
Chapter 1 -[~|~]- In a small plain expanse, a herd of megaloceros savini grazed. Their chomping and chewing on the grass was undeniably loud. The grass by the river was fresh and green, making a great spot for grazing. The river was safe and the plains were almost entirely empty, not even having any brachiosaurus' coming to graze on the leaves after the rainstorm that happened yesterday. It was overall a great space for grazing, but today, it was also a great space for hunting food for his hungry children back at home. And luckily, there's the perfect kind of food here. Amongst the cover of the forest's lush leaves and big bushes, a gigantic and muscular ceratosaurus crouched behind a bush. His neck was craned forward so he could continue watching his prey by peering slightly through the bush it was near impossible to see the deer, but he wasn't about to risk his prey getting away if they saw him. His scales are highly distinctive compared to other ceratosaurus', making him have to hide even more than most others. Rayé's legs slowly pushed him forward, but only enough for him to stick his head out from behind the bush and peer at the deer. The stag was on watch nearby, but he seemed to be more interested in a butterfly rather than defending his herd. Probably a young new stag. Well, this hunt'll be a good way to teach him to not stare at butterflies while on watch. With the way two were standing right next to each other, he might be able to grab both of them with one bite. That would be near impossible, but it can be done. If he misses though, they all get away and he'll be left empty-jawed. Just their overall position is going to make it incredibly difficult. I could go find a different herd.. Rayé let out a huff before continuing to stalk towards the deer. His feet still caused loud echoing stomps, but he managed to muffle them by lightly stepping on the moss that grew on the ground. The grass was helpful too, but that would still cause sound that'll scare the deer away. We wouldn't want that. His lips peeled up, causing his yellow and bloodstained teeth to be revealed. He didn't know why he was doing that, since there was no one here he was currently trying to scare. His wife always noticed it too, and finds it rather amusing. Rayé's tongue poked out of his mouth to gently and carefully slip over his lips. Just the thought of fresh prey even made his mouth water. He leaned his head towards a tree, using it to wipe away the drool that escaped his mouth. He wouldn't want to approach the deer looking like a slob, but rather an intimidating and petrifying beast. One the foals and yearlings wouldn't forget. A lesson to them all. Page 1 Edited at December 16, 2023 07:00 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- Rayé continued to stalk the deer after wiping all the spit away from his jaws. The skin that dangled where his throat was most vulnerable puffed outwards a little bit when he swallowed down the excess drool in his jaws. After, his lips peeled open to release a mute snarl. Rayé swapped the direction he was walking to begin circling around the deer, managing to trot while also crouching at the same time, while also making little sound. He made enough sound that an observant stag could hear him, but luckily for him, this herd's stag wasn't observant at all, an only cared about the butterflies that were flying around his head and landing on his antlers. The ceratosaurus continued his trot around the herd, trying to make sure that he'd appear from behind the herd's stag, even though he probably didn't need to. The bushes rattled around him every time he moved; and the amount of rustling they did wasn't able to be mistaken as wind. Each time he dared to move faster, all the deer's heads shot up to stare at the spot. Each time, they stared for about three minutes total, so that made him also have to stand still for three minutes. Rayé's family was probably starving by now. The thought of how much his mate might scold him was urging him to move quicker. He knew that if he moved quicker, he'd most likely come back without any food. And after I hunt these deer, my mate and I can go hunt something bigger for ourselves. When their gazes dropped back down to the grass, Rayé continued to stalk around them, this time, with his haunches ready to pounce. He was in a great position to strike now, since he had the chance to grab those two deer that are right next to each other. I may be able to grab that stag too... His gaze swiveled to the stag that was following the butterflies to the stream. Much to his surprise, a huge deinosuchus launched out of the river, gripping the careless stag in his jaws. The entire herd bleated in fear, rearing up on their hind legs before running the opposite way from the river. Straight towards him. Their screams echoed through the valley while they sprinted, the deinosuchus' hisses and snarls making them run even faster. Rayé charged out of the bushes, releasing a loud roar. His paws stomped loudly as he sprinted towards the fleeing herd, his jaws wide open as a threat display. The herd froze for a second in fear before making a swift right turn towards the closest forest possible. "You're smart ones, eh?" He roared at them, attempting to force his haunches to propell him faster after them. Despite how fast they were, he was faster, and easily gained on them. Rayé went for the kill, he powered up his haunches and jumped onto one of the deer. It's bones crunched beneath his weight, even loud enough for him to hear it over the stomping of the deer herd in front of him. Then, he jumped at one of the deer, his jaws parted open to the point where he could fit two of them in. His bite crunched down onto one of the deer, causing it to release a loud bleat in fear. He gripped it in his jaws, tightly enough to ensure that it doesn't get out but loose enough so that it won't be punctured. Then, he shook his head around, whipping the deer around until it died. Page 2 Edited at March 14, 2024 09:54 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- Rayé released the deer's corpse, letting it fall onto the ground. He knew it was for sure dead. Then, he began to run back after the fleeing herd, hoping to grab one or two more for his children. "Get back here you little snacks!" He roared after the herd. Somehow, one deer tripped, sending itself tumbling across the ground. The deer herd just kept running, leaving their friend behind to get crunched by a huge ceratosaurus. He understood why they left though, because Rayé wouldn't hesitate to grab a few more of them for morning desert. Rayé stomped towards the deer, trying to step in a way that will send chills down it's spine and cause it to freeze in place. "You poor creature..." He rumbled, knowing that to the deer, it would just sound like he was growling at it. He knew they didn't understand the dinosaur language. He loomed over it, casting his shadow onto the poor deer. "I would spare you.. but luck is on my side today. I don't want to waste this opportunity." With that, he stepped on it, crunching it's rib cage and probably spine too underneath his weight. Then, it wheezed before it died. Rayé leaned down and grabbed one of it's legs, lifting it's body off the ground. Then, he turned around and went to go gather the other deer he killed. Hopefully they deem these deer acceptable. I'd hate to have to go out and catch something else for them because they don't want to eat. He went towards the closest deer, which was the one he shook around, and scooped it up in his jaws. When he looked up towards the first deer, a utahraptor was inching towards it. The two deer in his mouth just fell out when he released a roar at the utahraptor, which made it sprint away, squeaking in fear. It beelined for the forest, barking and squeaking as if it was calling something. He didn't pay much attention to it, and returned to gathering up his prey. He stomped towards the deer that the utahraptor was attempting to pick at, praying that it didn't manage to get a bite out of it. He knew that if it did get a bite, his kids will refuse to eat it. If they refuse it, he'll have to go catch them another. Rayé inspected the deer where the utahraptor was around. He didn't see anything on it's side, except for a little bit of torn fur. If they refuse to eat, he could just say that it has shaggy fur and they'll most likely eat without any more complaints. It had a little scar on it's chest, but it most certainly won't make his children get picky over it. They should eat it without complaining... right? I hope. I don't want to hear them bickering about it for the rest of the week. He wasn't exaggerating about them complaining for a week. They've done it before. Page 3 Edited at February 8, 2024 09:33 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- Rayé growled and scooped the megaloceros savini into his jaws, and then he spun around to grab the ones he dropped. In the corner of his eye, he could see the utahraptor staring at him, irritated. He shot a nasty look back at it that made it scamper away into the forest. Then, he leaned down and grabbed the two deer by their legs so that he didn't have three deer stuffed in his mouth. Carrying them by their legs also prevents his saliva from dripping onto them. If he had any of his spit on it, he would have to catch something else. Rayé slithered into the forest, his scales disappearing into the shadows. He could feel the herd's gaze following him until he left their sight, but he could smell their fear and sadness from a mile away. He had no empathy for them. The grass and bushes rustling smothered away the sounds of his stomping feet on the ground, allowing him for a stealthy traipse back to his family. His beloved mate and his three picky, but wonderful kids. Rayé weaved through the maze of trees with ease. He's been here for so long, he remembers exactly how to get back to his family and exactly how long it takes to get back. One day he counted the time to see exactly how long it took to get from the den to the hunting grounds. It takes exactly fifteen minutes and twenty-two seconds when moving at a steady pace. From where he is currently located in the forest, it'll take approximately twelve more minutes to get back. Rayé heard the sloshing sounds of the nearby waterfall he calls "Hopeful Falls". It's where he met his mate. He heard the familiar calls of the birds that recently migrated back; the way they chirped and sang was music to his ears. It was a melody that added to the beauty of this peaceful wonderland. The nostalgia of this place always hits him hard. The past seems like just a few days ago. Time flies. Rayé approached the river to step into the water. He waded through the knee-deep water with ease, the gentle current not even posing a threat to him. The river was narrow, but deep, which made it dangerous for smaller creatures like compsognathus, who think they can just walk through it. He walked out of the water, the scales below his knees covered in water. Rayé lifted one leg up and shook the water off, and then lifted up the other to shake the water off that one, ensuring he didn't leave footprints leading straight towards his family. Then, he continued to walk. Rustling behind him made Rayé growl and whip his head around to look behind himself. He kept walking, but stared at the bushes on the other side of the river. Whatever it is, it cannot cross that river. It's probably too small, and would drown if it tried. Page 4 Edited at February 13, 2024 10:10 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- Rayé could tell that the forest was beginning to thin out due to the foilage beginning to become less full. The area seemed to be coming into a drought, since what used to be entirely forest is now just forest with dots of plains around. It could be due to the huge fire that happened a year ago that caused some spots to turn into plains. He always expected it to grow back, but it never did, sadly. At least it's much safer now since most dangerous carnivores won't enter their dot of plains because they know they would die if they did. Rayé has always debated on introducing his hatchlings to the rainforest. He doesn't doubt they've already snuck out to visit it themselves. It's possible that they might've sweet-talked their mother into sneaking them to it when he wasn't looking. Conniving lizards. I worry if when they grow up, they'll chase me and my mate away. Rayé decided to not think like that, and instead focus on getting back to them. He continued to stalk his way through the forest, under the cover of the trees and plants around. The bushes would hide his footprints to larger creatures. They most likely won't be looking in the bushes for them. If they are, then they are probably weak and starving carnivores. Rayé made a content purring sound as he continued to stalk through the trees. The painfully horrible scent of the deer carcasses was starting to puncture his nostrils enough to make him want to gag. As a carnivore, he should be able to tolerate the smell, but he always ate smaller prey, which he could eat fast enough to not smell it. He liked the smell of fresh prey or completely rotten prey, but the smell of it in-between those stages is terrible. Even the smell of the deer didn't stop him from smelling the borders he marked yesterday. He was quite happy that he was almost there, so he wouldn't have to smell the deer right up in his nose much longer. Rayé finally emerged from the trees, stepping into the open plains that was his territory. He could even feel the difference in the grass, since it was always a bit drier and crunchier in the plains than it was in the jungle. In the jungle, it was always soft and covered in dew, and squished easily beneath his paws, but this grass was resilient and hard, immediately standing back up after he stepped on it. Whenever he stepped in it, it tickled his scales unpleasantly, unlike the soft jungle grass, that never once bothered his scales. Even though the grass wasn't comfortable, Rayé always remained grateful for the safe territory he can raise his hatchlings in. If they lived in the jungle, his hatchlings might get lost really easily and get hurt trying to find their way back. Either that or he and his mate would have to go looking for them every single day. Page 5 Edited at February 13, 2024 10:28 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- The familiar scents of his family filled the air, so he focused on walking towards them instead of listening to his mind rambling random and bothersome thoughts. He often got lost in them. The bushes that surrounded their densite were now in his view as he climbed over a hill, and he could faintly see the frame of his mate inside the camp, and her head swiveling around frantically as if she was searching for something, or someone. Probably a hatchling that's hiding in the bushes. His jaws parted as much as they could for a loud grunt to come out, his eyes narrowed in indication of his irritation. His poor mate, always looking for a runaway hatchling all day long. One day, Rayé will finally be trusted to be the hatchling watcher, if he could just prove to his mate that he's not just a silly, clueless dinosaur and that he can actually be responsible and manage them. If anything, he'd be the best for watching them, since he knows how to be joyful and playful while also making sure they don't get into trouble. Krásná is just way too stern towards them, and barely allows them to run anywhere that's remotely out of her sight. Rayé, on the other claw, would be joining them in their silly hatchling games to hopefully make them feel more free to do what they want to do. Thinking about it a little harder, maybe making them feel more free would just make them more rebellious, since they'd want to push their limits to the point where they can do anything they want, or they'd just simply become more difficult because they want to. Maybe they'd even become disrespectful towards him and their mother, and treat them as if they were just slaves. If anything, his mate does the best job at watching them, since she ensures that they understand their limits and that they won't grow up to be disrespectful and entitled and end up getting themselves killed thinking they can just stomp into someone's land and take it without a fight. Or, they would simply never get a mate because no one would want to deal with their behavior. Rayé trotted through the grass, his sky blue eyes locked on the bushes ahead. He wanted to get the smell of old deer meat out of his nose already. His tail twitched in anticipation as the bushes got closer and closer, each second feeling like an hour. He knew exactly what was going to happen right as his claw entered the area considered the densite. Lots of baby dinosaur's delightful shrieks at the smell of food, and a nice scolding from his mate because he took too long. If he's lucky, the scolding will be followed by a long, pleasant nap. Hopefully Krásná would be merciful enough to him. Rayé made an abrupt stop. The scent of utahraptors was thick in the air, as if they'd just passed in front of him. He instinctively tried to stretch his legs to hopefully make himself look much taller and more intimidating. His head swiveled around to scan the area, trying to see if he could find where the little scavengers went. He wouldn't tolerate them in his land. His eyes narrowed; his pupils diluting into stripes. Thankfully, he couldn't see any utahraptors. Page 6 Edited at March 16, 2024 10:39 AM by Matunda

Chapter 1 -[~|~]- Rayé stood as still as a rock, except for his heavy breathing and his claws digging into the ground. He knew he had to alert his mate of this information. Utahraptors are very dangerous to hatchlings, especially ones that are barely even adolescent age. Then, he remembered the utahraptor he chased away from the deer before. Did that fiend bring it's pack to try and steal the deer? Page 7 Edited at March 16, 2024 10:49 AM by Matunda

Edited at September 2, 2023 09:00 AM by Matunda

Edited at September 2, 2023 09:01 AM by Matunda