
loped the barrel pattern on him yesterday :) had some nice flying lead changes! he was super good but he was begging to go faster lol we're both rusty at it though and hes still recovering so we're gonna do more loping practice before we actually run them he crossfired 3rd barrel but fixed himself very quickly i also want to spend 30-60 day working on his canter we're getting places with his hind end yields under saddle and moving his hind end seperately :) so yay! also did some nice fancy trotting
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in our hunter jumper era 💪 moved barns going to get him fitted for an english saddle soon :)
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Yes lucky! Join the English army (coming from england x) An amazing improvement, and such a handsome horse 😍
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Thank you! <33 lol ill always be a western bitch at heart 😂 but i am joining the english army so yay! Enoki Valley said: Yes lucky! Join the English army (coming from england x) An amazing improvement, and such a handsome horse 😍
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November 5th(?) We went for a nice in hand walk on trail and he was super happy unfortunately he has injured himself somehow 🥲 its been such a rough couple few months, what with his front leg getting kicked, colicking twice, and now back leg injured again rip. Hes normally a very tough horse so this has been weird and stressful. Im going to have the vet out soon to check his leg hoping he'll heal up soon and we'll get back to working. Before he got injured though I rode him twice at the new place and he was super good. Rode in the round pen and around the property, and the next day rode in the big arena and popped over some tiny jumps and we had a blast.
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Lucky Ranch said: loped the barrel pattern on him yesterday :) had some nice flying lead changes! he was super good but he was begging to go faster lol we're both rusty at it though and hes still recovering so we're gonna do more loping practice before we actually run them he crossfired 3rd barrel but fixed himself very quickly i also want to spend 30-60 day working on his canter we're getting places with his hind end yields under saddle and moving his hind end seperately :) so yay! also did some nice fancy trotting
love the trans pride barrels

thank you sugar plum pookie baby doll cutie
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Lucky Ranch said: November 5th(?) We went for a nice in hand walk on trail and he was super happy unfortunately he has injured himself somehow 🥲 its been such a rough couple few months, what with his front leg getting kicked, colicking twice, and now back leg injured again rip. Hes normally a very tough horse so this has been weird and stressful. Im going to have the vet out soon to check his leg hoping he'll heal up soon and we'll get back to working. Before he got injured though I rode him twice at the new place and he was super good. Rode in the round pen and around the property, and the next day rode in the big arena and popped over some tiny jumps and we had a blast.
thankfully this ended up being nothing! I think he kicked something in his house or did something in his house lol horse moment. But within 2 days he was back to normal and happy. . My english saddle came and I've ridden in it a couple times, dont have my stirrup leathers yet even though I ordered them and everything except the leathers came 🥲 but we both like the saddle a lot! Hes been a very good boy and we've just been doing flatwork and some poles and walking around the property Super excited to be working on trail riding more with him because the trails are super good here! Edited at December 14, 2023 12:29 PM by Lucky Ranch
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Jan 19th, we went on a trail ride! He was super super good Our 3rd ever real trail ride And we had to cross roads and ride next to traffic and he was super good and then we rode up and down some mountains and we both had a blast he was super happy and good A little anxious during the beginning of the trail ride but he settled down very quickly and was awesome hes protesting his english bridle so we're doing wenglish until i find one he likes Edited at January 21, 2024 10:55 AM by Lucky Ranch
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Worked on bending and counter bending at the walk and trot yesterday! He was super good v proud of him We've done it like once 6 months ago lol and he picked it right up like ok I see you 🎀 And then did a tiny bit of canter, been working on improving his canter the bending def helped I think He was excited yesterday for whatever reason lol but he was still super good and working well, it was a good ride Also jumped a little cross rail at the trot, it was probably very awkward but I'm proud of him lol trying to get him more excited and interested in jumping Edited at February 16, 2024 06:17 PM by Lucky Ranch
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