Name: Front X eoDru 185 5w4Age: 4 Gelding Color: Blue Roan Varnish Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E For Sale! |  |
Name: First Kiss KealienAge: 15 Mare Color: Blue Roan Varnish Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/W |  |
Name: ⟢ Powdered Sugar JuiceAge: 16 Stallion Color: Mahogany Bay Near Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/W For Breeding! |  |
Name: Front X Silve 173Age: 16 Gelding Color: Blue Roan Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: κ FranlaAge: 17 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/W |  |
Name: ⟢ Cappuccino JuiceAge: 18 Mare Color: Red Roan Near Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/W/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: Champagne Toast EEEAge: 18 Gelding Color: Classic Champagne Roan Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: ⟢ Roan JuiceAge: 18 Stallion Color: Flaxen Red Roan Varnish Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/W/E |  |
Name: Foreign Frontier EEEAge: 18 Stallion Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Front X PGLat 171Age: 18 Stallion Color: Black Varnish Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: PUP Twisted RomanceAge: 18 Mare Color: Liver Chestnut Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: ♠ National FreizureAge: 18 Gelding Color: Blue Roan Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: EEE | Copper BreezeAge: 19 Mare Color: Copper Bay Roan Varnish Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Ꮭℑ Baroness WEEAge: 19 Mare Color: Blood Bay Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E |  |
Name: 35494223Age: 19 Gelding Color: Blue Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: HH Knight of the FrontierAge: 19 Mare Color: Silver Copper Bay Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/W |  |
Name: k170- Front ZetAge: 19 Mare Color: Chestnut Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: k170- Cyi Frontier (EEE)Age: 19 Stallion Color: Chestnut Varnish Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: 𝓡 Amaris EWWAge: 19 Mare Color: Blue Roan Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/W |  |
Name: Front X KVail 170Age: 19 Gelding Color: Roan Grullo Varnish Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: P/P/P Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: ♗ Dark FrontierAge: 19 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Varnish Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Not True BlanketAge: 19 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: P/P/P |  |
Name: ♗ Columba Age: 19 Mare Color: Blood Bay Roan Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: ♗ SagittaAge: 19 Mare Color: Red Roan Varnish Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: ➺ LysianaAge: 19 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/W Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: 🝈 Meta Moon (EEE)Age: 19 Mare Color: Red Roan Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: Splish Splash PPPAge: 20 Gelding Color: Flaxen Red Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: P/P/P |  |
Name: 08001WildAge: 20 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E |  |
Name: Front X CZHel 157Age: 0 Mare Color: Red Dun Frost Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Ψ Undying SpaceAge: 0 Mare Color: Black Frost Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: CC Manifest Destiny PWW/spAge: 0 Stallion Color: Dunskin Frost Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: P/W/W Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: ❅ EEE Brood 3Age: 0 Mare Color: Light Bay Roan Varnish Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Mortdecai 1/72 EEEAge: 0 Stallion Color: Light Bay Sabino Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: Front X Umlil 158Age: 0 Stallion Color: Silver Mahogany Bay Roan Splash White Frame Frost Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Front X ASNig 159Age: 0 Stallion Color: Light Bay Snowflake Appaloosa Brindle Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E |  |
Name: 32351598Age: 0 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Ɠ Princess Pea EEEAge: 0 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: ⟢ Dull JuiceAge: 0 Mare Color: Flaxen Red Roan Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: Front X Shaha 159Age: 0 Mare Color: Blue Roan Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/W/E |  |
Name: ꕥ Candy Cap LL12Age: 0 Mare Color: Chestnut Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: DHR's Copper FrontierAge: 0 Stallion Color: Copper Bay Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: D2's Whiskey FrontierAge: 0 Stallion Color: Blue Roan Sabino Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Irish Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: D2's Frontier LullabyAge: 0 Mare Color: Light Bay Dun Tobiano Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Irish Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Front X Centu 161Age: 0 Stallion Color: Smokey Blue Roan Varnish Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: Wylde Blu Yonder Age: 0 Stallion Color: Blue Roan Varnish Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: JCD Final Frontier (wee)Age: 0 Mare Color: Golden Bay Roan Varnish Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E |  |
Name: 33289056 200kAge: 0 Stallion Color: Chestnut Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/W/E |  |
Name: Silver Frontier (EEE) MAge: 0 Mare Color: Silver Light Bay Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Average |  |
Name: Front lace Age: 0 Stallion Color: Buckskin Roan Varnish Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Frontier GossipAge: 0 Stallion Color: Blue Roan Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/P |  |
Name: Valley river rose Age: 0 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Sabino Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/P |  |
Name: Fanny EEEAge: 0 Mare Color: Light Bay Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: D2's Frontier SonataAge: 0 Stallion Color: Blue Roan Snowflake Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Front X Hildi 162Age: 0 Mare Color: Pale Palomino Roan Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/W/E |  |
Name: SS New Motivation EEEAge: 0 Stallion Color: Buckskin Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: HH KronosAge: 0 Stallion Color: Black Near Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: Æ Vintage FrontAge: 0 Mare Color: Mahogany Bay Blanket Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: 35494327Age: 0 Gelding Color: Mahogany Bay Roan Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: W/E/E Bravery Rating: Sub-Par |  |
Name: ^Saloon Disco eeeAge: 0 Stallion Color: Palomino Roan Snowcap Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: MGs MorneyAge: 0 Mare Color: Buckskin Roan Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: Alice EEEAge: 0 Mare Color: Smokey Blue Roan Leopard Appaloosa Breed: Sport Horse Foal Rating: E/E/E |  |
Name: 35592234Age: 0 Gelding Color: Mahogany Bay Fewspot Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: E/P/P |  |
Name: STF The Dark FrontierAge: 0 Mare Color: Flaxen Chestnut Appaloosa Breed: Knabstrupper Foal Rating: P/E/E |  |