My anxiety is a bit different, but I would definitely give counselling a shot! I've only done three sessions, but it really helped me with my anxiety on airplanes.
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I'm going to look into a place I used to go for counselling when I was younger, for other issues. So hopefully that will be helpful.
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Trivia Team |
Good luck, Kiwi. Definitely get some professional help. Everybody's anxiety is different, so while one advice here might work, another won't. It's best to have an irl team to help you out with managing it. I'm like Eve, my anxiety is/caused by a severe lack of magnesium (I was taking 8 times the recommended dose and my bloodwork still came back so low the doctor was shocked), and B12. Sometimes it helps to know that, because then you can reason your way back to sanity (in my spirals I'll be like "oh, no, go take your pills" and even though I feel anxious it helps knowing the reason why). I hope you find the thing that works for you and you feel better- it's definitely not a fun thing to live with!
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