
Hi there! New to using embryos. I have a few questions about them. Firstly I'd collected one from a mare a few months ago. Took a hiatus and when I came back it was gone (the mare passed away). Do embryos not stay in the freezer even after death? I have straws that belong to deceased studs, is it different for embryos? Secondly, when I tried to use the embryo myself I couldn't figure out how. Is it possible to collect embryos and use them on your own horses or can you ony sell them?
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The embryo should still be in the freezer. I believe there's been some bugs with this but I may be wrong.... . To use an an embryo, go to the breeding center, and scroll down to "Implant Embryo." This is where you'll select the surrogate mare to give birth and if there are any items you'd like to use. Hope this helps! . Edit: yea there's currently a bug with that Edited at March 23, 2025 11:04 AM by Gem
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