
Please don't comment on this page or any of the pages in this forum, if you have questions or comments please PM me them, thank you plot: crazy giant is killing children, and one mighty man has come forward to face him
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character 1: pablerd Pablerd is a giant who is a psychopath, killing children is his only way to be happy, seeing others in pain. pablerd stands as tall as a mountain, with a clingy grey beard tied into two firm plats, he has short grey cropped hair, with chalky white eyebrows, his eyes the colour of mud with firey red sparks in them, he is normaly seen with a dirty matted shirt with rope tieing it together, his pants are hardly to call pants any more, ragged and eaten by moths hanging at his knees, he is sometimes seen with a heavy plain steel sheild the shape of a circle, with ancient runes scribbled in it.
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character 2: Hallmund Onämsson
Hallmund is a war manic who has a family, of his wife, Melia, and his daughter, Cassie, he feels glorious in battle, and is happy to see folk of his town well. Hullmund is a huge stocky man, who stands as tall as 7.1, he has red hair dividing off in small plats(from Cassie) he calls it good luck, his beard is stiffly cut that reach's his chest, and Hullmund is usually seen wielding a double sided battle axe on his worn belt, this man normaly walks around bear chested, with blue runes painted on his chest, meaning glory, he wears small pants tied at the waist of rope, he Carrie's no sheild, and is not afraid to die in battle
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Prologue The man sat in a cave, the only light source was a flickering candle, he had planted it at his feet, he heard his guards shifting, and pressed his ear the the cave wall, "hmmm, I have visitors" he grumbled low and rough, he turned to face the entrance of the cave, where he had seen so little people come in and out of from time to time, this time he heard the thumps of two body's to be precise fall to the ground, a shadowy figure small and thin walk in the entrance the figures black cloak stopped him from seeing his face, but a little gesture was made from the figure, a gesture of the cowl moving back onto the figures shoulders, " So, we meet again pablerd", the figure cocked his head towards pablerd, " saldolf, you finally came" Pablerd said, the figure shook his head in agreement, " it's time I get out of here" rumbled Pablerd " and I will make everyone of them pay this time".
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Hallmund Onämsson Sat waiting behind the Calvery line, he was hidden in the bushes with his battle crew, the axe wilders, there was a group of 100 or so archers on the eastern end, where they would protect the archers. Hallmund Onämsson shifted, his massive body not used to sitting this low, "grr, when's the battle going to start?" He said, with deep gravel in his voice, then both sides of the plane eruptored with the sound of hooves bashing on the ground, Hallmund Onämsson jumped on his own battle horse, outlaw, he urged the horse to the same speed of the other berserkers, then Hallmund Onämsson heard the sound of heavy metal and screaming horses from the front, 'they must of got caught on the breast stakes,' he thought, Hallmund Onämsson looked around him, battle was all around, he felt deep at home, he unslung his trusty battle axe and swung it around as If it were a toy, he turned and cut down one man charging at him, the turning to evade a lance, he then cut down the lance with a swift motion, he could now see the rider who had tried to get him with the lance, turn his horse and bolt, Hallmund Onämsson then heard a deep crisp horn blare, " Haha! The battles done already?!" He slapped him of his crew over the back, "Stuipd roalans weren't even good, what makes them think they can fight US" Hallmund Onämsson bellowed, others around him roared in agreement, "well it's time we gather what we need and go back home folk!" Hallmund Onämsson said as he wheeled outlaw towards his home, "what a battle" he whispered to himself his mind on the glory of battle
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