Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
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Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
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NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
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Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

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RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 Fern / T4 Art
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
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Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
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selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
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Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

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Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
09:50:02 ISO Kratos Straws
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Tobi Draft Foal painting at auction! Ends tomorrow.
Legazy Stables
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Available for embryos
#7 SH-XCLB, #29 XCLB, and #69 SHLB.

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
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Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
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NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 Fern / T4 Art
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
09:50:02 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Tobi Draft Foal painting at auction! Ends tomorrow.
Legazy Stables
-HEE Click-
Available for embryos
#7 SH-XCLB, #29 XCLB, and #69 SHLB.

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Forums > Rider's Lounge > Writer's Nook

Mystana Island August 24, 2024 09:42 PM

Glacier Bay Cove
Posts: 120
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The aliens in this story look like large snakes, but they have fur that comes in different colors, and they have seal like faces with parrot like beaks. These aliens, which are called the mystana, are sea dwellers, and protectors of the oceans and all of the animals in the oceans. The mystana feed on emotions, and plants. The mystana are the size of squirrels when they first hatch, but quickly become the size of a humpback whale. The adult mystana have venomous fangs, which they use mainly for self-defense. The baby mystana acquires the fangs as soon as they become adults. The first female infant mystana that connects with Sara has light cream colored fur with a black diamond pattern. This is the story of Sara and Misty, the first baby mystana that she plays with during the sea voyage that Sara stows away on. When a mystana brings Sara to the mystana’s nesting island, they take good care of her, supplying everything that Sara needs and in return Sara protects them from people, who want to exploit the mystana and put them on display. Living on the alien’s island changes Sara and lets her start breathing underwater, which allows her to spend her time swimming in the ocean with Misty and Shell, the other mystana that Sara connects with on the mystana’s island, and it also causes her to become immune to the mystana’s venom, after she gets bitten twice and gives her the gift of healing the mystana if they become slightly injured. Sara is the first of six people, who are selected to protect the mystana, and the second person that is chosen is John. The remaining people that are selected to protect the mystana are all orphaned girls.

On the day of her twelfth birthday, Sara, who had black hair and brown eyes, was on the dock when her father’s ship tied up to the dock. She ran to him when he stepped onto the dock. He opened his arms and wrapped them around Sara when she reached him, lifting her into the air. When he put Sara down, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stone egg. As Sara’s father, Luke, held the stone egg up in the light, it sparkled with multi colored reflections. He handed the stone egg to Sara and said, “When I saw this, I knew you would like it, I found it on an island east of us.” Sara took the stone egg, she put it in her pocket and then said, “I really like it when you come home to me.” Sara and Luke walked back to their home, arm in arm. She opened the door and Sara followed him inside, shutting the door behind her. That night while Sara slept, she was unaware that the stone egg that Luke had given her was hatching, into a baby mystana. As soon as the baby mystana had hatched, it looked around before slithering over to Sara’s bed, climbing up the bedpost and onto the bed. Sara woke up when she felt the bed moving. She turned over and gasped when she saw the baby mystana moving towards her. Sara scooted backwards and she fell out of the bed. The baby mystana slithered to the edge of the bed and it looked down at Sara, who scooted backwards on the floor. The baby mystana turned its head and burrowed into the blankets as Luke opened the door. He looked at Sara and asked her, “What are you doing on the floor.” “That stone you gave me was not a stone, it was an egg,” Sara said. Luke frowned at her and said, “What are you talking about.” Sara stood up and walked over to the dresser. “Come over here for a minute,” she said. Luke walked over to the dresser, and Sara held up what was left of the stone. Luke began looking around the room. Then he said, “Why don’t you sleep on the sofa, and I will find the animal in the morning and get rid of it.” Sara and Luke left the room, and he shut the door, trapping the mystana in Sara’s bedroom. Sara lay down on the sofa and she fell back to sleep, as Luke went to his bedroom to return to sleep. While she slept, Sara became aware of a soft whimpering sound. In her dream, she got up, went and opened the door of her bedroom. The baby mystana looked up at her. “Hungry,” the mystana said in a female voice. Sara frowned at the mystana and she asked, “What are you hungry for.” Then she became aware of a strange feeling. Sara became dizzy and she collapsed on the floor in front of her room. The baby mystana slithered over to where Sara was lying on the floor and she nuzzled her before climbing up on her and curling up on her chest and closing its eyes as it fed on the emotions that Sara felt in her dream. In the morning, Luke was shocked when he found Sara lying on the floor in front of her open bedroom door.

He knelt and picked Sara up, carrying her into the bedroom and lying Sara on the bed. The baby mystana lifted its head and Luke took a step backwards. His eyes darted around the room. When he saw a board leaning against the wall, he grabbed it and swung the board at the mystana, knocking it off the bed, onto the floor. The baby mystana cried out as it hit the floor, and Sara echoed the cry. She opened her eyes as she felt the mystana’s fear, as it slithered for safety under her bed. Sara sat upright and swung her legs off the bed. “Dad, what are you doing,” Sara asked, just as he swung at the mystana again. The baby mystana cried out in pain when the board sent it crashing into the wall. Sara got off the bed and went over to where the baby mystana was lying. “Get out of the way, Sara,” Luke said. Sara knelt and she gently picked the baby mystana up in her hands. It slowly wrapped its body around her wrist and Sara could feel its pain. Luke dropped the board and he stared at Sara, in disbelief. The baby mystana looked up at Sara. “I hurt,” it whimpered at her, and Sara gently stroked the baby mystana’s head. She looked up at Luke when he said, “You are going to be responsible for that animal, Sara.” “Okay,” Sara said. She slowly stood up and left the room. Luke followed her into the living room. Sara sat down on the sofa and the baby mystana uncoiled its body from her wrist and coiled up on Sara’s lap. It looked up at Sara and asked, “What is your name.” Sara looked down at the baby mystana and she said, “My name is Sara. “Do you have a name,” Sara asked the baby mystana. “I am called Misty,” the baby cream colored mystana told her. After a minute, Misty uncoiled her body and she crawled up Sara’s arm to her shoulder. Sara and Luke stood up and left the house, with Misty on Sara’s shoulder. They headed to the dock to unload the supplies that Sara’s father had brought home. He gave Sara sea shells he had picked up on his travels.

The next day, when she woke up in the morning, Sara was very surprised to see that Misty was now the size of a wolf cub. She was not sure how to feel about having a pet that grew so quickly. Sara played with Misty every day, as soon as she got back home from school. Misty enjoyed playing games with Sara in her free time, so Sara spent most of her time playing hide and seek with Misty. When Sara discovered that Misty enjoyed being in the water, she began taking her down to the seashore every day. Sara would let Misty swim while she watched. One day Sara ventured into the water, to play with Misty. But because Sara did not know how to swim, she did not surface when she went underwater. When Sara did not come back up to the surface, Misty panicked. She stuck her head out of the water and began screeching, catching the attention of people on the beach. A young man waded into the water to see what was making the noise. As he swam out towards Misty, she stopped screeching and glided towards him. The young man blinked when he saw Misty approaching him. Misty closed her beak on the young man’s hand and she dove under the water, pulling the young man under. He began struggling, but stopped when he looked down and saw Sara lying on the bottom. He reached out and touched Misty, who released him. The young man surfaced and he looked towards the beach. “I need some help here,” he yelled, before diving towards Sara. When he reached her, the young man lifted Sara in his arms, before kicking his way back to the surface. Misty swam beside him as he carried Sara in his arms. When the young man reached the surface, people were waiting for him. They helped him bring Sara back to the beach, where they attempted to revive her. Misty swam ashore and slithered over to Sara. The young man reached down and he gently stopped Misty, by wrapping his arms around her. Misty turned her head and looked up at him. It took an hour, before Sara opened her eyes and she looked around at all the people gathered around her. “Misty, where are you,” she asked, and the young man released Misty, who slithered over to her. “Here she is,” the young man said as he followed Misty. A month later, Sara entered the veterinary clinic when she felt distressing feelings coming from Misty. Sara was horrified to see Misty coiled up on the exam table, with the vet just about to draw blood from her. “What are you doing to Misty,” Sara cried as she snatched the mystana from the table. Misty wrapped her body around Sara’s arm and rested her head on Sara’s wrist. Sara felt relief coming from Misty once Misty had coiled her body around her arm. Sara began gently stroking Misty as she turned and left the room. “Am I safe now,” Misty asked. “Yes, you are safe now, Misty,” Sara assured her. Sara went back to her house. As soon as she got in the house, Luke told her that lunch was ready. Sara put Misty on her bed, before sitting down at the table and eating. When she was done eating, Sara went to her room and lay down on the bed. Misty slithered over to her and she gently closed her beak on Sara’s hand. Sara looked down at Misty, when she felt the pressure on her hand and began stroking Misty’s head. Misty released Sara’s hand and she made a noise that was half way between a purr and a hum. Sara felt Misty’s happiness, as she gently stroked her. When it was time for bed, Misty slept up on the bed with Sara, curled up right against Sara’s side. In Sara’s dream she dreamed that Misty was the size of a tiger, and she wrapped herself around Sara’s body, before biting her in the arm. In the dream, Sara cried out in pain and she struggled to free herself from Misty’s coils, but Misty tightened her coils and she bit Sara again. Sara woke Misty up, thrashing around in her sleep and Misty began making her hum purr noise again. Sara stopped thrashing around as the sound soothed her and changed the nightmare into a pleasant dream. Misty coiled up right next to Sara and she kept on hum purring at Sara.

When Sara woke up, she sat on the bed, Misty lifted her head and she looked at Sara. Then Misty slithered over to Sara. She closed her beak on Sara’s hand, until Sara began stroking Misty’s head. Then Sara got off the bed. Misty slithered off the bed and followed Sara into the living room. Luke looked up and he blinked when Sara walked into the room with Misty following her. “She was much smaller just last week, wasn’t she,” he asked Sara. “Yes, she was,” Sara answered. She placed Misty on the floor and sat down at the table to have breakfast.

Chapter 2

Misty wrapped herself around Sara’s legs until she was done eating her breakfast. Then Sara and Misty went outside to play until lunch time. Luke called her in for lunch and Misty followed Sara into the house and she watched while Sara ate her lunch, before running outside to play again. Misty followed Sara outside and played with her.

A month later, Luke set sail again. He did not know that Sara and Misty had stowed away on the ship. Sara stayed hidden until they had been at sea for a week, before coming out of her hiding place. Luke was not happy that his daughter was aboard the ship. He made her stay in his cabin most of the time. Sara was not very happy because she wanted to spend more time with Luke, even though he was very busy running the ship. Sara spent her time playing hide and seek with Misty who was now the exact same size as an adult wolf.

A few days later, they were only one mile away from the island of the mystana, when they were hit by a big storm and Luke told her to stay in the cabin. He went back to making sure that the ship did not sink. Sara disobeyed Luke and she snuck out of the cabin, followed by Misty. Sara was very careful not to let anybody see her as she made her way to the bow of the ship. When she got to the bow, Sara looked around, before she climbed onto the railing. The ship dipped down the side of a wave, and another wave swept across the deck of the ship. Sara screamed as the wave swept her overboard, but nobody could hear her, except for Misty because of the storm. The young mystana dove off the side of the ship. She glided over to Sara, who was thrashing in the water. “Misty, help me please,” Sara cried, before getting a mouthful of sea water. “Sara, calm down, I’m right here,” Misty said. Sara stopped thrashing around and watched as her father’s ship sailed away through the storm. “Dad, wait, please come back,” Sara called, but the ship kept going until it was out of sight, over the horizon. She began crying and Misty wrapped herself around Sara, to try to comfort her, but Sara did not stop crying. Sara did not know that the current was carrying them east, towards the island of the mystana and the storm was also moving east. “What happens now,” Misty,” Sara cried. “I don’t know, Sara,” Misty answered. The young mystana turned her head and looked around. She lifted her head out of the water. Misty looked back at Sara and said, “I see land.” “Please take me there, Misty,” Sara said. Misty closed her beak on Sara’s arm and began gliding towards the island. As they got closer to the island, the storm intensified in strength, and Sara panicked, causing Misty to lose her grip on Sara’s arm. The waves pushed Sara towards the shore and Misty followed her through the water. The waves washed Sara right up onto the shore, where she choked and coughed before beginning to cry again. Sara stopped crying when she became aware of a deeper hum purr noise and a male voice. “Hold on, child, I’m coming,” the voice said. Soon a bigger mystana surfaced and slithered out of the water. The silver mystana looked at Misty, then at Sara. Sara looked right back at the big mystana, which lowered its head and sniffed at her. “Misty,” Sara said, and the young mystana nuzzled her. “It will be okay, Sara,” Misty told her. “Are you ready to go back home now,” the big mystana asked Misty. “I can’t leave Sara here,” Misty said. The bigger mystana looked down at Misty in surprise, and then looked at Sara again. “You named it,” the big mystana asked. “She named herself,” Misty replied. The big mystana thought for a moment before it lowered its head and took hold of Sara’s arm, dragging Sara back towards the water. Sara began struggling when the big mystana dove under the water. “Stop, please, she can’t breathe underwater like we do,” Misty cried. The big mystana surfaced again and Sara gasped for air, as it released her arm. “That presents a problem,” the big silver mystana said. It lowered its head and looked at Sara. Misty dove and she swam between Sara’s legs. Sara looked down to see what Misty was doing. When Misty surfaced, the big mystana lowered its head under the water. It surfaced and looked down at Sara, before looking at Misty. ”Leave it here,” the big mystana told Misty. “No,” Misty replied. She looked at Sara and said, “Sara, I’m going to put my head between your legs, okay.” “Okay, but hurry, my arms and legs are getting tired, Misty,” Sara said. Misty dove under the water and placed her head between Sara’s legs, and lifted her out of the water. But Sara fell off, because Misty was not big enough to carry her yet. The big silver mystana sighed and it said, “If I put my head between your legs, can you hold on to me.” “Yes,” Sara said. The big mystana dove under the water and it put its head between Sara’s legs. Sara leaned forward and she wrapped her arms around the big mystana’s neck. It lifted its head and neck up out of the water, before gliding through the water. Misty glided beside the bigger mystana. Sara looked over at Misty. “Where are we going,” she asked. “I don’t know, Sara,” Misty answered. The silver mystana turned its head. “I am taking the young one back to our home,” it said. “Oh, okay,” Sara said. When they rounded the tip of the island and headed out to sea, Sara panicked and she let go of the mystana’s neck, falling into the water. Misty glided over to her and asked, “Sara, what are you doing.” “Go back, please,” Sara said. The big mystana lowered its head and looked at her. It looked back at the island and said, “That island is not our home, we live on another island.” Then the big mystana put its head between Sara’s legs again. Sara leaned forward and she wrapped her arms around the big mystana’s neck again. It lifted its head and neck up out of the water, before starting to glide through the water again. Misty glided right beside the bigger mystana. They traveled for two hours, before Sara was finally able to see the other island. When they reached the other island, the silver mystana glided around the point of the island and headed up the other side of the island, and Sara was surprised to see a bunch of mystana playing in the water. Other mystana were lying on the beach. The silver mystana stopped before it reached the beach. It stopped and turned its head to look at Sara. “You can let go now,” the mystana said. Sara let go of the mystana and fell in the water. She surfaced and looked up to see several mystana looking down at her. Misty wrapped herself around Sara’s neck, pushing Sara underwater. Sara began struggling until the silver mystana lowered its head and took hold of her arm, lifting Sara back to the surface. Sara spat out sea water and she began crying again. “Bring it here,” a female voice said. The mystana parted as the silver mystana slithered ashore. It lifted its head and moved towards a pale blue mystana. When the silver mystana reached the blue mystana, it lowered its head and released Sara’s arm. Misty slithered over to Sara and nuzzled her. The blue mystana lowered its head and it sniffed at Sara. When it lifted its head, it stared at the silver mystana. “Snow, it’s just a young human,” the blue mystana said sharply. The silver mystana looked very embarrassed. Misty put her head up and she slithered between Sara and the blue mystana. The blue mystana looked down at Misty, amused. “You can relax, I will not hurt your person, child,” it said. Misty turned her head towards Sara and she closed her beak on Sara’s hand. Sara began stroking Misty’s head, and Misty released her, and she leaned against Sara’s leg.

“Child, what is your name,” the blue mystana asked Sara, gently. “My name is Sara,” Sara answered. “That is a good name,” the blue mystana said. Then it looked at Misty and asked, “What is your name, little one.” Misty looked up at the blue mystana and said, “My name is Misty.” The blue mystana lowered its head and it nuzzled Misty. “Welcome home, Misty,” she said. Then the blue mystana looked at Sara again. “My name is Seastar, and you are welcome to our home,” she said. The blue mystana lowered her head and she gently nuzzled Sara. “Please follow me,” Seastar said as she lifted her head and she turned. Sara and Misty followed Seastar as she slithered towards the center of the island. Seastar stopped when she reached a shallow valley in the center of the island. There were sparkling stones everywhere Sara looked and small mystana of every color. As Sara watched, a black mystana with white spots lifted its head and saw Sara standing at the edge of the valley. The mystana slithered over to her and it looked up at Sara. Sara looked down at the black mystana, and Misty sniffed at it. The black mystana began trembling as Misty sniffed it. Seastar lowered her head and she looked at the small mystana. “It’s okay, little one,” she said and the black mystana looked up at her. Sara sat down on the ground and she touched the black mystana. Sara looked up at Seastar as the blue mystana began hum purring. “My name is Shadow,” the black mystana told Sara, in a male voice, and Sara looked back at the black mystana. “I’m Sara,” Sara told Shadow.

The black mystana began hum purring at Sara, but he stopped hum purring when Misty hissed at him. “She’s my person, leave her alone,” Misty hissed at Shadow. “Misty,” Sara said and Misty looked at her, before she wrapped herself around Sara’s body. “Misty, you’re too big for that now,” Sara said gently, and Misty unwrapped herself from Sara’s body and coiled up on her lap. Sara began stroking Misty’s head and Misty hum purred in contentment. Sara looked up when Seastar and Shadow began hum purring along with Misty. Other mystana began hum purring and Sara looked around her, in wonder at their song. When the mystana finished hum purring, Seastar looked down at Sara. “Please follow me,” she said and Sara stood up. Seastar turned around and began slithering uphill. Sara and Misty followed her and Shadow followed them. Sara, Misty and Shadow followed Seastar until they reached a rocky area of the valley, overlooking the area where the sparkling rocks and the baby mystana were. Seastar turned and she slithered towards a cave. When they reached the cave, Seastar looked down at Sara. “Go on in and let me know what you think,” she said. Sara entered the large cave and she looked around the cave, noticing that there was a ledge on the far right side of the cave, and that the cave could hold ten adult mystana comfortably before she stepped back outside again. She looked up at Seastar and said, “The cave is very nice.” Seastar looked down at Sara and she replied, “The cave is yours, if you want it.” “I’ll take it,” Sara told her, and Seastar looked pleased. Sara went back into the cave and she walked over to the ledge. She ran her hand over the ledge and was pleased to find that the stone was smooth to the touch. Misty and Shadow followed Sara into the cave and they looked around the cave.

Chapter 3

Then Misty and Shadow slithered over to Sara, who turned around. Misty looked at Shadow, who looked back at her. Then they both began nuzzling Sara, who knelt down on the ground and she wrapped her arms around them. The two Mystana hum purred at Sara, who stroked Misty, and then Sara began stroking Shadow. They responded by gently closing their beaks on her hands, until Sara asked them to let go. Shadow and Misty released Sara’s hands and followed her out of the cave. Seastar lowered her head and she gently nuzzled Sara, before slithering away, back down to the beach to sun herself, with all of the other mystana. Sara went back into the cave, followed by Misty and Shadow, who watched as Sara sat down on the rock ledge. They slithered over to her and Sara stroked their heads, causing the two mystana to hum purr in harmonious contentment. When she stopped, Misty looked at Shadow. Sara stood up and left the cave. She headed down to the beach, to talk to Seastar. The blue mystana turned her head as Sara walked up to where she was lying in the sand.

Sara sat down on the warm sand and Seastar lowered her head. Sara looked up at Seastar and she asked, “Will I ever be able to go back to my home.” “I don’t know,” Seastar answered. “Okay,” Sara said as she stood back up and headed back to her cave. When she got to the cave, both Misty and Shadow greeted Sara by slithering over to her and knocking Sara down on the ground. Sara laughed out loud as they began nudging her gently. Shadow and Misty closed their beaks on Sara’s hands until she sat back up, and then they released her. Sara wrapped her arms around Misty and Shadow, she hugged them and the two mystana began loudly hum purring, at Sara, who closed her eyes and she listened to their song, as it filled the air around her.

The day after her thirteenth birthday, Sara was sitting on a large rock, which had been placed next to the mouth of her cave by Seastar and two other mystana, when a movement caused her to turn her head. Sara was shocked to see that a wolf was moving towards a group of baby mystana. She stood up and gathered several rocks in her hand, before walking downhill towards the group of baby mystana. Both Misty and Shadow followed Sara. When Sara was close enough, she began throwing the rocks at the wolf, which was standing over a blue mystana, which had white spots on its body. The wolf looked up and it snarled at Sara. The snarls turned into yelps as the rocks hit the wolf. The wolf crouched and it sprang at Sara, knocking her down, before returning to sink its teeth into the blue baby mystana’s body, which made the mystana squeal in pain. Sara got up and she began throwing rocks at the wolf again, which snarled at her again. Misty and Shadow placed themselves between Sara and the wolf. It snarled at them and they hissed back at the wolf. “My person,” Misty hissed. The wolf turned its head as several other mystana slithered into the clearing and gathered behind Sara. They stared at the wolf which backed away, before turning and disappearing back into the bushes. Sara walked forward and she knelt down right next to the blue baby mystana. Sara gently reached out and touched the blue mystana, which wrapped its body around her arm. Sara could hear the blue mystana whimpering in pain, and she gently stroked its head. The baby mystana turned its head and closed its beak hard on Sara’s hand, which made Sara wince. The blue mystana released Sara instantly, and moaned in an apology. Sara stood up and turned to head back to the cave. When Sara reached the cave, Misty, Shadow and Seastar followed her inside. Sara sat down on the rock ledge and Seastar slithered over to her. She looked down at Sara and said, “I would like to give you a gift.” Sara looked up at Seastar in surprise. “Okay,” she said. Seastar lowered her head and she bit Sara in the arm. Sara cried out in shock and pain, and Misty and Shadow both began hissing at Seastar in anger. Seastar turned her head as Snow slithered into the cave. He lowered his head and bit Sara in the other arm, causing her to cry out again, before collapsing to the floor of the cave. Shadow and Misty began shrieking loudly and they lowered their heads to nuzzle Sara, who did not respond to them. Misty and Shadow looked at Seastar and Snow in grief. “Why did you do that, you killed her,” they said. ”No, we didn’t, just watch,” Seastar told them, gently. Shadow and Misty watched as Sara lay motionless on the cave floor. The mystana venom spread throughout her body, making small changes to Sara’s genetic cell structure. It gave her gills, for breathing underwater as well as webbed feet for swimming. Sara’s skin color changed from a light cream to a darker hue and the mystana venom also created immunity to any further mystana bites, and gave her the gift of healing the mystana if they were slightly injured. After an hour had passed, Sara opened her eyes and she looked around. Sara sat upright and put her hand to her head, because her head felt very fuzzy. Misty and Shadow nuzzled her and they hum purred at Sara, in relief. Sara looked up at Seastar. “What just happened,” she asked the mystana.

Seastar lowered her head and she gently nuzzled Sara. “I gave you a gift,” she said. “I don’t understand,” Sara said. “Look at your feet,” Snow said, softly. Sara looked at her feet. Her eyes widened when she saw that her feet had webs between the toes. Sara looked up at Seastar and Snow in horror. “What did you do to me,” she cried.

“We gave you a gift,” Seastar and Snow said again. Sara stood up and she took one step before falling down. Seastar looked over at Snow. The two mystana lowered their heads and they closed their beaks on Sara’s arms, lifting her to her feet. Sara looked up at Seastar, and then she looked up at Snow. They began slithering out of the cave, carrying Sara. Shadow and Misty followed them as they headed for the beach. When the four mystana reached the beach, Seastar and Snow slithered into the water and lowered their heads, releasing Sara. “Sara, now try walking,” Seastar said. Sara began walking and she found that the water made it easier for her to walk. Misty and Shadow slithered into the water and they glided towards Sara. She turned and smiled at them, and they hum purred back at her. “Now we need to teach you how to swim, Sara,” Seastar said and Sara looked up at her. Seastar lowered her head and looked at Sara, before submerging herself. Sara looked down when she felt Seastar wrapping herself around her legs.

The mystana pulled Sara under the water and Sara began struggling. She stopped fighting when she realized that she could breathe. Seastar released Sara’s legs and she pushed Sara to the surface and gently nuzzled her. “You’re doing real good, Sara,” the mystana told her and Sara smiled. “Thanks for the gift, Seastar,” she said. “You’re welcome, Sara,” Seastar told her. Seastar and Snow slithered out of the water and Sara, Misty and Shadow followed them.

As soon as her feet touched the dry sand, Sara fell onto her knees. Seastar looked back and turned around. She slithered back to where Sara was and lowered her head, nudging Sara who looked up at her. Snow came back and he also looked down at Sara. “I need you to stand up, Sara,” Seastar said. Sara slowly got to her feet. “Now take a step,” the mystana said and Sara took a step. Seastar caught her before she fell again. The mystana backed up and Sara took another step and another. Soon Sara was walking with no problems. She returned to the cave and Misty and Shadow followed her. When they reached the cave, Shadow and Misty began hum purring at Sara, who turned around. The two mystana began nudging Sara, knocking her down on the ground. They began nuzzling Sara, who wrapped her arms around Misty and wrestled with her, before she wrestled with Shadow. When Sara released Shadow, she stood up and the two mystana closed their beaks on her hands. They released Sara’s hands when she asked them to. Sara turned around and she walked into the cave and the mystana followed her. Sara lay down on the rock ledge and she fell asleep. Misty and Shadow slithered over to the corner and coiled up to sleep. When Sara woke up from her nap, the floor of the cave was covered with baby mystana. They all looked up when Sara sat up. Sara stood up and the blue mystana that she had saved from the wolf slithered towards her and wrapped itself around Sara’s ankle.

Sara looked down at the blue mystana, just as it looked up at her. Sara took one step forward and the baby mystana slithered out of her way. Sara walked out of the cave with the blue mystana wrapped around her ankle. Misty and Shadow followed Sara out of the cave. Sara sat down on the ground just outside the cave and was immediately surrounded by baby mystana. Sara reached down and she touched the blue mystana. It looked up at her and unwrapped itself from her ankle. Before Sara could stand up again, several baby mystana slithered onto her legs. Sara looked up at Shadow and Misty. “I could use a little help here,” she said. Misty and Shadow slithered towards Sara and the baby mystana parted as they advanced towards her. When Shadow and Misty reached Sara, Misty lowered her head and pushed Sara backwards until she was lying on her back on the ground. Before Sara could get up, she was completely covered in a huge pile of baby mystana. Sara began laughing as the baby mystana all tickled her. The baby mystana looked up when Seastar slithered up to them. They slithered off of Sara and she sat up. Seastar lowered her head and she looked at the baby mystana. “Sara is not a playtoy,” Seastar said, and the baby mystana all looked embarrassed.

The blue mystana wrapped itself around Sara’s ankle again, causing her to look down at it. Sara reached down and she touched the blue mystana, which made it look up at her. “What is your name,” the baby mystana asked. “My name is Sara,” Sara answered. “I am called Shell,” the blue mystana told her, in a feminine voice. Sara touched Shell again and the blue mystana transferred to her wrist. “I already have a mystana, Shell,” Sara said. Misty and Shadow slithered over to her and nuzzled Sara. “Now you have two mystana in your care,” Misty told Sara, who looked at her. “What do you mean, Misty,” Sara asked. “You have me and Shell,” Misty quietly replied. Sara stood up and she walked into the cave. Shadow and Misty followed her and they both loudly hum purred at Sara and Shell. Misty, Shell and Shadow all became adult mystana, on Sara’s sixteenth birthday.

On her sixteenth birthday, Sara was sitting on the beach with Seastar, Shell, Misty and Shadow when she looked up and saw a ship appear on the horizon. Sara watched as the ship sailed towards the island. The ship dropped anchor in the harbor and Sara and the mystana watched from the shelter of the woods as ten men built a fire on the beach, before they began venturing into the woods. Sara watched as the men went right to the valley where the mystana eggs had been, before she moved all of them into the cave tunnels crisscrossing the island. One of the two ways into the cave system was through Sara’s cave and the other entrance was underwater. The men looked around in confusion. “Last time I was here, there were rocks everywhere,” one of the men said. Sara turned her head towards the voice and she moved to the edge of the woods. When she recognized her father as the man who had spoken, Sara ran out of the woods. The men turned and they saw Sara running towards them. They drew their guns and pointed them at Sara. Sara’s father stepped forward and drew his gun, pointing it at Sara, who stopped running. “Dad,” she said and Luke blinked in surprise. “Sara,” he said before putting his gun away and opening his arms. He walked towards Sara and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, and Sara hugged him back. Over his shoulder she saw one of the men looking at the woods and Sara turned her head. She saw Seastar emerge from the woods and look over at them. Sara flinched when she heard a loud noise. She turned her head back towards Seastar, just as the mystana screeched in sudden pain. “No,” Sara screamed and Luke released her and turned around. His face turned pale when he saw Seastar. He drew his gun and pointed it at the mystana. Sara began running towards Seastar. She stopped when she reached the mystana and turned around, putting her body between Seastar and the men. The mystana lowered her head and she pushed Sara away, protecting the young woman. The men began firing at Seastar and Sara began screaming in pain, as she felt Seastar’s pain. When the men stopped firing, Sara ran back over to where Seastar was lying on the ground, putting her body between Seastar and the men again. “What are you doing, Sara, get out of the way,” Luke said. Sara looked back at him. “No,” she said as tears ran down her face. Sara put her arms around Seastar’s neck and the mystana lowered her head and gently nuzzled Sara, before she put her head down on the ground. Sara tilted her head back and screamed in grief as Seastar stopped breathing. Misty and Snow emerged from the woods and they slithered over to Sara, who wrapped her arms around Misty’s neck. Several other mystana emerged from the woods and gathered behind Sara, Misty, Snow and Seastar’s body. They looked down at Seastar’s body, up at Sara, and then at the men and the mystana began screeching in anger. Sara looked up at the sound.

Chapter 4

When Seastar died, Snow became the new leader of the mystana. Snow slithered forward and lowered his head and Sara rested her hand on the Mystana’s head before she turned and left the clearing. “Please wait, Sara,” Luke said. Sara looked back but she kept going. The men bunched up as the mystana circled around them and they began advancing towards them. Sara winced when she heard the nine men begin screaming in pain. The mystana left Luke alone, as Snow wrapped his body around him, pinning his arms to his sides. The silver mystana looked down at Sara’s father, before turning his head to watch the other mystana. The other mystana attacked all the other men, who screamed in pain as the mystana venom spread through their bodies. Luke winced at every scream, and wished that he had prevented them from killing the mystana. When the screaming finally stopped, Luke looked up and he dropped down onto his knees. The other mystana turned and they disappeared back into the woods.

Snow uncoiled his body and looked down at Luke before turning his head and looking in the direction that Sara had gone. Sara returned to her cave, where Misty, Shadow and Shell found her, huddled in the corner. When the three mystana entered the cave, Sara was sitting down in the corner, with her face in her hands. Shell, Shadow and Misty slithered over to Sara and they gently nuzzled her.

Sara looked up at them and there were tear stains on her face. “What’s wrong, Sara,” Shadow asked her, in concern. “The very same day that my father and I are finally reunited, both Seastar and my father die,” Sara loudly wailed in grief. The three mystana coiled up all around Sara, resting their heads on Sara’s legs and they all grieved the loss of both Seastar and Sara’s father with her, not knowing that Sara’s father was still alive. Snow looked back at Sara’s father, before lowering his head and giving him a shove in the direction that Sara had gone. Luke looked down and he winced when he saw the bodies of the other men. Snow shoved him again, and Sara’s father fell down. The silver mystana waited for him to stand up, before shoving him again. Sara’s father finally got the message and he began walking. Snow slithered right behind him until they reached the large valley. Luke stopped when he saw all of the mystana which were in the valley looking up at him. Then Snow shoved Sara’s father towards the right. When Luke looked up, he saw the entrance to a cave in front of him. The silver mystana lifted its head and screeched. When they heard Snow screeching, Sara, Shadow, Misty and Shell all looked up. Sara stood up and she went to the mouth of the cave. Shell, Misty and Shadow followed her. Sara looked towards Snow and saw her father standing there. She left the cave and walked slowly towards him. Luke looked up and he saw Sara walking towards him. When she reached him, Sara’s father looked down at her. “I’m very sorry, Sara,” he said and she looked up at him, before leaning against him. Sara’s father put his arms around Sara and he held her tightly, with love. After a minute, Sara stepped back and her father released her. “Let me take a quick look at you, Sara,” he said to her.

Luke looked at her and smiled. “You have grown up into a beautiful young woman,” he said and Sara smiled. “Thank you,” she said. Then he looked around at the mystana and asked Sara, “How did you end up here.” Sara glanced over at Snow, and her father followed her glance. “It brought you here,” he asked. “He has a name, and he saved my life,” Sara said. Luke turned and he looked at Snow. “Thank you for saving my daughter’s life,” he said and Snow dipped his head. Sara turned and returned to the cave and her father followed her. Luke stopped when he entered the cave and Misty, Shadow and Shell looked at him and began hissing. Sara walked over to them and touched each of their heads. “He is my father,” Sara told them and they stopped hissing. Shell, Misty and Shadow slithered over to Luke and they sniffed at him, which made him very uncomfortable. Then they slithered back over to Sara and nuzzled her. Snow slithered into the cave and headed for Luke. He closed his beak on the man’s arm and began to slither back out of the cave. Luke looked back at her and said, “Help me.” Sara followed them out of her cave and into another smaller cave. Snow let go of Luke’s arm and slithered out of the cave. “I guess that this is your cave, dad,” Sara said. “I plan on returning home, and I hope that you will go with me,” her father said. “My home is here now, with them,” Sara said as she indicated the mystana. Luke looked very surprised. “You don’t belong here,” he said. Sara turned and started to walk out of the cave, but stopped when her father took hold of her arm. Sara turned her head to look at him, and he noticed something different about her. Sara’s father moved closer to her and looked at her neck. He let go of Sara’s arm and backed away in horror when he saw the gills. “Sara, what has happened to you,” he asked. Sara turned her head and looked at him, noticing the look on his face. She turned her head away, but not before he saw tears begin running down her face. Sara walked out of the cave and headed back to her cave. She entered the cave and sat down on the ledge. Misty, Shell and Shadow all slithered over to Sara and they began hum purring at her, but Sara put her face in her hands and she cried. When Luke entered the cave, he heard Sara crying, and it tore at his heartstrings. He walked over and sat down right beside Sara. When Luke put his arms around Sara, she looked up at him, and then she leaned against him. Sara’s father held her until she stopped crying, and then released her. Sara sat up and wiped her face. “I’m very sorry, Sara,” Luke said. Sara gave him a shaky smile and said, “It’s okay, dad, I know that I’ve changed.” “What do you mean,” Luke asked her, and Sara showed him her feet. Sara’s father took her feet in his hand and turned them from side to side, spreading the toes apart and looking at the webbing. Then he looked up at her and he said, “You’re still my Sara, and I still love you very much.” Sara began crying again and Luke wrapped his arms around her again. Misty, Shadow and Shell nudged Sara and hum purred at her. Sara reached out and stroked their heads, and they nuzzled her and her father, who looked at them in surprise, before moving back so that they could get to Sara easier. Shadow lifted his head and he nuzzled Luke in thanks, and the man looked at him before very cautiously touching the mystana’s head. Shadow began hum purring very loudly and Misty and Shell joined him in harmony. Sara looked up and she smiled at the mystana, before stroking their heads, which made them sing even louder. Snow entered the cave and he joined his voice to those of Shell, Misty and Shadow. Sara’s father looked over at the four mystana, surprised by the beautiful song that they were all singing. When the mystana finally stopped singing, Luke looked at her and he said, “If I could listen to that every single day, I wouldn’t want to leave here either.” She looked at him and he gave her a hug, which Sara quickly returned.

Then Sara said, “Dad, if you want to return home, I will ask Snow to take you.” Luke looked at her and said, “I choose to stay here, with you, Sara.” Sara smiled and said, “but you must miss being able to go sailing, dad.” Her father looked away and he said, “I do, but I would miss you more, Sara.” “Oh okay,” Sara said, as she gave Luke a hug.

On the day that Sara turned twenty, there was a shipwreck just off the northern end of the mystana’s island. John had blond hair and blue eyes. He worked on a ship, which transported supplies from one island to another. The ship that John was on was sailing past the island of the mystana, when it ran into a storm. All of the sailors were on deck, trying to keep the ship on course, as the waves pounded it. John was at the bow of the ship, when a wave washed him overboard. When he surfaced, John noticed that the ship was breaking up under the heavy pounding of the storm. He turned his head and he began swimming towards the island that he had seen before the storm arose. When his arms got tired, John stopped and he began to tread water. After an hour, John began swimming again. The storm waves tossed him all around, making John lose track of just where the island was at. He panicked and turned in a circle, trying to get his bearings. Then John began yelling, which stopped when he heard a deep rumbling sound. He looked all around, trying to figure out just where the sound was coming from. Something grabbed his legs, pulling John under the water. He struggled until he ran out of air. Two mystana were racing around the island, when they saw John’s body floating in the water. The mystana swam over to John and they looked at him. One of the mystana noticed that John’s legs were tangled in fishing net. It began biting through the net, freeing John’s legs. Then the mystana closed their beaks on his arms, pulling John back to the surface of the water. They slithered onto the beach, dragging John. When the mystana were clear of the water, they released John’s arms and he flopped limply in the sand. Sara and her father were walking on the beach when they saw two mystana dragging something out of the water. Misty, Shell and Shadow were slithering behind them. As Sara and Luke got closer, they saw that it was a person, lying in the sand. Sara and her father looked at each other, and then they moved to kneel beside the person. When they turned him over, Sara leaned down to see if he was breathing. She heard a faint wheezing sound and looked up at Luke. “He’s barely alive,’ she said. “Sara, do you think that we can get him back to your cave,’ her father asked. Sara lifted her head and she glanced over at Misty. Misty slithered up to Sara and nuzzled her and Sara stroked her head. Then Sara knelt beside the man and Misty lowered her head and sniffed at him. “Will you carry him back to my cave, Misty,” Sara asked and the mystana nodded. Sara and Luke draped the man over Misty’s back and they headed for Sara’s cave. Sara and her father walked on each side of Misty, keeping the unconscious man from sliding off of Misty’s back. When they reached Sara’s cave, Misty, Sara and Luke carried John into the cave. Sara and her father moved John off of Misty’s back and onto the ledge, laying him on his back. Then Sara, Luke and Misty left the cave. John opened his eyes and he looked around. He saw that he was in a cave. John turned his head when he heard voices outside the cave. “He can’t stay there forever, Sara,” a man’s voice said. “Once he recovers, I will move him to another cave, dad,” a woman responded. John sat up and he swung his legs over the edge of the ledge. He stood up and fell onto the ground. John closed his eyes and moaned, before trying to stand up again. He fell backwards on the ground. “What are you doing,” the woman asked him and John looked up. His eyes got wide and his face turned pale when he saw a blue mystana looking over the woman’s shoulder at him. John began scooting backward, but the wall of the cave stopped him. Sara turned her head, following the man’s glance and she saw Shell behind her. “Shell, can you go outside, please,” she asked. The mystana turned and slithered out of the cave and John relaxed. He looked at the woman again, noticing her dusky skin tone. Sara moved toward John, and leaned over. A man entered the cave and walked over to them. Sara looked up at the man and said, “Dad, will you help me, please.” Sara and Luke put their arms under John’s arms and they lifted him, seating John back on the ledge. John looked up at them and asked, “What is this place, and what happened to me.” Sara looked over at her father, who nodded back at her. Sara looked at John and said, “You are on the island of the mystana, and they may have saved your life.” John frowned and he asked, “What exactly is a mystana, Sara.” Sara frowned at him and she asked, “How do you know my name.” “I heard you and your father talking outside the cave,” John replied. “Oh, can I ask your name,” Sara said. “My name is John,” John told her. “Do you remember what happened to you,” Sara asked. John frowned and he said, “The last thing I remember is being in the water.” Sara nodded and replied, “My father and I saw the mystana dragging you out of the water. John frowned at her and he asked again, “Sara, what exactly is a mystana.”

Sara turned her head towards the mouth of the cave and Shell slithered back into the cave, followed by Misty and Shadow. John pressed his back against the wall of the cave and the three mystana stopped when they smelled his fear. Sara turned and walked over to Shell, Misty and Shadow. She turned back towards John and began stroking their heads. Shell gently nuzzled Sara, before turning her head to look at John again. Shell began hum purring, as she moved towards John. He closed his eyes, but opened them again when Shell gently laid her head on his lap, and Sara said, “She wants you to pet her, John.” John began stroking Shell’s head, and her hum purring got louder. John relaxed when he saw that the mystana was enjoying his gentle touch. Shell turned her head and closed her beak on John’s hand, which made him nervous. When he pulled his hand back, Shell released him. The mystana turned her head and looked at Sara, before turning back to John and biting his arm. John gritted his teeth at the pain, but he cried out in pain when Shadow bit him in the other arm.

Chapter 5

Sara moved over to John and lifted his legs, swinging them onto the ledge as John passed out, making sure that John was lying down on the ledge. The mystana venom spread throughout his body, making small changes to John’s genetic cell structure. It gave him gills, for breathing underwater as well as webbed feet for swimming. John’s skin color changed from a light tan to a darker hue and the mystana venom also created immunity to any further mystana bites, and gave him the gift of seeing through the eyes of any of the mystana. “What are they doing to him,” Luke asked in concern. He started to move towards John, but Sara quickly stopped him. “Just wait and watch,” she said and her father looked at her before asking, “Wait for what.” When John screamed, Sara and her father turned their heads. Shell slithered over to John and sniffed at him, before turning her head towards Sara. “Something’s wrong with John,” she said. After two hours had passed, and John still had not woken up, Sara became worried. She looked at her father and he also looked worried. Misty slithered over to Sara and nudged her. When Sara looked at Misty, the mystana said, “Take John to the water.” “What,” Sara said. “Take John to the water,” Misty said again. Sara glanced at Luke. “We need to take John down to the water,” she said. “Okay,” her father replied. They put their arms around John and lifted him. Sara and her father left the cave and headed for the ocean, carrying John between them. Shadow, Misty and Shell slithered behind them. Sara, Luke, John and the mystana reached the ocean. Sara and Luke walked into the water, with John between them. They turned around and Sara asked, “Now what do we do, Misty.” Misty, Shell and Shadow slithered into the water and glided over to Sara, Luke and John. They began splashing them with water. After a few minutes, John opened his eyes and he looked around. John put his hand to his head. “What just happened to me,” he asked. Shell nuzzled John and she said, “We gave you a gift,” she said. “I don’t understand,” John said. “Look at your feet,” Shell said, softly. John looked at his feet. His eyes widened when he saw the webs between his toes. He looked at Shell and Shadow in horror. “What did you do to me,” he cried. “We gave you a gift,” the mystana said. Sara and Luke let go of John’s arms and he took a step, before falling on his face in the water. He sat up and looked around. Shell and Shadow lowered their heads and closed their beaks on John’s arms, lifting him back onto his feet. John looked at Shadow and then at Shell. They began gliding through the water, and John walked between them. The mystana held onto John’s arms until they were sure that he could walk without their help. They released John’s arms and slithered out of the water. John found that the water made it easier to walk. A wave swept over John and he spat out sea water. He walked out of the water and Sara smiled at him, causing John to smile back at her. He turned his head when Shadow, Shell and Misty began hum purring. John and Sara walked back into the water and began swimming. Misty, Shadow and Shell joined them in the water. When Sara and John waded out of the water, the three mystana followed them. Sara, Luke and John lifted their heads when Snow and several other mystana slithered out of the woods and began hum purring. Shadow, Shell and Misty lifted their heads and they joined in the song. When the song ended, John had tears in his eyes. Snow slithered over to them and lowered his head to sniff at John. John held still as the silver mystana sniffed him. Then Snow nudged John hard, causing him to fall backwards in the sand. The silver mystana lowered its head and it began nuzzling John, who looked confused. “He wants you to pet him,” Sara said. John began stroking the silver mystana’s head. Snow began hum purring at him. When John stopped stroking him, Snow backed up and allowed John to stand up. The silver mystana lowered his head and looked at John. “My name is Snow,” the silver mystana said. John looked at Snow and he replied, “My name is John.” Snow turned his head towards the other mystana and said, “John is my person.” The other mystana slithered towards John and each one gently nuzzled him as Sara and Luke watched. Then the other mystana slithered back into the woods. John looked over at Sara. “What just happened,” he asked and Sara began laughing. John looked confused as he asked, “What’s so funny.” Sara stopped laughing and she made the same face that John had made, which caused John to start laughing. When they stopped laughing, Sara, Luke, John and the mystana went back to the caves. Sara went to her cave and John and her father each went back to their own caves.

The next year, Snow chose to mate with Shell, which elevated her position in the herd. Sara and John were both surprised by Snow’s choice of mates. John and Snow moved into the big cave, with Sara, Misty and Shell. A month later, Shell began laying eggs in the cave and Sara, John and Luke were kept busy moving the eggs out of the cave. When Shell finished laying her eggs, she spent most of her time lying outside the cave, watching over her eggs. Sara, John and her father breathed sighs of relief and focused on the wedding ceremony, and Sara and John were married a week later. Every time Sara, John, Misty or Snow went in or out of the cave, they had to walk around Shell, who greeted them by hum purring each time that she saw them.

John and Luke repaired the ship, making it seaworthy. They set sail that morning to see if the ship would be able to make it to the next island. Snow and five other mystana accompanied them, on their journey. When they made it to the other island and back to the mystana’s island safely, Luke and John were pleased. The next day, they sailed to the town where Sara and her father had once lived. Snow and five mystana accompanied them, pushing the ship when the winds were calm. When they reached the town, Sara’s father tied the ship to the dock. John and Luke left the ship under the watchful eyes of Snow and the other mystana. They walked into the town and headed straight towards the general store. When John and Sara’s father reached the general store, they went inside the store and looked around before buying supplies for the return trip. While Luke and John were in town picking up supplies, four orphan children snuck aboard the ship, and began looking around for things to sell for food. They looked up when they heard voices, as Luke and John returned to the ship, with the supplies, which they stored below the deck. The orphan children all hid, because they were scared of the adults. Sara’s father untied the ship and Snow pulled it out of the harbor. When they felt the boat rocking in the water, one of the orphan children left her hiding place and ran up on deck. She went to the stern of the ship, just in time to see the town disappearing. The orphan girl sat down and she let out a wail, which caught Snow’s attention. “John, you have a passenger,” Snow said. John straightened up and looked around. “Where,” he asked the mystana. “The stern of the ship,” Snow replied. John walked towards the back of the ship. When he saw the child, John stopped and turned his head to call Luke. The child turned her head when she heard his voice, got to her feet and jumped off the ship, before John could stop her. John rushed to the rail and he looked down at the water. Snow and the other mystana stopped pushing the ship. John saw ripples in the water and he dove into the water. John put his head under the water and looked around. He did not see the child. “Snow, I need your help,” John said. Snow and the other mystana began looking for the child. Just then John noticed air bubbles right in front of him, and he dove under the water again. John followed the air bubbles until he saw the girl twisting in the water. As John swam closer, he realized that the child had become tangled in fishing nets, which were preventing her from surfacing. John swam up to the girl and he tugged at the nets, which did not give. John looked at the child, who had a scared look on her face as Snow and the other mystana swam circles around John and the girl. John wrapped his arms around the girl and leaned towards her. He pressed his mouth to hers, so that he could breathe for her, but the girl pushed him away from her. John pulled her closer again. The girl’s mouth opened, John pressed his mouth to hers, and she struggled until she realized that John was providing her with air. The girl wrapped her arms around John and let him breathe for both of them. “Snow, can you bite through the nets,” John asked the mystana. Snow swam up to the nets and he looked at them, before biting through them. Then Snow swam back to where John and the child were. The mystana put his head against John’s feet and pushed him and the girl towards the surface of the water. When they surfaced, John allowed the child to start breathing without him. Snow and the other mystana lifted their heads out of the water and the girl screamed in fear. Snow swam up to them and the child began trying to back away. “Relax, Snow won’t hurt you,” John said. The girl turned her head and looked at John, and then she reached out for John and he put his arms around her. Snow moved closer to them and the girl screamed again. John put his hand on Snow’s head and he began stroking him, while his other arm held the child. Snow began hum purring and the girl stopped screaming. She reached out and Snow moved closer so that she could touch him. When the child’s hand touched his head, Snow’s hum purring got much louder. When the girl looked back at John, she had a smile on her face. A rope struck the water, and John looked up. Luke was leaning over the rail. “I would like to get going, John,” he said. John placed the child on his back, swam over to the rope and tugged on it, before beginning to climb up the side of the ship, with the child clinging to his neck. When they reached the deck of the ship, John knelt and the girl let go of him. John stood up and walked to the rail, pulling the rope up and coiling it in a pile on the deck. “Thanks, Snow,” he said and the mystana looked up and said, “You’re welcome, John.” Then Snow and the other mystana began pushing the ship again. John and Luke looked at the child, then at each other. “We can’t go back, Sara is waiting for us,” John said and Luke nodded. The child reached out for John’s hand and tugged at him. John looked down at her and she tugged at his hand again. “I think she wants to show you something,” Luke said. The girl led Luke and John to the hiding places of the other three children, all female.

When they reached the mystana’s island, John dropped the anchor. Then John jumped down into the water. Luke stood at the rail and lowered the four children to John, who swam each child to the beach. Snow and several other mystana watched the children, while John helped Luke swim to the beach. When John and Luke emerged from the water, they walked over to the children. Snow slithered over to John and he closed his beak on John’s hand. John began stroking Snow’s head and the mystana began hum purring, which made the children look up at them. Snow released John’s hand and he lowered his head, when the children walked over to them. The children all took turns stroking Snow’s head and he very gently nuzzled each of them.

John and Luke turned and headed for the caves and Snow followed them with the children walking on each side of him. When they reached the caves, Sara was sitting on the rock in front of her cave, and Misty and Shell were coiled up on each side of her. They turned their heads as Luke, John and Snow moved towards them. Sara turned her head and her eyes widened when she saw the children. She stood up and began walking towards them. John opened his arms and Sara walked right into them. John wrapped his arms around Sara and kissed her, and Sara kissed him back. When John released Sara, she looked at the children, then at Luke and John. “Where did they come from,” she asked as she looked back at the children. “They stowed away on the ship, Sara,” Luke and John told her. The children looked at Sara, and then they slowly walked towards her. Sara opened her arms wide. The youngest child ran into Sara’s arms and Sara hugged her.

Then she opened her arms again and the other three children walked into Sara’s arms and she hugged all of them. The children gave Sara hugs in return. Snow slithered up to John and Sara and they stroked his head, causing him to start hum purring. Misty and Shell also began

It's not finished yet, I will post the rest of it in the next few days

Edited at August 24, 2024 11:17 PM by Glacier Bay Cove

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