I used to have a Betta Fish, but he died a few years ago. He was blue and was named Berta Ray Bill
My guppy breeding program is finally taking off! I finally got a small spade in one of my female frys tails, as well as another beginning to develop a 'holographic/shimmer' to her tail in a pattern I've been working towards.
Nice. Sounds like your guppies are going to be knock outs.
Uhm so I'm new to plants and I now have a couple plants I don't even know what kinds to be honest 😅 But one of them seems to be growing another plant off its leaf tips? Can anyone help me explain this
I believe that is an "Amazon Sword" plant Depressed patato said: Uhm so I'm new to plants and I now have a couple plants I don't even know what kinds to be honest 😅 But one of them seems to be growing another plant off its leaf tips? Can anyone help me explain this
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PK Rescue Stable said: I believe that is an "Amazon Sword" plant Depressed patato said: Uhm so I'm new to plants and I now have a couple plants I don't even know what kinds to be honest 😅 But one of them seems to be growing another plant off its leaf tips? Can anyone help me explain this
I think it's an Amazon Sword plant as well, and it looks pretty healthy too, at least from what I can see.
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Awesome:) thank you guys I was worried I had some like alien invader plant lol
Hastings Warmbloods said: I have some big big news. I said I would never do betta's again buut I did something I shouldn't have XD I opened Google Images and literally typed in 'Avatar Betta Fish' Well..now that I have seen them I want one, I'm getting another betta fish, He will be going in my 20 gallon tank after it has cycled, I'm going to be using live plants so it should be a pretty exciting time, after he settles in, I will be posting pictures of him, I'm hoping for a Halfmoon Avatar Betta I like my Halfmoons.
Gahhhh this fish is beautiful!!! Why must you put ideas in my head? ;o;
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Hey, so I've been breeding guppies for a while and I've had constant problems with them. Every time I get a new batch of babies or go to sell them they get sick or start dying. Water quality,temperature,filtration,food and space are all fine. These are ones I've bred myself and I make sure to regularly add new genetics in every once and a while. So I'm thinking of maybe switching species because these guppies are giving me so much grief. What do you all prefer, Platies or ballon mollies?.
Unus1 said: Hey, so I've been breeding guppies for a while and I've had constant problems with them. Every time I get a new batch of babies or go to sell them they get sick or start dying. Water quality,temperature,filtration,food and space are all fine. These are ones I've bred myself and I make sure to regularly add new genetics in every once and a while. So I'm thinking of maybe switching species because these guppies are giving me so much grief. What do you all prefer, Platies or ballon mollies?.
How old are your guppies when you try and sell them? I think I know what might be happening.
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