
Pretty Pony Pageant October Show Presentation Ceremony Show Jumping First Place:
 Minerva's Francis Unanimously Placed 1st  With Special Recognition from Judges 6 & 4 16,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Fossil's Dreams' SF Larila
11,500 EBs Third Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆GriffinWing
8,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Somewhere on Kamino
6,000 EBs Fifth Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA Minny
4,000 EBs Sixth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Chalice
2,500 EBs Seventh Place:
 LunarEclipse Stables' Exclusive Quality
1,500 EBs Eighth Place:
 SkyWing Ranch's SWR Wave Rider
1,000 EBs Matchy Matchy with Rider First Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' Black Prince and Edmund. L With Special Recognition from Judge 6 12,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Cracked Legend and Leonard
8,500 EBs Third Place:
 Minerva's Frankie and Return Bolton
6,000 EBs Fourth Place:
 LunarEclipse Stables' Double Trouble and Rob Ross
4,000 EBs Fifth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Borderline and BCj Moureen
2,500 EBs Sixth Place:
 PK Rescue Stable's ✪ Honey Comb and Belinda
1,500 EBs Seventh Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA F Cancer and C. Tate
1,000 EBs Biome Explorer First Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA In Loving Memory
20,500 EBs Second Place:
 Fossil's Dreams' Solar Clock
15,000 EBs Third Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Sweet Peach Bourbon
11,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Minerva's Primordia
8,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Anchorman
6,000 EBs Sixth Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' Williston
4,000 EBs Seventh Place:
 LunarEclipse Stables' Maximilian
2,500 EBs Eighth Place:
 SkyWing Ranch's SWR Hiccup Haddock III
1,500 EBs Ninth Place:
 Eyrie of the Stars' 💦Buttermilk Pancakes
1,000 EBs Jousting First Place:
 PK Rescue Stable's Ferrant
16,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' Dark Horse
11,500 EBs Third Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Cheesecake of the Moment
8,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA Dizzy Twister
6,000 EBs Fifth Place:
 LunarEclipse Stables' Kylo
4,000 EBs Sixth Place:
 Minerva's Vanille
2,500 EBs Seventh Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Crystalized
1,500 EBs Eighth Place:
 Eyrie of the Stars' 💎Ancient Temple
1,000 EBs 🎃 Halloween First Place:
 LunarEclipse Stables' Defenseless Zombie Horse 13,000 EBs
Second Place:
 SkyWing Ranch's SWR StormBringer Beetlejuice
9,000 EBs TIED Third Place:
 SkyfeatherStables' Annoying little b Bridegroom
5,500 EBs & Third Place:
 PK Rescue Stable's Gauntlet Dickens A Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas Present
5,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA Vampirina Witch
3,000 EBs Decor Hoard! First Place:
 Eyrie of the Stars' 🍾Cosmic Energy
13,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Sunset River Arabian's SRA Purrsephone
9,000 EBs Third Place:
 Fossil's Dreams' Leopard Upside
6,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' Silk Gloves
4,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Finite
3,000 EBs ⫗⫗•⫗⫗•⫗⫗ Congratulations to all who entered this month's Pretty Pony Pageant! Wonderful Entries and a tough job for the judges! A big round of applause and a hearty Thank You to our Lovely Judges Panel! SugarplumStables, Cherry Creek Ranch & Prismatic Cove Thank you so much for your participation on the Judges Panel! Hope you had fun! See you at the next show!  ⫗⫗•⫗⫗•⫗⫗  Want to be the first to know what's happening with the Pretty Pony Pageant? Join the PPP Club! Be the first to know what the next classes will be and stay in the loop about what's happening behind the scenes! Support the PPP by joining the PPP Club! Edited at November 9, 2024 11:13 PM by Boulder Creek
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Pretty Pony Pageant November Show Class List ∴ Realistic Classes ∴ Eventing Training Stall Rest All About Stripes
⚜ ∴ Theme Classes ∴ 🎗 Awareness Ride 🎗 🙌 Thanksgiving 🦃 The Eventing, Training, Stall Rest and All About Stripes classes will be judged by an anonymous judges panel! (remember, if you are chosen for this show's judges panel - you cannot enter a horse in these classes) Eventing One of the hardest test of horsemanship - eventing is the equestrian triathlon. Compiled of three phases that challenge the horse and rider. Dressage - The finesse of partnership through a series of intricate movements. Cross Country - a daring course of natural obstacles to be conquered by a courageous partnership. Show Jumping - Bright and colorful fences arranged to challenge precision and speed. The best partnership of all three phases comes out victorious. Entry Must Include: ‣ One (1) Adult Horse/Pony with Three Separate Images - Dressage, Cross Country, AND Show Jumping Tack Requirements: Dressage ‣ A Bridle ‣ A Dressage Saddle Decor Requirements: ‣ At Least One (1) Decor Item in each Phase Background Requirements: ‣ Dressage Background - Arena ‣ Cross Country Background - any that relates ‣ Show Jumping Background - Arena You pull into the field already lined with trailers, finding a perfect spot to unload. You've only have a few minutes to take off the shipping equipment and tack up in your dressage gear before mounting up and heading to the warm up ring. The dressage judge dings you in and you trot up to begin the test. A little bit later and you've switch gear for colorful jump tack to tackle the cross country course. 3, 2, 1, Have a Great Ride! And you're off! Galloping over the grass field, taking ditches and logs in stride heading into the woods! Exhilarated and breathless, you finish walking your horse out, checking the legs for any bumps or cuts. You've only got a couple minutes and then have to head to the jog up to see if you make it through to the final phase - Show Jumping. Your horse shifts beneath you as you stand at the in-gate waiting for your turn. You've studied the course and been fortunate enough to watch a couple rounds so you're fairly confident. The clock beeps and you're let into the arena. A quick trot around the scary fence and you pick up a forward canter, dashing past the starting line headed for the first jump! Training Time to practice and make perfect. Work on building upon the foundations or just getting them started. Ground Work, In Hand Work, and Hard Work. Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony Tack Requirements: ‣ Caveson & Side Reins -or- Bridle ‣ Surcingle -or- Saddle Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Training Theme To get to the top - it takes a lot of wet saddlepads. Putting in the hard work, the sweat, the time to be better. Every day, every ride, every work session makes tomorrow easier. Whether your helping a yearling learn manners, or a three year old wear its first saddle, a five year old learning new maneuvers, or an established show horse preparing for an upcoming competition - everyone is working hard. Stall Rest Oh No! Your horse is currently laid up! Stall confinement is the worst! If you're lucky you get 15 minutes of hand-walking a day (good luck flying that kite!) Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult -OR- Foal Horse/Pony Tack Requirements: ‣ One (1) Tack item relating to Protection/Stall Rest Background Requirements: ‣ The Stall or Stable Background You just heard back from the vet - Six Weeks of Stall Rest! What did you horse do to deserve such a sentence? Did they injury themselves in the silliest way? Did they bow a tendon on the racetrack or endurance race? Are they recovering from surgery? A mare with a recently delivered newborn? Or maybe recovering after a long week of showing. Do they have a stall companion to keep them from going too stir-crazy? All About Stripes Let your STRIPES show with pride! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony ‣ MUST have STRIPES! Patterns or Markings! Tack Requirements: ‣ At least Two (2) Tack Items Excludes items from the 'Extras' Section Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Stripey Theme Whether you're a Zebra or Tiger - one thing you have in common is Stripes! Strut your best Candy Cane impression! Let's see those Stripes! - - - • You may use as many items as you want! • Get Creative! Many tack and decor items can be used multiple ways! • It is highly encouraged to be creative and think outside the box - you don't have to use traditional tack always, as long as it can be reasoned, it will be accepted. • It is not required to be extravagant - if you only have an item or two, go for it! Show off your pretty pony!(Please Message Boulder Creek if you require assistance with items or tack!) ∴ ∴ ∴ The Community Vote Class Themes for this show are: 🎗Raising Awareness Ride🎗 🙌 Thanksgiving 🦃
Everyone is welcome to join (even those on the Judges Panel!) as these classes are judged by all of the HEE Community! 🎗 Raising Awareness Ride 🎗 Welcome to the Annual Pretty Pony Pageant Raising Awareness Ride! We come together and celebrate raising awareness for various causes - advocacy groups, disabilities, illnesses, syndromes, support groups, and so much more. Everyone is welcome to join our Ride! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony Tack Requirements: ‣ At least Two (2) Tack Items! Utilize a Color Theme to Raise Awareness for an Organization, Group, Illness, Disability or Cause of your Choice Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Awareness Ride Theme Join the annual Pretty Pony Pageant Awareness Ride! We ride to show support of our friends and family and ourselves. We celebrate what makes us different. We ride together in solidarity. If you want to see what last year's entries looked like - and the causes they supported: Check out this LINK! Ribbon Colors & Meanings Links: |X| . |X| Must Include a SHORT blurb about your Awareness Ride Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ 🙌 Thanksgiving 🦃 This is a time to gather, to be thankful, to tell others how much they are valued. Send love, be grateful, and help others. Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult -OR- Foal Horse/Pony Tack Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Tack Item Background Requirements: ‣ Matching Background relating to your Thanksgiving Theme Extra Requirements: ‣ Include what you are Grateful For! 🦃 Happy Turkey Day! Gobble Gobble! 🦃 Show off how you celebrate - is it all about the Football? Or the Pageantry? Or a gathering of all the family? Celebrate a time of Giving Thanks to those who are meaningful to you, Give back to your community and those who help you, send out love and light to those around you. Must Include a SHORT blurb about your Thanksgiving Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ Entries are open! Now (Monday, November 21) until Monday December 2, 11:59 PM CDT (Game Time) [An extension may be given if necessary] Submissions: With Pretty Pony Pageant Entry in the Subject Line State the class that you wish to enter Include the link to the tacked pony (multiple entries in one message are allowed and encouraged) - Remember - Only one horse per class per stable/User You may enter up to 6 horses in this month's show If you need Tack items or Decor items - feel free to reach out to Boulder Creek and ask for assistance Do Not Post entries on this page or otherwise say which horse(s) you submitted. We are striving for anonymity for fair judging! You may post that you entered and share this contest with others who might also enjoy entering. This show's Judges Panel have been notified If you need help or have questions - please contact Boulder Creek 🏅 If you would like to help provide Prizes for this month's Show, or sponsor a specific class - please contact Boulder Creek 💰
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There is an Extension for Entries Entries are now due on Monday, December 9th.
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Please help judge the Community Voting Classes:
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Pretty Pony Pageant November Show Presentation Ceremony Eventing First Place:
   Fossil's Dreams' Tibastion
8,500 EBs
Second Place:
   Boulder Creek's BC Beaming
6,000EBs Third Place:
   SnapDragon's SD Chocolate Force
4,000 EBs Training First Place:
 Ynys Hafod Stables' Tornado
7,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆Summer Dress
4,000 EBs Third Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Sweet Peach Bourbon
2,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Commissioner
1,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 SnapDragon's SD Chocolate Frog
1,000 EBs Stall Rest First Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Anaconda
7,000 EBs Second Place:
 Fossil's Dreams' ✪ Cygnus
4,000 EBs Third Place:
 Ynys Hafod Stables' Cloudy Sky With Special Recognition from Judges 7
2,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Axalea
1,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆Brave Pretty Ash
1,000 EBs All About Stripes First Place:
 PK Rescue Stable's Rock Katana
16,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Ynys Hafod Stables' Brindle Pacer
11,500 EBs Third Place:
 Eyrie of the Stars' Wild
8,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Marbled Beauty
6,000 EBs Fifth Place:
 Barbury Estates' Brindle Beauty
4,000 EBs Sixth Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆Unhide Chat
2,500 EBs Seventh Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Brinkley
1,500 EBs Eighth Place:
 Star Fields' Uzuma
1,000 EBs Thanksgiving First Place:
 Fossil's Dreams' ✪ Cyber Wild 13,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Skyfeather Stables' Spartan's Luck
9,000 EBs Third Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Othello
6,500 EBs Fourth Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆》Brave Heart W
4,500 EBs Fifth Place:
 Eyrie of the Stars' White X
3,000 EBs Awareness Ride First Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Ortho 🎗 Suicide Awareness 12,000 EBs
Second Place:
 Frog Judgment Acers' ☆Lady Clare 🎗 Food Allergy Awareness 9,000 EBs Third Place:
 PK Rescue Stable's Call Me Blondie 🎗 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Awareness
6,500 EBs ⫗⫗•⫗⫗•⫗⫗ Congratulations to all who entered this month's Pretty Pony Pageant! Wonderful Entries and a tough job for the judges! A big round of applause and a hearty Thank You to our Lovely Judges Panel! Horse Haven Stables, SkyWing Ranch & SCF Sporting Chance Thank you so much for your participation on the Judges Panel! Hope you had fun! See you at the next show!  ⫗⫗•⫗⫗•⫗⫗  Want to be the first to know what's happening with the Pretty Pony Pageant? Join the PPP Club! Be the first to know what the next classes will be and stay in the loop about what's happening behind the scenes! Support the PPP by joining the PPP Club!
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Pretty Pony Pageant January Show Class List ∴ Realistic Classes ∴ Dressage Sleigh Ride Liberty Endurance
⚜ ∴ Theme Classes ∴ New Year : New You Snow Day The Dressage, Sleigh Ride, Liberty and Endurance classes will be judged by an anonymous judges panel! (remember, if you are chosen for this show's judges panel - you cannot enter a horse in these classes) Dressage Where the Precision, Dedication, Elegance, and Perfection of Horse & Rider are Tested as they Dance from A to C Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony Tack Requirements: ‣ A Bridle ‣ A Dressage Saddle ‣ Arena Trotting down the centerline, you halt at X and salute the judge. Wait, what comes next? Deep breath and it all comes rushing back to you. You pick up the working trot and circle at A. An extended trot across the diagonal. You transition to the canter and perform the shallow serpentine down the long side. The free walk comes next, and you repeat the test in the opposite direction. You find yourself back at X saluting the judge and give your horse a big pat on the neck for a job well done. Sleigh Ride Time to kick up your heels and dash through the snow! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony ‣ At least One (1) Animal Decor Item Background Requirements: ‣ Snow Background You look out the window; it's barely light out; but you already know - it SNOWED!!! It takes everything inside of you to act calm and go about your chores. Finally! Finally, everything is done, and you can go out and play! You hitch the horse up to the rickety old sleigh - it ain't pretty but it does the job. And Away You Go! Dashing through the snow... Liberty Nothing between hide and heart Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult -OR- Foal Horse/Pony Background Requirements: ‣ Background Relating to your Liberty Theme You let your horse go. Nothing on them but a spotlight in a blacked-out arena. Soft music plays over the loudspeakers. And your horse, begins to prance. A stamp, a snort, some trot steps - tail, a banner in the air. Head held high. Your horse struts to the beat. The picture of pure Beauty. Endurance Where the miles just slip away from zero to 100 (or more) Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse/Pony Breed Restrictions: ‣ Anglo Arabian ‣ Sport Horse ‣ Sport Pony
Tack Requirements: ‣ Halter ‣ Pad ‣ One (1) Tack Item Excludes items from the 'Extras' Section Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Endurance Theme You learned the route, you know when the vet checks are, and now there's dirt path ahead, and dirt trail behind. More important than being the first to cross the finish line, is to be the best conditioned horse; tackling the hard trail mile after mile and staying sound and fit to continue. Enjoy the ride! - - - • You may use as many items as you want! • Get Creative! Many tack and decor items can be used multiple ways! • It is highly encouraged to be creative and think outside the box - you don't have to use traditional tack always, as long as it can be reasoned, it will be accepted. • It is not required to be extravagant - if you only have an item or two, go for it! Show off your pretty pony! (Please Message Boulder Creek if you require assistance with items or tack!) ∴ ∴ ∴ The Community Vote Class Themes for this show are: 📅 New Year : New You 🔎 Snow Day
Everyone is welcome to join (even those on the Judges Panel!) as these classes are judged by all of the HEE Community! New Year : New You 🔎 It's a New Year of Pretty Babies! Show off all of the beautiful foals! Entry Must Include: ‣ Foals born Year 186 & 187 Tack Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Tack Item Decor Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Decor Item Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your New Year : New You Theme Extra Requirements: 🔎 Magnifying Glasses (25% off LoT) are available in the PPP Store. Show off what beautiful foals you have and the stunning adults they will become! Must Include a SHORT blurb about your Awareness Ride Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ ❄ Snow Day A blizzard blew in overnight - and lucky you! It's a Snow Day! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult -OR- Foal Horse/Pony Decor Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Decor Item Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Snow Day Theme Today we're going to celebrate the snow! The silence of soft snow fall. The silver glow of the white crystals. The feeling of snowflakes falling against your face. AND HOW AMAZING IT IS NOT TO HAVE TO GO TO WORK OR SCHOOL! But spend the day playing!!! Must Include a SHORT blurb about your Thanksgiving Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ Entries are open! Now (Tuesday, January 28) until Monday February 10, 11:59 PM CDT (Game Time) [An extension may be given if necessary] Submissions: With Pretty Pony Pageant Entry in the Subject Line State the class that you wish to enter Include the link to the tacked pony (multiple entries in one message are allowed and encouraged) - Remember - Only one horse per class per stable/User You may enter up to 6 horses in this month's show If you need Tack items or Decor items - feel free to reach out to Boulder Creek and ask for assistance Do Not Post entries on this page or otherwise say which horse(s) you submitted. We are striving for anonymity for fair judging! You may post that you entered and share this contest with others who might also enjoy entering. This show's Judges Panel have been notified If you need help or have questions - please contact Boulder Creek 🏅 If you would like to help provide Prizes for this month's Show, or sponsor a specific class - please contact Boulder Creek 💰
Edited at February 13, 2025 04:29 PM by Boulder Creek
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Edited at January 28, 2025 12:21 AM by Boulder Creek
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Hello PPP Peeps! You have the weekend to get your entries in! They are due by Monday, February 10th!
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