
please do not post unless your stable name is in the title. feel free to read through tho.

charecter sheet name: Chloe werth hair: blond (usually in a ponytail) eye colour: deep blue/ turquoise Height: 154cm gender: female Is kind and shy. Prone to getting hurt. Jumper + cross country + dressage. Had a horse that passed due to riding accident.
horses: name: whiskey wish (whiskey) height: 17.2hh age: 8 gender: stallion playful. Can be devilish. Loves jumping. Does a bit of everything but is trained in jumping, cross country and dressarge. Best at show jumping. 2nd: name: bolt height: 16.3hh age: 5 Gender: stallion playful. Hardworking. Loves to jump and has fluent gaits does everything. He's trained in both western and English. He mostly does. Jumping. Xc. Dressarge. Cutting and roping. Best at dressarge 3rd name: Pippa age: 6 height: 15.2hh gender: mare playful. Hardworking. Loves to jump and has fluent gaits does everything. She's trained in both western and English. He mostly does. Jumping. Xc. Dressarge. Cutting and roping. She also loves doing barrels (barrel racing). Pippa if the best at reigning 4th name: spark age: 7 height: 15hh gender: mare playful. Hardworking. Loves to jump and has fluent gaits does everything. Shes trained in both western and English. He mostly does. Jumping. Xc. Dressarge. Cutting and roping. She is the best at xc though

Are you alright with me just doing the character sheet for the person?? And then i'll describe the horses in the rp?? . Name: Liam Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Short brunette hair, fringe that covers very light brown eyes. Tanned and quite toned (due to foreign side), stands at around 6'3. Usually wearing solid black/whit shirts and jeans Personality: He's quite open to talking to others, most definitely an extrovert, although due to past problems, he never actully opens up much to others.

(Sure) do you want to start or do you want me to start?


Chloe stepped out of her truck. She was towing her 6 horse, horse float. Chloe took her dirt bike off the tray of her Ute. She then walked her two beautiful mares and put them into a pasture. Chloe then grabbed bolt who tossed his head happy to have finished the drive. Chloe stroked his neck to calm him and put the young stallion in a pasture next to her mares. Chloe then walked back into the float. Whiskey walked foward and pawed the ground. Chloe saw a boy as she was walking out. Whiskey ran out before rearing Chloe held the rope tight. After whiskey had calmed down she walked him in a circle before stopping him.

Liam leant against his mares stall door, watching as the stark white mare paced around nervously. The arrival of a new, seemingly skittish horse was scaring her, and Liam could only use his words to calm Emira down. He shot the new girl an irritated look before bringing Emira out, doing his best to keep the mare calm as she was tied to the cross ties, keeping his hand firmly but gently on her neck.

Chloe put the stallion in his pasture before walking over to the truck. She put on her dirt bike helmet and fired the bike up. She tapped on the truck and it drove off. Chloe pulled out and went to the store.

After the girl with the horse had gone, Liam could only be grateful that was the case, watching as his mare gradually calmed down. She was quite young so very skittish from time to time, especially round new people or horses. But today, she did seem extra spooked. Maybe just fresh. He groomed and tacked Emira up, getting ready to bring her out.

When Chloe had arrived at the store she saw her ex. Her ex (Chris ) had been the reason she moved out here. Chloe panicked and quickly paid for her stuff and rode off. She half flew into the stable driveway looking scared. When she saw Chris's truck pull in she jumped on whiskey and galloped up the forest. She looked behind her seeing Chris getting his own dirt bike to chase her.