Tablets | September 23, 2022 11:08 AM | |

Rumble Team |
I'm looking for a tablet/iPad thing. I would love a keyboard and stylus, but the keyboard isn't essential. I'd like something I can read and do art on. Would love some recommendations! Preferably under $300, and something smaller, under 10 inch screen Edited at September 23, 2022 04:08 PM by HMH Reality Check
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Tablets | September 23, 2022 11:42 AM | |

Trivia Team |
A Samsung Galaxy tab or older version of iPad is your best bet. You won't find much else for under $300. Also if you go with the iPad get an off brand pen. Apple pencils are $100-300 alone, same goes with keyboards. Just make sure whatever you get is compatable. Galaxy tabs mostly come with a pen already, plus extras are wayyy way cheaper. * This one comes with a pen, you would just need to add a keyboard if you want. Edited at September 23, 2022 11:49 AM by Sweetwater Creek
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Tablets | September 23, 2022 01:42 PM | |

I highly recommend samsung tablets. A lot of people will get IPads but I have found that they don't last as long and sometimes apps are buggy and you have to buy everything separate. You can't however get procreate on a samsung device but with procreate, photo manips and art can be limited because layers are limited based on the size of your canvas. Also I found that sometimes books are a little more expensive on IPad than on samsung but I am also someone who knows of a free website where I get all of my books from (just pm me if you'd like a link). One thing I will say about galaxy tabs is that sometimes - depending on the one you get - their storage will fill up abnormally fast so cleaning out the device every once in a while is important and you have to be careful which art apps you get. If you dont like either of those options and aren't entirely sure about one over the other, a good alternative is a Windows surface pro (any number). I know newer ones are selling for about $300 right now but I am not really sure why. the downside to Surface pros is that for some unknown reason, sometimes the pens will stop working that comes with them. The battery will be fine and the eraser on the pen will work fine but the pen writing part will just stop. So you have to buy a whole new pen or make microsoft replace it if you have a warrenty. The pens are also much cheaper than an apple pen but may not last as long depending on the exact pen. With surface pros you can make them a laptop or put them in tablet mode (they work with or without a keyboard so they can be either) and you can fix drawing programs like gimp and krita to have the settings you want. You can just youtube a tutorial on how to do that so the pressure opacty thing works properly for that app. I hope this helps!
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Tablets | September 23, 2022 02:40 PM | |

Rumble Team |
Sweetwater Creek said: A Samsung Galaxy tab or older version of iPad is your best bet. You won't find much else for under $300. Also if you go with the iPad get an off brand pen. Apple pencils are $100-300 alone, same goes with keyboards. Just make sure whatever you get is compatable. Galaxy tabs mostly come with a pen already, plus extras are wayyy way cheaper. * This one comes with a pen, you would just need to add a keyboard if you want.
Thank you, I was a little put off by how inexpensive they were, but I will do some more looking. All of my stuff is Samsung but I wasn't against apple.
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Tablets | September 23, 2022 02:53 PM | |

Rumble Team |
Daranyx said: I highly recommend samsung tablets. A lot of people will get IPads but I have found that they don't last as long and sometimes apps are buggy and you have to buy everything separate. You can't however get procreate on a samsung device but with procreate, photo manips and art can be limited because layers are limited based on the size of your canvas. Also I found that sometimes books are a little more expensive on IPad than on samsung but I am also someone who knows of a free website where I get all of my books from (just pm me if you'd like a link). One thing I will say about galaxy tabs is that sometimes - depending on the one you get - their storage will fill up abnormally fast so cleaning out the device every once in a while is important and you have to be careful which art apps you get. If you dont like either of those options and aren't entirely sure about one over the other, a good alternative is a Windows surface pro (any number). I know newer ones are selling for about $300 right now but I am not really sure why. the downside to Surface pros is that for some unknown reason, sometimes the pens will stop working that comes with them. The battery will be fine and the eraser on the pen will work fine but the pen writing part will just stop. So you have to buy a whole new pen or make microsoft replace it if you have a warrenty. The pens are also much cheaper than an apple pen but may not last as long depending on the exact pen. With surface pros you can make them a laptop or put them in tablet mode (they work with or without a keyboard so they can be either) and you can fix drawing programs like gimp and krita to have the settings you want. You can just youtube a tutorial on how to do that so the pressure opacty thing works properly for that app. I hope this helps!
Thank you! This is really helpful. I was looking at one of the surface go's, but wasn't sure about buying everything separately. I downloaded pdfs of books so expenses aren't something I'm worried about, I just want a screen that's a bit bigger than my phone. I'm using ibis right now, which is compatible with most devices I think, I considered switching to a different app, but I already have ibis figured out, so I'm not sure. Thank your for the recommendations!
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Tablets | September 27, 2022 06:33 PM | |

I agree with what the others said, but I wanted to add about the surface pros because you mentioned them :) I have a surface pro x for about a year and a half and I love it so much! the only issue I've had is I recently had to replace the keyboard. it is expensive, however I use it for everything, work, school, research, art, etc. its expensive but worth it in my opinion :) Edited at September 27, 2022 06:33 PM by Lucky Ranch
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Tablets | September 28, 2022 02:45 PM | |

Rumble Team |

Rumble Team |
Does anybody have an opinions about Kindles?
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