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The Aquarium Thread! June 15, 2022 03:59 PM

Cadence Farms

Posts: 5061
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Thanks for posting these, I enjoy reading them!
The Aquarium Thread! June 15, 2022 04:04 PM

Cadence Farms

Posts: 5061
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I just bought new plants for my tank, now that the plant eating tetra I had has passed away. I love buying plants. I got a sword plant, italian vals, red tiger lotus and a mystery extra plant that the seller included. She always includes extras, which I love.
The Aquarium Thread! June 15, 2022 05:33 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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Cadence Farms said:
I just bought new plants for my tank, now that the plant eating tetra I had has passed away. I love buying plants. I got a sword plant, italian vals, red tiger lotus and a mystery extra plant that the seller included. She always includes extras, which I love.

@.@ Yesss fuel my red plant addiction! Do they ship to Canada? I'm dying for her plants lol
And you're welcome Eve, I enjoy posting them, I like helping when I can, even difficult problems are a welcome challenge.
The Aquarium Thread! June 21, 2022 10:46 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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Small update:
I haven't forgotten anyone, Tomorrow I'm getting my 45 gallon tank (Hopefully they still have them in stock) Now all I gotta do is figure out how the fuck we are going to get it upstairs and through the narrow hallway XD I'll be posting again soon.
The Aquarium Thread! June 22, 2022 01:19 AM

Cadence Farms

Posts: 5061
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Hastings Warmbloods said:

Cadence Farms said:
I just bought new plants for my tank, now that the plant eating tetra I had has passed away. I love buying plants. I got a sword plant, italian vals, red tiger lotus and a mystery extra plant that the seller included. She always includes extras, which I love.

@.@ Yesss fuel my red plant addiction! Do they ship to Canada? I'm dying for her plants lol
And you're welcome Eve, I enjoy posting them, I like helping when I can, even difficult problems are a welcome challenge.

Not sure if they ship to Canada. Good question.
Enjoy your new tank!!
The Aquarium Thread! June 22, 2022 02:02 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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Cadence Farms said:

Hastings Warmbloods said:

Cadence Farms said:
I just bought new plants for my tank, now that the plant eating tetra I had has passed away. I love buying plants. I got a sword plant, italian vals, red tiger lotus and a mystery extra plant that the seller included. She always includes extras, which I love.

@.@ Yesss fuel my red plant addiction! Do they ship to Canada? I'm dying for her plants lol
And you're welcome Eve, I enjoy posting them, I like helping when I can, even difficult problems are a welcome challenge.

Not sure if they ship to Canada. Good question.
Enjoy your new tank!!

When I get around to it I'll email them, Thank you Eve.
The Aquarium Thread! June 24, 2022 08:08 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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Aaaaand I'm back! Let's dive in!
So, Remember that Seachem product I didn't like because of how much copper it contains? I will be telling you what it does, how to use it and most importantly how to deactivate it.
What product is it?
Seachem Cupramine.
What does it do?
This product aggressively treats external and internal parasites and can be used alongside Ich-X when treating Ich, No it will not 'cure' Ich on it's own, This stuff if used incorrectly can be straight up lethal and carbon won't stop it, in fact, Carbon will make it worse.
Can I add Seachem Cupramine to the regime in my hospital tank?
Yes but you should not use more than half a drop, Only use one capful if your fish or entire tank are really really sick.
'I used it but something is wrong!'
Calm down, remove the fish into a different tank, Now add one or two mesh bags (Check the mesh bags for damage before continuing) Of Seachem CupriSorb, Next do a 90% or 100% water changes, perform tests and drain/refill until the water is safe again, if you have decorations or live plants/rocks/stones they will need to be thoroughly washed, To clean the plants try using a very soft cloth and a mixture of water and aquarium salt, The decorations will need to be scrubbed and then later soaked in hot water and aquarium salt, Again do tests until they are safe, don't be afraid to soak them over night or for a few days, 3-4 days.
Before using Seachem Cupramine make sure to remove any chemical filteration and (if you are using one) Turn off your UV sterilizer.
Solving an age old problem:
So last month my 10 gallon tank decided to put on one of it's highly irritating shows..again, Now at first I debated using an aggressive chemical treatment or using something I haven't touched in a looong time, I went with the 'soft' approach, My water was milky and cloudy, this started after I did a water change (Yes I know the cause) and it wasn't going away, so I grabbed my 16oz bottle of Tetra Easy Balance Plus (Shake the shit out of this stuff before using) After 4 days of using it my water cleared up, Now I use it after every water change, So now you know how to treat this highly annoying issue, I can't wait to set up my new tank and get my other tank (Yes I'm getting another one eventually, The MTS is strong with me XD)
Plant supplements:
Do you have to use multi bottles of supplements for your plants?
Well you might be in luck, During my 'break' I have been doing a lot of research (Not directly into plants) But I think I might have a solution to this problem, Try this, Get a small container glass or plastic will work just fine, Now add your liquid supplements (Yes add them together just lessen the usual amount slightly) Now add less than one tiny pinch of Aqua-Vance Trace Element (TE) from a 30g bag, Mix with a fork for about 5 seconds and finally serve it to your plants.
'How soon will I see results?'
I can't say for sure as this is new research for me, I did this research because when I get my 55 gallon tank I intend to have some pretty rare plants, one of them being a Pink Flamingo aquarium plant which requires special care.
Hasty's small rant on aquarium plants and pronouncing their scientific names.
I mean come on, Nymphoides Hydrophylla, You try saying that WITHOUT spell checking or looking at Google.
Nymphoides Hydrophylla
(Crested Floating Heart)
Oookay that's all I have for you tonight, I will be back though, As for what we will be discussing next time you'll just have to wait until the next time I post.
By the way the mentioned plant above ( I am NOT typing it's name out again, It is a beginner safe plant and I found that it's growth rate is slow to moderate, if you were wondering, and it can stand warmer water tanks if introduced slowly)

Edited at June 24, 2022 08:10 PM by Hastings Warmbloods
The Aquarium Thread! June 27, 2022 02:21 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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I will not be posting for a while, It has gotten hot here, I don't do well in hot humid weather it makes me unreasonably grumpy and none of you deserve that so when the weather cools down then I will come back, you can still pm me if you have any questions about your aquarium.
Remember that plant supplement? If you are using a liquid iron supplement you might want to reduce the liquid supplement to probably just a drop or half a drop.
I'll see you all again when the weather is better! Until then, Byee.
The Aquarium Thread! July 8, 2022 03:44 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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I'm finally back, Let's dive in!
'My fish keeps eating his tankmates!'
Hmm..That might be because your fish can only be kept with others of his or her species, Though sometimes you get a fish who just really enjoys butchering whatever tankmates you put into your tank, I should know, my male bristlenose pleco ate my Nerite snail and used his shell as a chew toy.
'I went fishin' and caught a Peacock Bass, Can I keep it in an aquarium?'
Yes and No, You can't just go to a fishing spot (Freshwater or Saltwater) and catch and keep whatever you choose, First off, you'll need a valid fishing permit, Check with your local Fish and Game/Wildlife, Check with the city and do whatever else, No you really shouldn't catch wild fish and keep them as pets, they are probably loaded with parasites that our medication might not be able to treat, Instead our medication could make them worse, Remember, out in the wild they don't have Seachem medications, no they either recover on their own or natural selection decides their fate for them, Grim I know but it's the truth.
'I wanna go on vacation but I don't know what to do about my fish'
That can be tricky, your best bet is to ask a family member and train them how to take care of your fish 1 year in advance BEFORE you book a trip, Of course you'll want to pay them, much like how you pay someone to babysit your dog, cat, horse or even your bird if you have one or more, Personally I wouldn't put the workload on them for too long, unless they have an extra set of hands but still be kind to your fish-sitter.
'I bought fish online but they had to be imported, How long should I medicate them?'
Two weeks won't be enough, you'll need to keep them in quarantine for 1-2 months depending on how many exactly you bought, Doing 70% water changes for the first 2 weeks would be for the best, Though if you have more than 6 fish do a 90% water change every week for 2 weeks and then reduce it slowly to 70% and then 60% until you are doing 50% and 60% on a weekly bases.
'Can I mix flakes and pellets to my liquid supplement mixture?'
That would depend on your fish/fry this is something that should only be done if you have fry in the same tank of varying ages then yes you can do that but don't over feed the flakes, any other reason and I would not suggest doing so as it could cloud and pollute your water rapidly.
One more thing.
Did you buy an aquarium stand/cabinet from petsmart, Petco etc and it collapsed? I know why that happened, See these 'cost effective' stands are 'cost effective' for a reason, their made entirely out of Particle Board, What is that? It is just condensed paper, meaning that if it gets wet it falls apart, And no this cannot be fixed, What you can do is take all of its measurements and remake it out of Plywood and reinforce it with thick metal support beams, to avoid an electrical currant from forming, you'll want to secure the metal support beam or beams in a thick rubber casing.
Well that's all I've got for you guys for now, I'll be back again soon, Until then, Bye!!
By the way, Don't just put an aquarium on your newly built aquarium stand/cabinet, you'll want to stress/weight test it, Start with a pile of bricks and stack them like a mini pyramid, if nothing happens do this again but with something heavier, it should be able to support the weight of your aquarium empty or full, but still you will want to test it, Test and water proof it with some sort of water proofing spray, you can also paint it whatever color or colors you desire, for the aquarium test, use an old empty aquarium (Empty) and place it on your stand once it has passed the tests and is finished, next you'll need a hose so you can fill it halfway, leave it half filled overnight to 3 days and then add a little more water, repeat this until the aquarium is full, and leave the full aquarium on your stand for about a month and if the wood hasn't failed in any way then you might be good to go and put it into your fish room (if you have one).
I wasn't going to do this..buuut.
If you can, to reduce mold and water damage (This is for non carpet floors) Install metal drains (Yes they will need a drainage pipe/connection to the sewer or whatever you are using) in the event of a leak, crack or damaged/broken glass, Of course you should only do this if your budget allows or if your aquarium is positioned on an awkward angle, Drains also come in handy if you are in an area where you experience earth quakes etc more frequently than most.
Okay now I am done! Byee!

Edited at July 8, 2022 04:33 PM by Hastings Warmbloods
The Aquarium Thread! July 14, 2022 01:40 PM

Hastings Warmbloods
Posts: 370
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Let's dive in!
What is a natural enviorment for my fish?
Say you have a silver Arowana but he or she keeps getting sick, refusing food, bullying tank mates (More aggressive than the arowana) That might be because these guys are ambush predators, What does that mean? Simple, they will move/glide in the water and once they are in position they will then leap 6 feet out the water and snatch up their prey, in the wild they eat whatever they can get their mouths on, frogs, toads, fish, bugs, and small birds, The fact that they can jump 6 feet makes housing them in any aquarium a nightmare, however with much research I think I might have a solution, instead of slapping a lid on your aquarium try adding clamps to prevent your arowana from hopefully leaping/jumping out of the tank, you'll also want to re-create his or her natural habitat, How do I do that? Best thing you can do is watch a boat-load of documentaries.
'What happens if I overstock my tank?'
You don't want to do that, Not only is overstocking your tank unfair to your fish, it also makes weekly water changes and filter cleaning something you'll begin to dread, It is also costly, so instead of changing filter media every month to 6 months you'll be changing/buying more every other day to every week, and because of what is happening on our planet getting filter media can be almost impossible, especially buying in bulk, So for the sake of your fish, wallet and sanity don't overstock your tanks, Yes people overstock their tanks because they think it prevents aggression..Actually it promotes aggression, your fish will start fighting for space, territory, eventually all of your fish are going to die, either from whatever injuries or stress they suffer from fighting, And no it isn't 'if or maybe' No they will fight there's no debate about it.
'All fish eat the same thing'
No they don't.
Omnivores need an omnivore diet, Carnivores need a strict carnivore diet and Herbivores need to be kept on a strict vegetable diet, if you try to feed meat to a herbivore fish they will get sick and die, same thing for the other two, Yes I know there are fish who only eat snails as well, obviously they should be fed snails and bloodworms (Frozen is the better option) Betta fish need flakes or pellets, Mosquito larvae and freeze dried brine shrimp, though I would add 7 drops of Seachem Garlic Guard as well, Bettas need flakes or pellets that are high on crude protein.
Another example is the Bluedamselfish (Saltwater) they need a special diet, Algae, small crustaceans and yup Fish eggs, Well they will eat the algae and tiny crustaceans but you'll want to try this, Chopped up Shellfish, Saltwater (Store bought or legally caught) small shrimp and Omega One Marine Flakes (the pellet version) You probably could instead of using the shrimp with freeze dried shrimp instead if you are on a budget, Adding liquid supplements are tricky, Omega One Marine Flakes contain garlic so you probably don't want to add Garlic Guard.
Fish keeping during a heatwave:
Your fish will love the humidity, you on the other hand not so much, unless your weird like that and enjoy heatwaves lol Your fish should be fine during a heatewave, heck they might even spawn a lot, Poor guppy owners/breeders, Don't worry you don't need to unplug your heater, unplugging it could do more harm than good.
Well that's all I've got for you for now, Until next time, Byeee!

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