Xylo | Lone Mare | "The Muse" | M: Feliz, Maximus.
Xylo’s right ear twitched and twisted as the distant sound of other horses. Her head swung in that direction allowing her light blue gaze to sweep over the nearby land. She saw nothing and continued walking, her tail swishing behind her. Hesitantly, she moved her head so that she was staring forward again. Her gait changed slightly as the ground beneath her hooves changed from grass to rocks and mud. She noticeably slowed her movements as she navigated around the bigger rocks and the muddiest areas. The last thing she needed was to take a tumble here, which, embarrassingly enough, she’d done before.
After a couple of minutes of slow and easy-going movements, she finally stood directly by the water. Sluggish water bubbled around her hooves, as she lowered her muzzle to the water and parted her lips. The water was cool and fresh, like normal. Xylo’s throat bobbed slightly as she took big long gulps of the water, completely and effectively replenishing her thirst. Once she was satisfied she raised her head once again, turned, and began navigating her way back onto solid and flat ground.
In just a few minutes, she was headed back towards the evergreen clump she had just emerged from. Perhaps she would settle down and get some rest in the shade for a while. However, a glimpse of movement caught her eye as she saw not one, but two horses. The first equine she saw was dark in color, and was at a stand-still a little ways off. She couldn’t tell if it was a mare or a stallion, nor was she too concerned. However, the second horse she saw was dun in color, and seemed to be making a hasty getaway. The mare wasn’t coming towards Xylo. It was more like she was angling away, but at the trajectory she was taking, she’d run right by where Xylo was.
Xylo watched, with mild interest, before she broke into a choppy, uneven trot. She had no intentions of interacting with this mare. In fact, she had no intention of interacting with anyone. She simply wanted to get back to the evergreen cluster she had been residing by for a while now, so she could stay out of the way.
If trouble wants to come to me, it shall on its own accord, but I do not intend to seek it out, she thought bitterly.