
so my stable name solar stables has a story and here is the story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i woke up staring at the roof my dog laying on top of me i sat up he rolled to the ground "oops sorry mut"i told him standing up from my spot and crouched down to rub his ears before tripig over moose "dude your to bif to be laying in the middle of my bedroom floor" now mind you moose is almost bigger then my 6,3 feet being a german shepard i walked out to see regan standing there digging through landry she threw a sock at me before yelling "stacy just called we have a new bottle calf on the ground" i jogged down stairs and put on my boots going back up i grabbed the eclipse glasses before calling sage with a whistle and yelling to regan " are we bringing ala!" i heard a no from the truck before i locked the door and walked out opening the back door for sage and hoping in the front "were getting 7 brew before we go down there" i told regan as we pulled out when we were going down the road she grabed the solar eclipse glasses and whent to put them on as i was reading the package "dont wear if you are driving or moving around" i said when she whent to put them on to get her reply "yeah because you cant fucking see" i glared at her before sage poped into my lap from the back seat when we pulled up after we got our cofee we started to the barn

i got out of the car before walking into the barn and looking in the stall were the calf stood in the corner i opened the stall door and walked in getting on my knees and rubbing the calf "regan! brew some black coffe her temp is low!" i yelled across the barn before sage poped her head though the stall door that was still cracked i reached over and pet her head before looking at the calf she was a red heifer with amber eyes all our cows are red but the last cow i saw with amber eyes was well Ferdinand ( not the bull from the movie we had a bull named ferdinand who we could pet so i asumed she was a grand child as he died from heat stroke a year before she was born) at this piont regan was back with the coffee i put it in a bottle ( baby bottle not calf bottle ) and gave it to her after a bit her temp rose and we gave her replacemet milk ( in a calf bottle) she tried to drink it but wasnt strong enough to drink it so i put it in a boul and she drunk it that way i named her solar for two resons her amber eyes and she was taken in on the solar eclipse

I looked over as regan walked in "go get your horse we need to check cows" well i decided to be a smartass and stood "what horse i have...6" i laughed at reagans glare before grabbing thunder out of his stall and giving him a good brush off before finding his saddle in the mess of a tackroom i walked back and swung it on tieing on my saddle bags and putting the bridle on the horn i loaded him onto the trailer with a laugh at regans comment " get your musty mustang but in the trailer " i was almost smashed when he jumped in like hhe was going to the grand prix we laoded and went to check cows not getting back till late after we unloaded and put sheets on horses i fed solar and found the old foal blanket putting it on her as it was freezing regan walked in and flicked the lights as i stood and pulled the stall door shut "night horses" i said jogging out with a smile at regan who just glared

woke up to being killed alive by a 100 pound dog laying on my chest "twiliiiin" i sat up sending her rolling off the bed before i stood pulling on a simple 'outfit' aka jeans and a blue shirt i walked out and started to make my coffee glancing over at my nephew who regan just picked up i held up my coffee it was still black no ice no creamer no nothing "wanna sip" the anser i got killed me "no thanks id rather not die" i turned and put ice in my cup dying laughing once i had my coffee drank me regan and caden set off for the barn i stepped in and solar was still alive laying in the corner sleeping like a little angle i looked over to caden who was opening the stall door to go cuddle with her we fed horses then let caden feed her