so i recently got back into riding after a few years off with a fantastic barn and trainer. i love everything about this place. i had a little fall in my last lesson that messed my neck up pretty bad. i go for an MRI tomorrow night. i havent taken a fall in awhile. any advice on getting back in the saddle once im cleared? im a little nervous about getting back to it.

Make sure to tell your coach exactly how you feel about riding. Ask her to start you on the calmest horse or the horse you feel most comfortable with, and maybe stick to the lead or lunge line until you get your confidence back! Being thrown straight into it after a fall may make you dread riding, which is a terrible feeling. Communication is your best tool here. If you don't even feel comfortable sitting on a horse, maybe ask to do a groundwork lesson or something. You could also have your trainer ride the horse for the first 10 minutes or so of your lesson to make sure they're calm.
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Sagebrush said: Make sure to tell your coach exactly how you feel about riding. Ask her to start you on the calmest horse or the horse you feel most comfortable with, and maybe stick to the lead or lunge line until you get your confidence back! Being thrown straight into it after a fall may make you dread riding, which is a terrible feeling. Communication is your best tool here. If you don't even feel comfortable sitting on a horse, maybe ask to do a groundwork lesson or something. You could also have your trainer ride the horse for the first 10 minutes or so of your lesson to make sure they're calm.
Definitely agree with this. And if your trainer disregards your requests and doesn't build your confidence back, find a new place.
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I had a freak accident where I fell off of my mounting block and broke my knee, I was out for 6 months, but it took me 8 months to get back in the saddle. I was horrified to get back on because I did not have the strength I use to have and I also lacked mobility in my leg. ~ Previouse to my injury I would only haul in once or twice a month lessons on my young ones, but after my accident I did weekly lessons on an old school pony. I started just walking and worked up to a trot, then a canter. I think it took another 3 or so months before I was on my young one ~ I would definitely work with your coach and explain your fears. a good trainer will be willing to work your confidence back up! And if your trainer wants to push you, I would maybe look at beginner lessons, not calling you a beginner but sometimes a nice easy walk on a lesson horse helps so much!
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