If this isn't a thing, it should be. I would like to withdraw a bid I've made on a horse I realize now I really don't need or want. Is there a way to?
There isn't. When you bid on a horse, you should think "Do I really need or want this horse?" beforehand.
...Okay, thank you for that. I just changed my mind. I still think that being able to withdraw a bid should be a thing; it is on pretty much every other site I've been on.
Edit: Thanks for the double post, Chrome. Edited at August 5, 2017 10:36 AM by Korsair's Wonders
https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=48&t=557 It was already suggested here and this was the feedback.
...it seems like some people liked the idea and some didn't, as with any suggestion. I still think it should be a thing.
I've gotten my answer, though, no need to continue this thread. Thank you. Edited at August 5, 2017 10:42 AM by Korsair's Wonders