
Pretty Pony Pageant September Show Class List ∴ Realistic Classes ∴ Show Jumping Training Companion Animals ✸ Senior Party! ✸ ∴ Theme Classes ∴ Autumn Ride The Show Jumping, Training, Companion Animals and Senior Party! classes will be judged by an anonymous judges panel! (remember, if you are chosen for this week's judges panel - you cannot enter a horse in these classes) Show Jumping Where the Agility, Speed, Dexterity, and Scope of a horse is tested over brightly colored rails as they race against the clock Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse ‣ One (1) Tack item relating to Show Jump Riding ‣ Background relating to Show Jump Riding May use as many items and/or decor as you want. You may be as creative as you want with how you use items As you tackle the boldly stated fences, from Oxers, Liverpools, and the daring Triple Combination - how does your horse stand up to the challenge? Did they knock a rail, or become unnerved at the flashy standards? Maybe they did make it under time! But can you remember the Jump-Off Course?!? Training It's time to put in the dedication, perseverance, and hard work to get you and your horse into the best shape. Whatever discipline or goal you're working towards - it all starts in the same place, the training field. Whether drilling on the flat, schooling over jumps, or working on ground exercises - it all comes down to training! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse (or Pony!) Tack Requirements: - Three items of Tack (Not from the EXTRAs section) ‣ Background relating to your Training Theme Training is all about the hard work - but sometimes it's also a great time to show off your colorful tack! Are you all serious and down to business with solid colors, or do you go hog-wild with the bright and shiney? Maybe you didn't have time to coordinate your outfit and it's a bit of everything? Getting in some saddle time on the cross country course, schooling a few movements from your upcoming dressage test, or maybe you're about to put the first ride on your young horse. Groundwork with a lounging caveson, a bareback ride to perfect your equitation, a problem-solving training ride with a trusted trainer. Companion Animals Time to celebrate the animals that are your horse's best friends! Is it someone they just can't live without, or someone they met out on the trail? Is the farm goose actually the trainer in disguise? Show off those animals you found while exploring! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult or Foal Horse Tack Requirements: - At least One (1) tack item Excludes the 'Extras' section ‣ EITHER - One (1) Animal Decor Item and One (1) Plant Decor Item - OR - ‣ Two (2) Animal Decor Items ‣ Background relating to your Companion Animals Theme May use as many items and/or decor as you want You may be as creative as you want with how you use items Create a visual story to explain who your Horse's companion animals are - how they met or the significance of the relationship. Is your horse attached to just one animal - or ALL the animals they meet? Introducing a NEW Class! Senior Party! You heard right! It's all about the aged horses here! It's a retirement party for all those who have given us their best life. They have so much left to live - but deserve an extra special day to celebrate just how special they truly are. Bring your mature horses to this party! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse - Must be At Least 16 years old ‣ Tack Requirements: - Unicorn Horn, Antlers, or Bunny Ears ‣ At least One (1) Decor Item ‣ Background relating to your Party Theme - May use as many items and/or decor as you want - You may be as creative as you want with how you use items When you walk into the barn, it's their nicker that you don't hear. Heart racing, you head to their stall and see the old horse dozing in the sun. A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you take a moment to watch the beloved senior resting. When did their muzzle turn grey, and their eyes become so sunken, maybe a few more flakes of hay and an extra scoop of grain will fill out their ribs. You can't even bring yourself to think of the near future where one day, they won't be in the barn. To put off that grief - you instead decide to celebrate their life and all their accomplishments with a PARTY! • It is highly encouraged to be creative and think outside the box - you don't have to use traditional tack always, as long as it can be reasoned, it will be accepted. • It is not required to be extravagant - if you only have an item or two, go for it! Show off your pretty pony! (Please Message Boulder Creek if you require assistance with items or tack!) ∴ The Community Vote Class Theme for this week is: 🍂 Autumn Ride 🍁 Everyone is welcome to join (even those on the judging panel!) as these classes will be set for Community Public Voting! 🍂 Autumn Ride 🍁 There's nothing better than riding down the trail with the fall colors swirling around you. The air is crisp but the sun is still shining. Remember to wear your safety orange. Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse ‣ Tack Requirements: - Saddle -OR- Bareback Pad - Breastplate ‣ Trail Background (No Arena or Stall) You may use as many items as you wish (create a story!) You made it through the woods and into the apple orchard. Giant juicy fruit hangs ripe for the picking - as you reach to snag an apple off the branch, your horse reaches up for one too! The afternoon sun warms your cheeks while the cool breeze stirs up the dying leaves. Fortunately, you're decked out in a warm flannel and bright orange. Too soon, the sun is already ducking down towards the horizon - only a month ago it was staying up well past bedtime! You may include a short blurb about your Autumn Ride Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ Entries are open! Now (Monday, September 27) until Thursday, September 30, 11:59 PM CDT (Game Time) [An extension may be given if necessary] Submissions: With Pretty Pony Pageant Entry in the Subject Line State the class that you wish to enter Include the link to the tacked pony (multiple entries in one message are allowed and encouraged) - Remember - Only one horse per class per stable/User You may enter up to five horses in this week's show Do Not Post entries on this page or otherwise say which horse(s) you submitted. We are striving for anonymity for fair judging! You may post that you entered and share this contest with others who might also enjoy entering. This week's Judges Panel have been notified If you need help or have questions - please contact Boulder Creek 🏅 If you would like to help provide Prizes for this month's Prize Stash, or sponsor a specific class - please contact Boulder Creek 💰
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That seems like so much fun! My horses and riders will definatly be attending!!!!!
I voted! So many pretty entries. Good luck to all

A big thank you too all who entered the PPP September Show! We had a great turn out - and now the lovely judges are going to do their Judgy thang! BUT! There are TWO Community Vote Polls that need you to vote! Choose the prettiest pony for the: Autumn Ride class -HEE Click- & Senior Party! class -HEE Click- Make sure to head over to the Senior Party thread! It's a real party with extra chances to win prizes! ⇒ Guess the Age of the Senior! ⇒ Share your Senior - Join in the celebration by showing off your aged horse! Thank you all for supporting the PPP! A big round of applause to the PPP Judges! We really couldn't do this without you! - Keep an eye out for the upcoming The Eden Echo Magazine! There just might be a special PPP Contest!
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Pretty Pony Pageant September Show Presentation Ceremony Show Jumping First Place:
 Wagners Ombre's + Pure Chill Prize Stash Tickets: 7 -or- 10,000 EBS
Second Place: Fire Creek's Shutterfly Prize Stash Tickets: 6 -or- 7,500 EBS Third Place:
 SkyWing Ranch's SWR Eomer Éadig Prize Stash Tickets: 5 -or- 5,500 EBS Fourth Place: Savannah Stables' Lapis's Darkness Prize Stash Tickets: 4 -or- 4,000 EBS
Fifth Place:
 Aussie Wattles' 𝔸𝕎 Not Now Prize Stash Tickets: 3 -or- 2,500 EBS Sixth Place:
 Equine Sanctuary's ★Roaring Snowstorm★ Prize Stash Tickets: 2 -or- 1,000 EBS Seventh Place:
 Footloose & Fancy's ☆●Majestic Onyx Prize Stash Tickets: 1 Training First Place: Wagners Ombre's ж| Spell of Croix Prize Stash Tickets: 9 -or- 10,000 EBS Second Place:
 Aussie Wattles' Fornino Prize Stash Tickets: 8 -or- 7,500 EBS Third Place:

Equine Sanctuary's ★Viva Las Vegas★ Prize Stash Tickets: 7 -or- 5,500 EBS Fourth Place:  Fire Creek's Dream maker ✨ Prize Stash Tickets: 6 -or- 4,000 EBS Fifth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Law & Order Prize Stash Tickets: 5 -or- 2,500 EBS Sixth Place:
 Savannah Stables' Bagel Prize Stash Tickets: 4 -or- 1,000 EBS Seventh Place:
 Clear River Arabians' Ͽ Hollywoods Hope Prize Stash Tickets: 3 Eighth Place:
 Bella Luna Farms' Luna Silver Moon Prize Stash Tickets: 2 Ninth Place:
 Footloose & Fancy's ☆●Meridith Prize Stash Tickets: 1 Companion Animals First Place:
 Aussie Wattles' Donasden Prize Stash Tickets: 6 -or- 10,000 EBS Second Place: Savannah Stables' Lapis's Darkness Prize Stash Tickets: 5 -or- 7,500 EBS Third Place: Boulder Creek's BC Spritely Prize Stash Tickets: 4 -or- 5,500 EBS TIED for Fourth Place:  Footloose & Fancy's ☆● Phoenix Prize Stash Tickets: 3 -or- 3,250 EBS - & -  Equine Sanctuary's ★Sparkling Cider★ Prize Stash Tickets: 3 -or- 3,250 EBS Senior Party First Place:
 Footloose & Fancy's ☆Orlando Age: 23 Prize Stash Tickets: 2 -or- 10,000 EBS Second Place: Boulder Creek's DF Wings of Renegades Song Age: 19 Prize Stash Tickets: 1 -or- 7,500 EBS Congratulations to those Stables who Guessed their Ages Correctly! Aussie Wattles Footloose & Fancy Northwind Isle Ocean River Stables
Autumn Ride First Place:
 Aussie Wattles' 𝔸𝕎 Full Kook Prize Stash Tickets: 6 -or- 10,000 EBS
Second Place: Savannah Stables' ∞Venus Prize Stash Tickets: 5 -or- 7,500 EBS Third Place: Clear River Arabians' Ͽ Happy Fall Prize Stash Tickets: 4 -or- 5,500 EBS Fourth Place: Fire Creek's Link 🌙 Prize Stash Tickets: 3 -or- 4,000 EBS Fifth Place:  Footloose & Fancy's ☆●Dollie Prize Stash Tickets: 2 -or- 2,500 EBS Fifth Place:
 Boulder Creek's BC Wed Thee Prize Stash Tickets: 1 -or- 1,000 EBS Congratulations to all who entered this week's Pretty Pony Pageant! Wonderful Entries and a tough job for the judges! Competitors are welcome to keep their ribbons! Just link back to this thread and/or post! If you need help - pm Boulder Creek To view this month's Prize Stash and spend your Tickets - go to the PPP Prize Stash To view your current available Tickets - go to the PPP Ticket Tracker A big round of applause and a hearty Thank You to our Lovely Judges Panel! Tobiano Lady, Ocean River Stables, Silver Isle Eventing, & Jumping Horses - Earning 10 Prize Stash Tickets Thank you so much for your participation on the Judges Panel! Hope you had fun! See you next week! Judges are welcome to grab a Judge's Badge! Just link back to the PPP contest thread!  If you are interested in being part of the Judges Panel - please message Boulder Creek to find out more! Thank you everyone who participated this week! Check back later this week for the next round of classes!
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Have you checked out the latest issue of The Eden Echo?!?! The Pretty Pony Pageant announced an exciting Contest in TEE - it's a Judging Contest for everyone to experience what it's like to be a PPP Judge. The Best Part: The Contest is all about our One Year Anniversary! Check out the PPP Anniversary Judging Contest: LINK The Task: Become a PPP Judge - and help decide how each class places. All of the entries are from the past year of first place winners! There are special prizes for the top entries in each class, as well as for the stables who participate as judges! Help the PPP celebrate our One Year Anniversary! - . - . - The PPP could not be what it is without the help and support from a few very special people - TenaciTea - who helped start up the PPP with Boulder Creek Footloose & Fancy - whose generous support has helped fund the PPP, as well as great feedback and ongoing support Ocean River Stables - who has been so generous with feedback, support, and donating great prizes As well as a shout out to all of the stables who have been so kind and generous with prize donations; over the past year we have received amazing acts of kindness in the forms of ebs to fund the Prize Money [each class of at least Six (6) entries has a payout of 30,500 ebs, or a show with five (5) classes has a payout of 152,500 ebs]; Breedings - EEE, WEE, Color, Bravery, Broods and Straws - we've had it all; Foals and Horses; and beautiful artwork of palettes and avatars! We truly are a blessed community! The PPP is also incredibly grateful to all the judges who help make the PPP possible each week - they help decide who wins, and it most definitely is a tough job. But MOST OF ALL - To you! Yes YOU! Without you, participating in the weekly/monthly contests, sending in amazing and wonderful and silly and inspired entries - NONE of this could be possible. You give reason to this whole thing. If you aren't here - there can't be any judges. A big thank you to HEE for creating beautiful horses and tack and decor - for which the entire PPP is based on. Thank you so much - you've come together to make the best community, so supportive and generous. - . - . - Much love and appreciation to all of you! Look for the October edition of the PPP coming soon! - Boulder Creek
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Pretty Pony Pageant October Show Class List ∴ Realistic Classes ∴ Dressage Stall Rest ✸ Drill Team ✸ Mare & Foal ∴ Theme Classes ∴ 👻 Getting Spooky 🎃 The Show Jumping, Training, Companion Animals and Senior Party! classes will be judged by an anonymous judges panel! (remember, if you are chosen for this week's judges panel - you cannot enter a horse in these classes) Dressage Where the Precision, Dedication, Elegance, and Perfection of Horse & Rider are tested as they Dance from A to C Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse ‣ Tack Requirements: ‣ A Bridle ‣ A Dressage -OR- Baroque Saddle ‣ Background Requirements: ‣ Arena or Stall Background May use as many items and/or decor as you want. You may be as creative as you want with how you use items Are you off to a show? Working towards your Bronze or Silver medal or even Olympic Gold? Are you practicing your flatwork? Or are your showing a new level test for the first time? Just don't forget your test the moment you head down centerline to salute! Stall Rest Oh No! Your horse is currently laid up! Stall confinement is the worst! If you're lucky you get 15 minutes of handwalking a day (good luck flying that kite!) Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Horse ‣ One (1) Tack item relating to protection/stall rest ‣ Decor Requirements: ‣ at least One (1) Decor Item ‣ Background Requirements: ‣ The Stall Background May use as many items and/or decor as you want You may be as creative as you want with how you use items You just heard back from the vet - Six Weeks of Stall Rest! What did you horse do to deserve such a sentence? Did they injury themselves in the silliest way? Did they bow a tendon on the racetrack or endurance race? Are they recovering from surgery? A mare with a recently delivered newborn? Or maybe recovering after a long week of showing. Do they have a stall companion to keep them from going too stir-crazy? GET CREATIVE - Tell a story with your horse, the background, and the items you use! Drill Team This is NOT a drill! Paired up with another horse and rider, you get ready to step into the arena. The music cues and everyone heads in single file. It's a synchronized dance routine that is all about coordination and perfection. Entry Must Include: ‣ Two (2) Adult Horse (up to 4 horses) ‣ Tack Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Tack Item (for each horse) ‣ At least One (1) Tack Item from the Extra section (Mane/Tail/Hoof/Paint Dye) (for each) ‣ Must have a Matching Theme across all horses ‣ Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Drill Team Theme You read that right - You must include Two Horses for this class, but may enter up to Four. The Catch: They have to all be matching! Are all the tack colors matching? Horse Coat Colors Matching? Or is everything the exact opposite? You've choreographed an impressive routine, created an inspired music track, and even coordinated outfits - now it's time to shine under the lights in front of a crowd! After anxiously analyzing potential breeding matches, your foal is finally here! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult Mare ‣ A Foal Decor - OR - ‣ A separate Foal entry ‣ Tack Requirements: ‣ Must have at least One (1) tack item on the Mare ‣ If not using a Foal Decor Item, Foal entry must have One (1) tack item ‣ Decor Requirements: ‣ At least One (1) Decor Item for Mare (& Foal) ‣ Background Requirements: ‣ Background relating to your Mare & Foal Theme ‣ if not using a Foal Decor Item, Foal must have a matching background » Note: Mare & Foal do not have to be related but should look as though they are dam and offspring. » Only Mare entries utilizing Foal Decor Items could have 'twins' - May use as many items and/or decor as you want - You may be as creative as you want with how you use items It's been a stressful eleven months; not for the mare, but for you as you anxiously wait for her to give you the most beautiful and precious gift! Every night you kiss the mare goodnight, and give an extra kiss to her belly. Occasionally you've been caught whispering in her ear, telling her exactly what color to make her baby. And as her due date nears, you moved out to the barn on a cot with a flashlight and sleeping bag. Any sign of movement caused you to come darting over to the stall and blast the mare's hind end with the high beam light. After a week of constant peeping - she waited until you had to run an errand - to pop out that baby. To your delight (and slight frustration at missing out on the magical moment), there is a perfect foal standing and nursing by the dam's side. • It is highly encouraged to be creative and think outside the box - you don't have to use traditional tack always, as long as it can be reasoned, it will be accepted. • It is not required to be extravagant - if you only have an item or two, go for it! Show off your pretty pony! (Please Message Boulder Creek if you require assistance with items or tack!) ∴ The Community Vote Class Theme for this week is: 👻 Getting Spooky 🎃 Everyone is welcome to join (even those on the judging panel!) as these classes will be set for Community Public Voting! 👻 Getting Spooky 🎃 With the fall leaves changing and falling, the autumn fog is rolling in, and the full moon is on the rise! It's a haunting season! Entry Must Include: ‣ Adult - or - Foal Horse ‣ Tack Requirements: ‣ at least One (1) tack item - Dress your horse up! Grab a Store-Bought Costume or create your own with stuff in your closet! ‣ Decor Requirements: ‣ at least One (1) Decor item ‣ Background Requirements: ‣ A background that goes with your Halloween theme! You may use as many items as you wish (create a story!) Halloween time is when the ghouls and goblins, witches and wizards, zombies and ballerinas come out to play! Show off your costumes and celebrate the spooky season! You may include a short blurb about your Getting Spooky Entry to be posted on the Community Vote Poll ☆ Must be Submitted with your entry! ☆ Entries are open! Now (Sunday, October 17) until Saturday, October 30, 11:59 PM CDT (Game Time) [An extension may be given if necessary] Submissions: With Pretty Pony Pageant Entry in the Subject Line State the class that you wish to enter Include the link to the tacked pony (multiple entries in one message are allowed and encouraged) - Remember - Only one horse per class per stable/User You may enter up to five entries in this week's show Do Not Post entries on this page or otherwise say which horse(s) you submitted. We are striving for anonymity for fair judging! You may post that you entered and share this contest with others who might also enjoy entering. This week's Judges Panel have been notified If you need help or have questions - please contact Boulder Creek 🏅 If you would like to help provide Prizes for this month's Prize Stash, or sponsor a specific class - please contact Boulder Creek 💰
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If you are in need of Tack or Decor Items; can't seem to find them in the Store, or have one item but need one more; Have the saddle pad but not the matching polo wraps - Reach out to Boulder Creek to see if the PPP Tack & Decor Stash has the needed item! Some items may be given, traded, borrowed, or sold (at discount). If you have extra items you are willing to sell, lend, or trade - please contact Boulder Creek Edited at October 17, 2021 11:08 PM by Boulder Creek
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This looks like a lot of fun :)