
Hey guys, Just snagged this guy, my first ever WWW, and I decided to offer straws if anyone is interested. He was bred with a strength glass. Training is tracked and will be updated weekly. Week 4: 222222 Week 5: 222222 Week 6: 222222 Week 7: 222222 Week 8: 333333 Link to mr stud: Straws will be 5k ebs each, limited to 5 per person, with a maximum of 20. Opening freshman requirements will be EWW+ combos, but it may be lowered to EEW combos later on. (If your EEW combo is a good match simply let me know and I will let you use him!) Please plan to use them within the month of April <3 Edited at March 24, 2025 07:06 AM by Whitewolf
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- Stable Name - Stable ID
- Stable Name - Stable ID
- etc to 20.
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- Castle Creek Stable - 310489
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