Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Sat 03:24am  
Stables Online:  49 
Arvalon Studs
03:22:35 Tosk's KNN
You'd think after almost 4 weeks with a 4 day break in between... this flu would be gone..
Bioshock Manor
01:29:33 Storm
Oh good. I'll probably forget all of this when I go to get some lol.
The Old Gods
01:28:54 Void Malign
They're typically less aggressive than chickens. There was some kerfluffle when she added last year's hatchlings in with the older flock, but after a few weeks everyone merged together and is one big flock
Bioshock Manor
01:27:09 Storm
Oh nice. I didn't know you could have that many in a ratio.
The Old Gods
01:26:26 Void Malign
Uhhh. Mom has a flock of 20. I don't know the exact count of each. She has more hens than drakes, though. I wanna say it's roughly 2 hens per drake?
Greenheart Stables
01:23:48 Green|Gren|Grenlin
Used to have chickens at the grandparents, we only butchered the rooster(s) when they got aggressive or if one of the hens started being a egg eater. Whatever meat wasn't used was cooked and mixed in with the dogs food or given to the neighbors for their garden compost
Bioshock Manor
01:23:46 Storm
How many do you have Eury? Of both
The Old Gods
01:23:24 Void Malign
Bit of both. Drakes will get thrown into the freezer if they end up being mean to the hens.
Man's Demise
Want to Rp? Pm me!
Cadence Farms
01:21:44 evebot
You guys are lucky!
Cadence Farms
01:17:32 evebot
That's cool.
Mine are just for eggs, they get to grow old and fat
Darley Heights
01:15:08 Deelad
I think I'll just be raising mine for eggs, I get too attached to them to butcher them XD
I have a duck that's with the chickens and he bosses the roosters around if he feels the roosters are being mean
Cadence Farms
01:13:56 evebot
Do you guys harvest your birds for meat? Or just do eggs?
The Old Gods
01:12:08 Void Malign
Yeah, ducks definitely have more personality.
Bioshock Manor
01:12:03 Storm
I'll likely have ducks and chickens
Darley Heights
01:10:45 Deelad
Ducks have more personality in my opinion, they're so much fun
Cadence Farms
01:10:41 evebot
If I had a homestead, I'd have all the fowl. chickens. ducks. turkeys.
The Old Gods
01:07:25 Void Malign
I like ducks better because they're not cannibalistic like chickens can be

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Arvalon Studs
03:22:35 Tosk's KNN
You'd think after almost 4 weeks with a 4 day break in between... this flu would be gone..
Bioshock Manor
01:29:33 Storm
Oh good. I'll probably forget all of this when I go to get some lol.
The Old Gods
01:28:54 Void Malign
They're typically less aggressive than chickens. There was some kerfluffle when she added last year's hatchlings in with the older flock, but after a few weeks everyone merged together and is one big flock
Bioshock Manor
01:27:09 Storm
Oh nice. I didn't know you could have that many in a ratio.
The Old Gods
01:26:26 Void Malign
Uhhh. Mom has a flock of 20. I don't know the exact count of each. She has more hens than drakes, though. I wanna say it's roughly 2 hens per drake?
Greenheart Stables
01:23:48 Green|Gren|Grenlin
Used to have chickens at the grandparents, we only butchered the rooster(s) when they got aggressive or if one of the hens started being a egg eater. Whatever meat wasn't used was cooked and mixed in with the dogs food or given to the neighbors for their garden compost
Bioshock Manor
01:23:46 Storm
How many do you have Eury? Of both
The Old Gods
01:23:24 Void Malign
Bit of both. Drakes will get thrown into the freezer if they end up being mean to the hens.
Man's Demise
Want to Rp? Pm me!
Cadence Farms
01:21:44 evebot
You guys are lucky!
Cadence Farms
01:17:32 evebot
That's cool.
Mine are just for eggs, they get to grow old and fat
Darley Heights
01:15:08 Deelad
I think I'll just be raising mine for eggs, I get too attached to them to butcher them XD
I have a duck that's with the chickens and he bosses the roosters around if he feels the roosters are being mean
Cadence Farms
01:13:56 evebot
Do you guys harvest your birds for meat? Or just do eggs?
The Old Gods
01:12:08 Void Malign
Yeah, ducks definitely have more personality.
Bioshock Manor
01:12:03 Storm
I'll likely have ducks and chickens
Darley Heights
01:10:45 Deelad
Ducks have more personality in my opinion, they're so much fun
Cadence Farms
01:10:41 evebot
If I had a homestead, I'd have all the fowl. chickens. ducks. turkeys.
The Old Gods
01:07:25 Void Malign
I like ducks better because they're not cannibalistic like chickens can be

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Ex problems July 6, 2023 09:40 AM

Stag's Court
Posts: 681
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I had an ex I broke up with about 2 months ago who was really terrible to my mental (primarilly) and some physical health. I was with him, let's call him T, for about a year and a half. Recently I have had multiple messages come in from one of T's friends (who is much younger than both of us and is still a kid) about him having to tell me stuff like "T wanted me to tell you he misses you and you were a great person" and shit like that. I eventually told her to just stop being a messenger for him and for him to just text me so I can get this over with. Well around comes July 4th, I've already had a shitty stressful day, and T pops into my dms. I told him directly that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. He asked if I still played certain games and when I told him yeah, he blocked me again (like okay whatever, that's fine with me. I could care less at this point). What's different about that is that last night, I went to log onto one of those said games just to find out that he had changed all my fucking account information so now I can't get in. I couldn't change it back either because I didn't have access to the email of it. Around comes this morning, I message his friend again (who had blocked me after T had talked to me again but I got through to her) asking why in the world he did that just to get a screenshot in return of him saying "Tell him that he was being an asshole to me when we talked and I feel it's right for me to take back the money I spent on a wasted relationship." OKAY. One of two things here; one - I wasn't being an asshole to you. I told you I didn't want anything to do with you anymore because we ended things a while ago and I have repeatedly told you I wanted nothing to do with you. Two - you had GIFTED me that account damn well over a year ago and I find it extremely fucking rude for you to go and just take it back. That's not how gifting works and if you wanted to play that game I could've taken back a whole lot of shit from you too. But I didn't because I'm a decent fucking human being.
Summary; 1 - toxic ex is still tormenting my life. 2 - I really need to change the passwords to my shit even if I thought we ended on fine terms and trusted him enough to not screw with my stuff after we ended things.

Edited at July 6, 2023 09:42 AM by Stag's Court
Ex problems July 13, 2023 07:20 PM

Posts: 3317
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Good lord. He sounds extremely immature and that is not the energy you need. I agree with blocking him out of your life, and those around him! He needs to go away and stop attention-seeking. I hope this gets better for you <3
Ex problems July 13, 2023 08:17 PM

Lilac Fields
Posts: 460
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That is super petty of him, as for me I'm a very much a "you go low and I'll go lower" kind of person. I'd ask for things back take away things he didn't know he needed until he goes around to use them like what he did to you. But that's personally just me, reading that really just aggravated me. I've been with people like that before and it just shows they're still obsessed. If things have ended, he should have ended it there and not continued on through other people. If they're still trying to get to you, talk to you, and get under your skin then he has some issues he needs to get over. He's just trying to bring you down with him and he's not your issue anymore. I have an ex that after 2+ years of being separated, and me being engaged and pregnant, still tries to dm me on anything he can find. Always trying to get back together because he could never be happy with other women. After always turning him down he always tried to get back at me and after blocking him on just about everything would have friends dm me. People like that are just extremely immature and cannot find happiness in something or someone else. Sometimes they won't ever get over it but you just have to block them out of your life and realize they don't deserve your time nor love. Focus on yourself and your new life outside of them. It's best for you and your mental health.
Ex problems July 14, 2023 12:03 AM

Valhalla Acreage
Posts: 4094
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I mean after breaking up with him I would have changed every acount password and all thats just me if it was a sytem password change thats one reason I dont give out my acount info out the only person I trust with that info is my mom if she ever did play games BF frinds none would have my acount but me
Ex problems July 14, 2023 03:12 AM

Moonland And Elites
Posts: 6898
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Oof sounds like a royal pain

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