brand: None
Sire: ***Crown Jewels WEE
Dam: Goddess of Netak
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Sub-Par (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 64

Eventing Level: 8 Advanced
Dressage Level: 8 Grand Prix
Cross Country Level: 8 Advanced
Jumping Level: 8 Grand Prix
Show Experience: 100

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Elite
Cross Country: Elite
Show Jumping: Premium

Color Rarity: 1 of 349

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