Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny
Thu 12:35am  
Stables Online:  55   Go Raid
Port Royal Equines
11:55:47 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Original painting of a tobiano draft foal available at auction!
Ends tomorrow!
Please consider bidding. <3
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Port Royal Equines
11:55:47 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Original painting of a tobiano draft foal available at auction!
Ends tomorrow!
Please consider bidding. <3
Eagles Peak
Take a look, will sell for good price. Will FR on RO. -HEE Click-
10:56:48 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-

Offering ONE horse avi for 700k, pm me to claim <3
MC Ace
10:43:30 McFossil
Brindle filly for sale

-HEE Click-
RFS Thoroughbreds
10:34:09 TB's ONLY ✨
new horse adopt pop up
closes in three weeks so get them while they're here! Headshots are 5k and full bodies are 8k!
-HEE Click-
Grimm Acres
10:25:37 Grimmi
-HEE Click- Offering up an embryo to this WWE Amber creme TB mare for next RO has produced a WWW and multiple WWE combo foals already
Rocking Horse Farm.
10:12:43 Savannah
-HEE Click-

selling out, plz buy! Got some EEE+
Hot 2 Trot
09:55:46 PON Champ
Only 7k for a EEE mare! Paid 10k 3k off email
-HEE Click-
Daesung Wings
09:53:29 Dae
189|WWW WB Freshie
Chocolate Palomino Sabino (gene tested)
#19 ABLB X Maiden
~ All up wk4/8, hrt wk7
~ Req. WEE+ combos
~ Free straws for WWE combos!
~ Straw price is 10k

-HEE Click-

Midnight Manors
09:51:31 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-

You must be a registered member for more
than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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APA 182 Giveaway! September 18, 2024 05:08 PM

Royalle Acres
Posts: 61
Give Award
*˚ VIP Giveaway ˚*
(Req. 20k per game year to: 185999)

˚ Straw to њ DS9 Martandur
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. mir - 214708
5. Biwmares - 342697
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Serein
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Avareth
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Torin (WWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Bluebird
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to ℘ Luminescence
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.mir - 214708
2. Biwmares - 342697
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Forsaken
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares- 342697
˚ Brood to Ᏸ Madame
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
1.mir - 214708
1.mir - 214708
1.mir - 214708
˚ Last but not least... 100k!
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697

˚ Standard Giveaway ˚
(VIP members can also be included!)

˚ Straw to Gooseberry [WWW]
  1. PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to Dihafal
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ૨ ThunderStruck
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to Gimlé
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3.mir - 214708
˚ Straw to Gunnin'
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to Trinity (EWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ☩ Martyrdom
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to Mad Eye EWW
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to Ꮛ Avalanche
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ❂ Obsidian
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Borialis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
˚ Straw to ☩ Excelsis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Attaboy
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Firenze
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ℳ Mythical
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ૨ Loki
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Sovereign
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Absolution
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Beatification
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ December
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to ℘ Pristine
  1. Pyramid Equestrain - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to ♥ Lovestruck
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
˚ Brood to ♥ Princess Lolly
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
˚ Brood to ♥ Twitterpated
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
˚ Brood to ♥ Halloween
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
  1. Pyramid Equestrian - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
˚ EEE+ PON Lp Straw Bouquet (3 or more straws)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
˚ PEE PON Mare Bouquet (3 or more mares)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
˚ PPP+ PON Lp Filly Bouquet (3 or more fillies)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837

APA 182 Giveaway! September 21, 2024 09:48 PM

Bignus Bognus
Posts: 361
Give Award
*˚ VIP Giveaway ˚*
(Req. 20k per game year to: 185999)

˚ Straw to њ DS9 Martandur
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. mir - 214708
5. Biwmares - 342697
6. Bignus - 367362
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Serein
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Avareth
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Torin (WWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Bluebird
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ℘ Luminescence
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.mir - 214708
2. Biwmares - 342697
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Forsaken
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares- 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to Ᏸ Madame
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
1.mir - 214708
1.mir - 214708
2. Bignus - 367362
1.mir - 214708
˚ Last but not least... 100k!
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362

˚ Standard Giveaway ˚
(VIP members can also be included!)

˚ Straw to Gooseberry [WWW]
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Dihafal
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ૨ ThunderStruck
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Gimlé
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3.mir - 214708
˚ Straw to Gunnin'
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Trinity (EWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ☩ Martyrdom
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Mad Eye EWW
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Bignus - 367362
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Ꮛ Avalanche
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ❂ Obsidian
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Borialis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ☩ Excelsis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Attaboy
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Firenze
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ℳ Mythical
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ૨ Loki
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Sovereign
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Absolution
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Beatification
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ December
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to ℘ Pristine
  1. Pyramid Equestrain - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  4. Biwmares - 342697
  5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Lovestruck
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Princess Lolly
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Twitterpated
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Halloween
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
3. Bignus - 367362
  1. Pyramid Equestrian - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
˚ EEE+ PON Lp Straw Bouquet (3 or more straws)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
˚ PEE PON Mare Bouquet (3 or more mares)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
˚ PPP+ PON Lp Filly Bouquet (3 or more fillies)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837

APA 182 Giveaway! September 23, 2024 09:11 AM

Lodestone Stables
Posts: 13
Give Award

Bignus Bognus said:
*˚ VIP Giveaway ˚*
(Req. 20k per game year to: 185999)

˚ Straw to њ DS9 Martandur
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. mir - 214708
5. Biwmares - 342697
6. Bignus - 367362
7. Lodestone - 352700
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Straw to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Serein
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Straw to Avareth
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Straw to Torin (WWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Bluebird
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
5. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Brood to ℘ Luminescence
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.mir - 214708
2. Biwmares - 342697
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. Running R - 253048
3. mir - 214708
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Brood to Ꮆ.Ꮆ. Forsaken
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares- 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to Ᏸ Madame
(*WWW Req. and ABLB stud preferred!*)
1.Running R - 253048
2.mir - 214708
3. Biwmares - 342697
4. Bignus - 367362
1.mir - 214708
1.mir - 214708
2. Bignus - 367362
1.mir - 214708
˚ Last but not least... 100k!
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2. AKMU - 342950
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
5. Bignus - 367362
6. Lodestone - 352700

˚ Standard Giveaway ˚
(VIP members can also be included!)

˚ Straw to Gooseberry [WWW]
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
5. Lodestone - 352700
˚ Straw to Dihafal
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ૨ ThunderStruck
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Gimlé
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3.mir - 214708
˚ Straw to Gunnin'
1.PK Rescue 332973
2.Blackthorne - 118334
3. Mallery Show Stables - 246891
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Trinity (EWW)
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ☩ Martyrdom
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Mad Eye EWW
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Bignus - 367362
5. Lodestone - 352700
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to Ꮛ Avalanche
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ❂ Obsidian
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Straw to Borialis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ☩ Excelsis
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Attaboy
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to CE Firenze
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
˚ Straw to ℳ Mythical
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Straw to ૨ Loki
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Sovereign
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Lodestone - 352700
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Absolution
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Lodestone - 352700
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ Beatification
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Lodestone - 352700
˚ 2x Straws to ☩ December
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Lodestone - 352700
1.Blackthorne - 118334
2.Mallery Show Stables - 246891
3. Running R - 253048
4. Biwmares - 342697
˚ Brood to ℘ Pristine
  1. Pyramid Equestrain - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  4. Biwmares - 342697
  5. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Lovestruck
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Princess Lolly
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Twitterpated
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2.mir - 214708
3. Bignus - 367362
˚ Brood to ♥ Halloween
1.Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
3. Bignus - 367362
4. Lodestone - 352700
  1. Pyramid Equestrian - 166754
  2. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  3. mir - 214708
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
˚ EEE+ PON Lp Straw Bouquet (3 or more straws)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Lodestone - 352700
˚ PEE PON Mare Bouquet (3 or more mares)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837
2. Running R - 253048
˚ PPP+ PON Lp Filly Bouquet (3 or more fillies)
  1. Ebol Wen ~ 270837

APA 182 Giveaway! September 23, 2024 10:22 AM

Galloping Graces
Posts: 2103
Give Award
Winners posted on first page!
APA 182 Giveaway! September 23, 2024 10:47 AM

AKMU Wings
Posts: 186
Give Award
Thank you!!

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