
Ooh I love LeMieux so much! I have so many of their saddle pads and sets. I never hesitate to buy their gear especially their loire collection
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If find that LM saddle pads sit differently on differently shaped horses. I had a set that sat so badly on my horse but sat beautifully on my mum's horse, just because of the slightly different shapes. Same goes for differenly shaped saddles. I like how the saddle pads have smaller straps that go through the LM sheepshin risers and fit onto the saddle D rings. To me, that out of the way design is so handy, and they fit whether or not you use a riser pad. The ear bonnets have a super weird shape though, so I don't recommend them. But as far as polos/boots/most saddle pads go, I like their selection, and if I could afford more I would buy more :) I also have competition and everyday jods form them and love both. Super stretchy and comfortable and 100% worth it in my opinion(and not too expensive, at least not like CT lol). It's pretty much a matter of affordability in my opinion, because what is affordable and worth it to me might not be the same for someone else. Edited at December 30, 2022 03:12 AM by Helderfontein

I have found that their off brand counterparts fit my three horses better, are ventilated better, easier to clean, and of course cheaper. They also tent really well!

What do you mean by off brand?

Like weather beta has pads that look exactly like LeMieux they are a bit more ventilated

Hey! To tag on to this... I actually attended a fantastic saddle fitting seminar early last year, run by master saddle fitter Paula Jefferies at Performance Saddlefits. We covered saddle pads and accessories, and she swears by Lemiuex (and similar) brands. The way the wither is cut means that the pad doesn't put any pressure on the wither if your saddle is fitted correctly. Also, the way the 'quilting' is designed avoids shifting/clumping of the padding inside over time, reducing any potential pressure points etc. They're also not too thick, meaning lesser impact on saddle fit and are perfect when it's hot out. The cut is awesome for pulling up into the channel of your saddle too, meaning no pressure points along the spine. Lemieux can be pretty $, but Weatherbeeta make a similar shaped pad that is just as good. Fewer colours, I think, but worth it for the price. Hope this helped! :)
I have two LeMieux saddle pads and they are great if you have a horse with high withers. They offer plently of fabric to "tent" the withers with the pad to prevent rubbing and pressure. They also seem to be high quality. However, they are expensive. Also I got two halters from them for my birthday and I love them! The clothing is meh, I have a shirt and it bunches weird, Kerrits will forever be my favorite for clothes!

I have a LeMieux shirt + saddle pad, I use the saddle pad on my high withered ottb sometimes and she seems to be comfortable with it. The colors are nice, although I think they are overpriced. They have reasonable wither support and they are overall a nice product, I would say go for it!
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I would avoid them and go for Ogilvy baby or profile pads, personally! There's a ton more colour option and you can custom pick your colours for half the price. I've tried both and even with three different styles of pad, none have fit my saddles correctly and I ended up selling all of them. Bummer as they seem like a quality pad, but when Ogilvy works so well at a better price point, they're easily my go-to. Cherry River Elites said: I definitely think I'll go for it. My friends all adore LeMieux so if I end up not liking the fit I'll just hand it all off to one of them lmao.