Title says all Enjoy the funky animals. Ask any questions, or even just drop a comment :D
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Nalu | Free Cat I got from a barn just down the road from me
Yes. The pictures are backwards, but I'm not fixing them LMAO
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Max | Akita x Bluetick Cross I'll get an updated pick of him soon! He's off his steroids for his nose, and is feeling MUCH better :D
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Nakita | Boxer x Mastiff mutt of some sort LOL I'll get more/better pictures of her soon x) She LOVES to play with Sakari
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Sway | Tennessee Walker from Ohio
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They are so Cute! Nakita reminds me of my boy Cloud, Everyone has that one pet that just refuses to take a unblurry photo lol
Edited at July 24, 2021 10:08 PM by Quizzical Quarters
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