Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Forecast: Sunny
Wed 10:33am  
Stables Online:  111 
Legacy Leagues
10:21:59 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Subscribe to the straw thread for future ROs!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
10:09:26 Loki
EWE filly for sale! only 75,000ebs. I looked at all the other EWE filly's for sale and they are in the 100,000s! -HEE Click-
Midnight Manors
10:06:50 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
2 females Available
Please read everything before ordering
Sport pony rescue
Irish sport horse auction bids starting at 1000 -HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
All horses in this barn need to go. Some prices are negotiable.
09:36:59 Knightie's SA
New items added to the shop
selling brindle stallion
Dark Donkey
WWW auction
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
09:15:53 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
08:48:58 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
- Black
- Buckskin
- chestnut
Breed: KNN
Gender: Mare
Rating: EEE+
Please no roans, but will look at them.
PM me!

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Legacy Leagues
10:21:59 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Subscribe to the straw thread for future ROs!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
10:09:26 Loki
EWE filly for sale! only 75,000ebs. I looked at all the other EWE filly's for sale and they are in the 100,000s! -HEE Click-
Midnight Manors
10:06:50 Bunny ♡
-HEE Click-
2 females Available
Please read everything before ordering
Sport pony rescue
Irish sport horse auction bids starting at 1000 -HEE Click-
-HEE Click-
All horses in this barn need to go. Some prices are negotiable.
09:36:59 Knightie's SA
New items added to the shop
selling brindle stallion
Dark Donkey
WWW auction
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
09:15:53 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
08:48:58 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
- Black
- Buckskin
- chestnut
Breed: KNN
Gender: Mare
Rating: EEE+
Please no roans, but will look at them.
PM me!

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 04:53 PM

Hallucination Manor
Posts: 5196
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Hello all! I welcome you to the 2022 Goals Galore Giveaway, here's how it will work, but bare with me, this is kind of a longer contest, but fear not! I will do my best to make it as rewarding as possible ;)

The Guidelines:

- Post your goal(s) for the new year, any you may have (RL or HEE), short or long term!

- Update your original post throughout the year with your successes/challenges, what you have done/plan on doing, if you want encouragement, and whatever else you want to keep yourself motivated!
- At least have one update saying that you competed your goal(s)

Now on to everyone's favorite part...


- Everyone who enters before January 1st at 12am GT will be entered to win 100k! (anyone is free to & encouraged enter at any point in the year though!)

- Everyone who continues to update their posts will be eligible to win prizes throughout the year ranging from ABLB straws to breeding items to ebs and more!

but that's not all....

Grand Prize:

1 million ebs (with a possibility of more!)

Anyone who completes at least one goal at any point during the year before January 1st 2024 is eligible to win this!

If you have any questions please feel free to message me and have fun! I look forward to hearing everyone's goals and seeing your successes!

This begins NOW!

Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 04:59 PM

Hallucination Manor
Posts: 5196
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Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 04:59 PM

Hallucination Manor
Posts: 5196
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RL Goals:
- Start going to the gym regularly again
- Ride my gelding more
- Get my 2y/o read to be started in 2024!
- Focus on my mental health
- Read more books
- Be as successful as I can in undergrad, I've been working on getting my gen ed requirements done for the past few years at a local community college, but now it's finally time to start undergrad!

HEE Goals:
- Breed a top 5 ABLB stallion
- Become more active with AEB
- Start up my Tobi TB project
- Start a champagne project (breed undecided, either SH or TB)
- Learn how the futurities work lmao

Edited at December 31, 2022 07:26 PM by Hallucination Manor
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 05:07 PM

ShiningStar Stables
Posts: 6710
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Horse Eden goals:
#1. Have at least 200 geldings ✔️
#2. Breed a second WWW ✔️
#3. Have a LB Mare/Stallion ✔️
This guy is sitting at #2 PONLB and #33 ABLB!
#4. Restart my Tobiano RID project
#5. Restart my wild breed up project
Real Life goals:
#1. Get my Quarter horse mare trotting the barrel pattern✔️
There is always room for improvement, but she has gotten the hang of trotting the pattern!
#2. Teach my Arabian/Quarter horse mare lead changes ✔️
She still has a sticky lead, but she understands when I ask for a change now!
#3. Halter train my two new calves ✔️
One of the calves definitely picked it up faster, but they are both walking with me nicely now!

Edited at September 21, 2023 08:59 AM by ShiningStar Stables
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 05:27 PM

Luckshan Breeding
Posts: 885
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March Update:
HEE Goals
- Breed an EWW - Hell Yeah!!
- Breed a WWW - FINNALLY - fingers crossed she trains well (October RO)
- Get a stallion on the TBLB
- Get a WWW mare (technically completed)
- Use a medallion in a match
- Save up to get a Pennywise straw - never gonna happen now but oh well xD
- Save 700k - Yup
- Improve my art - Somewhat, can now vaguely hand-draw hair lol. March: Getting better lol, now doing adopts too!
RL Goals:
- Win a medal at Maadi - (March) OMG3 weeks!! Octi looks promising!
(April) Hehe I take that back, Octi came 7th, but it was cause they crabbed lmao. My quad came 4th in the B final (12th overall) but we came third at NISS!
But our team captain came 3rd in her single, a massive achievement for her!
- Improve my fitness - March: getting there!
(April) Lol I have biceps xD
October - i take it all back I only have biceps because I'm a noodleee
- Improve my communication skills to become a better coxswain. Mar: Improvements <33
(April): I think I've improved a lot, especially during a race. Not so much on land but oh well XD
October - I now have coxswain friends, so I'm not alone lmao. Even wrote a guide for them!
- Regularly attend team gym sessions, and become more confident in front of my peers. (Feb)Not a good start, skipped a gym session this morning, but I'm gonna make it up! (Mar) Started training at the lake, been having to wake up at 4 lol
(April) Well, the season is over and I attended about 75% of the gym sessions? (October- no way in hell I'm going to any of those this season lmao)
- (march)NEW GOAL: Gain weight <33
(April) This is not going so well but I have winter to bulk xD
October - I didn't bulk over the winter lmaooo-

Edited at October 3, 2023 05:26 PM by Luckshan Breeding
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 05:52 PM

Fablewind Stables
Posts: 39
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RL Life Goal:
Sew 1 stuffies for all my nephews (4) & my "adopted" niblings (5)
look into sewing for & donating to one or more charity (if you know of any, please let me know!)
Sew 4 things for myself
HEE Goals:
Breed a WWE(+) foal
Buy & use a medallion
(re)start my Brindle program
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 06:53 PM


Rumble Team
Posts: 3399
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It's already 2023 over here so happy new year to everyone!
RL Goals:
- Transferring universities
- Learn to canter by myself, this time for real
Update: Forgot to edit earlier, but I managed the university change! I'm really happy where I am now, I hope the next year will be even better! :D
HEE Goals:
- Breed a high TBLB mare (dun/ch/spl/tobi would be awesome!)
- Own at least one #1 DTBLB stallion

Edited at May 29, 2023 03:53 PM by HRS
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 07:04 PM

Willow Grove
Posts: 625
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Real Life Goals:
- Get at least the first 20 volumes of One Piece (There are 101 total as of now.. sheesh) Got volumes 1 - 21!
- Progress on learning Kanji
- Completely memorize Katakana and Hiragana
- Teach my moms stubborn, adopted mutt how to do paw
HEE Goals:
- Breed a WWW colorful horse (Dun, frame, splash, tobi,etc) Rosinante Frame AND Splash!!
- Get on the AA Breeders LB
- Buy a new pasture to increase my show string and earnings
- Earn enough to be able to help fellow players. Ive been helped so much by other people and would like to be able to give back on the same level I have been helped

Edited at March 27, 2023 07:58 AM by Willow Grove
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 07:10 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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This is an awesome idea, I love it! Thank you for hosting!
HEE Goals:
- get a horse I bred onto a leaderboard
- establish my breeding program (TB) enough to where I can start adding dun and tobiano into my lines
Real Life Goals:
- complete a BN show (I've been schooling it forever, just have had bad luck with finances and horses)
- complete at least 1 semester of college - going for equine science undergrad and equine nutrition PhD ideally! (1/5: admitted to my local community college!)
- start going back to therapy regularly

Edited at January 8, 2023 07:55 PM by October Eventing
Hallucinations 2023 Goals Galore December 31, 2022 08:23 PM

Camelot Stables
Posts: 404
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RL Goals:
- Work on staying out of the hospital this year (fingers crossed) - so far, I have managed this one
- Do my physical therapy exercises at least 2 to 3 times a week - ha... I have not managed to do this as much as I would like, but am working on it
- Buy a few less Breyer horses than last year (they are taking over) - I managed this but only by a few.
- Read more good books (suggestions accepted and appreciated) - read a few, but not as many as I would like.
- Work on meditation and relaxation for mental and physical health - this has been going pretty well

HEE Goals:
- To have an ABLB stallion or mare - not yet, but I'm getting closer
- Increase my income so I can give more back to the community by granting more wishes through Whizbar's Wishlist - did manage to do this
- Buy a second pasture so I can become more self sufficiant in feeding my horses - check
- Get better at the genetics game - still working on it
- I too would like to know how the futurities work ; ) (if you figure it out, let me know)

Edited at November 10, 2023 10:35 PM by Camelot Stables

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