
Hello fellow Equstrians! My horse and I have been working towards our goal for the end of 2024 at a steady rate. This goal being to jump a course without a bridle. For the past several months I've been using my reins around his neck but I think that I'm ready to move on to using a neck rope. I was wondering if anyone has some brands that they know of that they'd recommend. Price isn't a problem for me. . Thank you everyone for their input!

I ride in a normal rope with my boy that I tied in a loop and works amazing, but I know brendan wise also sells some stiffer wrapped leather neck ropes on his website called "unbridled wings".


My friend got me a Paracord Neck Rope several years ago as a surprise gift. I had been braiding colored Baling Twine together to make one (worked well). (don't mind the giraffe neck lol)
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hesrd good things about milestone equesitrians neck rope and the spirited horse boutique necj rope, enjoy their training methods too, but havent bought one frim them myself yet so i canjot speak personally about the neckropes quality/feel
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Rumble Team |
I second Milestone equestrian!
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I recommend the spirited horse boutique aswell
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