
Yeah,it means their buddies :D Sure it was only play fighting any way so that fits!
News: Im still on the lookout for a companion for Desmund as a farmer I have known for seven years plus has offered me a few acres,a few minutes from Me.

Oh,that's cool.Have you looked at rescue ponies etc.Some are actually amazing companion ponies,some just can't be riden.
I was looking at a lovely 21 year old,just four years younger than Desmund.I applied and havent heard back yet.


You could also try for goats and donkeys things like that I've seen horses take to goats donkeys pigs even... it's actually pretty cool.

Yeah,even the simplest animal can become a companion,even cats and stuff like that.
There is going to be a few sheep on the property two.He also has access to another ten acres elsewhere so that will be good.

It's the pecking order but My pony is about 9 or 10 hi and kicked a stallion and somehow put him in the fence and cut up the stallions knee. But he is okay now.
Oh my Shadow!Glad He is okay.I am ringing about a little mare in a few hours so that will be fine but still waiting for a reply about the rescue gelding.