
You could sent ebs the ebs to me & I'd put it into the savings account until I can pay someone to put it on Boulder's account
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im all fo helping Boulder out, but i think (personally) we should just send her what we have rarther than transferring our money to somebody.
Thistleberry Farm said: im all fo helping Boulder out, but i think (personally) we should just send her what we have rarther than transferring our money to somebody.
^^ I trust you but there could be a chance that you'd keep it for yourself I personally am saving up for an upgrade and I don't have extra, but I could give some from my SA

112,000 has been raised so far
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I think this is a great idea, but I agree with Thisleberry. Thistleberry Farm said: im all fo helping Boulder out, but i think (personally) we should just send her what we have rarther than transferring our money to somebody.
Let's give the money directly to Boulder.

147,000 ebs have been raised
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Footloose & Fancy said: 147,000 ebs have been raised
I'd say you could send that to boulder for the premium now :)

A seller was contacted & premium has been paid for at 150,000ebs thanks to everyone for pitching in Edit The seller gave confirmation of delivery Edited at April 12, 2021 11:57 PM by Footloose & Fancy
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What in the Actual Heck is going on!!!
I come home for lunch break off work - and having had a crap-tastic weekend/previous week. And I sign in to find a Premium on my account!
What in the world is going on here. And I see one Dulcie is behind all this!!!! - - - For real - I am so beyond blown away. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me - I am literally speechless!!!!
You all are absolutely amazing and I can't thank you enough! The kindness and generosity from this PPP & HEE community is just outstanding.
Thank you so much for being lovely individuals. Faith in Humanity definitely restored! . . . It's been absolutely crazy for the past few months - I am so sorry for not keeping up with the PPP I know I owe last show's prizes ( I will update with a new post) I had a show all written up and ready to go - but got stuck in my own head and didn't know what You the PPP Community would want for the chosen classes. I will be posting a new show regardless so y'all can have some dress up fun! (work, errands x.x, and then I will sit down and get PPP stuff done and uploaded!!!) You all have given me a super boost! I am so exci0ted to see what we can do with all these fun features! Dulcie - You'll be hearing from me!!!! ♥♥♥
Thank you so much to Footloose & Fancy, Ocean View Stables, Silver Isle Eventing, Thistleberry Farm, Ocean River Stables, Floresta Elites, & Everyone else who donated (Please message me so I can put an offical thank you post/PPP awesomeness up!
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<3333 Boulder Creek said: What in the Actual Heck is going on!!!
I come home for lunch break off work - and having had a crap-tastic weekend/previous week. And I sign in to find a Premium on my account!
What in the world is going on here. And I see one Dulcie is behind all this!!!! - - - For real - I am so beyond blown away. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me - I am literally speechless!!!!
You all are absolutely amazing and I can't thank you enough! The kindness and generosity from this PPP & HEE community is just outstanding.
Thank you so much for being lovely individuals. Faith in Humanity definitely restored! . . . It's been absolutely crazy for the past few months - I am so sorry for not keeping up with the PPP I know I owe last show's prizes ( I will update with a new post) I had a show all written up and ready to go - but got stuck in my own head and didn't know what You the PPP Community would want for the chosen classes. I will be posting a new show regardless so y'all can have some dress up fun! (work, errands x.x, and then I will sit down and get PPP stuff done and uploaded!!!) You all have given me a super boost! I am so exci0ted to see what we can do with all these fun features! Dulcie - You'll be hearing from me!!!! ♥♥♥
Thank you so much to Footloose & Fancy, Ocean View Stables, Silver Isle Eventing, Thistleberry Farm, Ocean River Stables, Floresta Elites, & Everyone else who donated (Please message me so I can put an offical thank you post/PPP awesomeness up!
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