Please correct me if this isn't the right place. Hi! If anyone wants to be amazing, I am on the hunt for some help with aspects of a palette. I've got a majority done the way I like it, I just want to jazz it up a bit. - Custom cursor (Preferably a moon shape) ----> Would love to know where to put the code, how to shape a moon, or how to use the copy/paste emojis if possible - Certain box colors ----> Such as where you actually type dtuff in the chat box, title of forum posts, and where the date/time/weather is located. - Any other fancy little things ----> Fade animations (Best places to put them), stable/services/etc banner, where it says chatbox, AND of course how to move said banner above my header.
| ![](showimage.php?loc=../uploads/banners/288315_5143.png) |
Usually if you're building your own page from scratch it goes into the CSS, like body { cursor: url('path-to-image.png'), auto; } The "auto" is a fall-back so that if the custom cursor link is broken or it can't be loaded the default cursor will show instead, so your page doesn't completely break. This may or may not work on HEE, because I've discovered some of the styling is hard-coded into the HTML as inline styles, which have the highest specificity and override everything, but feel free to try it. I'm sure the style tags are a leftover from before CSS was more than just a way to style a few select elements (I'm old enough to have written pages styled with HTML tables and inline font styles/colors before CSS existed at all). You might need to resort to !important because of the specificity issue. Good luck.
| ![](showimage.php?loc=../uploads/banners/366985_5154.png) |