Looking to buy WWW SH colt aged 1 or 2 yrs. Must have proven pedigree, sire in top 10 on ABLB. Will consider older stallions up to 10 yrs, if already proven producers on SHLB. Would like to keep budget under 1 mill if possible. Can also offer trade with W combo mares.
Attention All of HEE... please feast your eyes on these lovey pieces of artwork for the CCC Competiton.. We are awaiting your vote! Voting today and tomorrow only.. Every vote counts and lets the artists know how much we appreicate them! -HEE Click-
This little dude is very cool but unfortunately I do not think he will be used properly here. So, he is up for offers. Happy to trade for broods, items, etc, just message me!
ZZ, SbSb, SplSpl, Dd, homo PATN-2, carries creme and appy.