
Beautiful! Thank-you Eve and art team!
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My new sooty mare! So happy!!
https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=15149793 Edited at March 28, 2018 12:06 AM by Sunbird Stables
They! *pants* Are! *pants* So! *pants* Pretty!

Cadence Farms said:
Paradise Ridge Stud said: Absolutely love these colours. Got a question, does this show up on foals or just adults?
It shows up on foals also. :)
Awesome!! Id hate to breed a foal with this lovely pattern and the FR it >.<
*grabs handfuls and handfuls of drool cups*
*drools alot*
But that brown sooty! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

so, does it matter on base color? ive rerolled a palomino that said yes for sooty but nothing has come up in several. does the base coat have to be dark to show up?

Administrator |
Jackal Farms said: so, does it matter on base color?ive rerolled a palomino that said yes for sooty but nothing has come up in several. does the base coat have to be dark to show up?
It doesnt show up on horses with creme gene.
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I Need A Drool Cup like omg!!!! *Drools all over ground* I think I needn 90 of those!