yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh... Lolz
i have super sore legs i played fast 5 wednesday australia time and it really hurts :(
I lost feeling in my right leg yesterday... I went to hop off the bed, but as soon as my right foot hit the ground i fell, it was so weird that i couldn't feel it, i fell on a bottle which scared my cat, feeling bad i got up to go comfort her, but again, when i stood on my right foot it rolled onto my ankle and i fell again, when i fell it hurt everywhere, but not my leg... It was numb. Is that what it feels like for people who can't walk? They step and their leg collapses? X^X But now i can feel it, but my ankle is soreeee
I don't remember typing that on the 20th, so just to justify, I'm sorry for appearing rude or careless and I'm deeply sorry, but I do hope that you guys are okay! Get better soon!
I'm fine, but is Angel ok? That is the REAL question 🤔