Hey all! I am looking to purchase a straw to a TB straw that would match this girlie well. I can't seem to find any decent stallions that match her, so I figured I'd put her out here and see what y'all have! The stallion must be at least an EWW combo, and should have a decent breeding history (however I may accept a promising freshie). Preferably no rn or sb, and would love it if it isn't a bay based coat (or at least can produce foals that aren't bay), but I know how rare those are as of right now so I will consider a good stallion with some of those traits!
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Hi, she's lovely btw! I've three stallions that might do. They don't have any patterns though :( - Claus WWW
- Tideecho WWW
- Ridnitsohkka EWW
If she were mine, I would pair her with Claus, who's proven to be a decent sire and had nice color foals. But she's yours so... :) -K