
HEE Goals: - Breed a WWW Horse - Increase my income/get better at showing - Surpass 1 Million ebs held - Figure out how Futurities work - Get a new stable set RL Goals: - Start going to the gym again - Get into therapy - Get my hair cut short - Improve drawing skills - Get back into horseback riding/find someway to be around horses more - Watch Avatar 2 Edited at August 15, 2023 11:08 PM by Stag's Court
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My only goal so far is to make progress with a horse I've been working with, and get him to trust me enough that he feels safe enough to stop spooking as much. And also of course have him be rideable haha. I also want to spend time rebuilding my bond with my heart horse. She left two years ago and I'm finally getting her back, and I really want to go back to where we were-she was my life. So yeah. I might add to this, might not.
Breed a WWW horse Breed a ABLB horse Breed a W horse with colour Lose weight Remember my sunblock Be more organised

Real Life Goals: - Cuddle with my cats more (one can never cuddle to much) - Travel to a foreign country - - HEE Goals: - Breed another shiney WWW Mare - Save another million ebs (finally got my first, and bought a sven)
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HEE Goals: - Get an Patterned ISH on the ABLB and/or high on the ISHLB - Breed another WWW pintaloosa mare - Start showing again and actually stick with it - Try to get back into doing art, maybe starting up a tier 1 premade art shop - Have a good bulk of ebs (about 1 mil) so that I can more easily afford breeding items RL Goals: This is going to be a huge year of change for me, I'm moving away to another city and starting uni, so at the moment it's feeling pretty daunting. Hopefully these goals will help me keep things in perspective and make it feel less overwhelming! - Get into a pretty competitve course at uni - probably my main goal for this year! I GOT IN!!! - If I don't get into the course; being at peace with that (probably easier said than done) and either feeling focused on trying again or having found something else I'm passionate about. - I'd like to branch out a little bit more socially, meet new people and do things I wouldn't otherwise do, get out of my comfort zone a little! - Explore and hopefully fall in love with my new home town - Keep on top of my mental health, as I have struggled with it in the past, and this year of change will certainly be challenging. Edited at December 15, 2023 04:02 PM by SilverFern Stables
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HEE Goals. save 1 million ebs Have 500 geldings Make 1 million ebs in showing

RL Goals:
* Face My Biggest Fears! (getting on a boat for 5 days in the middle of the ocean). I have my 1st ever cruise in April 2023. So scared, but excited in a way.
* Travel Outside My State. (this year, I will be traveling to Florida to Disney for the 1st time, traveling to the Bahamas for the th 1st time as well!)
*Start focusing more on my weight journey and work harder at it
*Try to working harder on self loving myself - continuing
*Drive a school bus for my job and not have a panic attack everytime I think about driving 30+ of other peoples kids and not have a breakdown of all the things that could go wrong
*Make more camping/hiking trips with hubby and the furbabies
* Find a new barn and start riding again.. my heart has finally healed from losing my heart horse in Jan. 2020. I am ready to try again.
*Make More RL Friends. (I only have 2, and 1 moved to VA)
*Go Fishing More
*Start deer hunting again fall of 2023
*Start saving for a new car
*Start Christmas shopping early/throughout the year this time
*Learn how to do makeup/do things to my hair
HEE Goals: *Reach 1million ebs
*Have all my color studs be breed/max out of all their LCs.
*Get a stable award for having lots of PONs, SHs, ISHs. Maybe..
*Buy a 12month Upgrade
*Have 40+ rerolls
*Buy More Filly Sex Straws
*Breed a colorful or 1/1 WWW Filly or Stud
*Breed a White Mutation
*Breed my 2nd WWW
* Buy A Seven
*Grant more wishes in Whizbars Wishlist Forum Edited at June 23, 2023 10:13 AM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Congratulations to Gryffenwise Stables for winning the 1st prize of the year!
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RL Goals: - Achieve my Pre-Elementary AIDT dance certificate - Read 100 books 11/01: 7 books done and busy on the next two! - Work out and stretch more consistently - Become confident jumping bigger/scarier fences - Volunteer consistently at Haven Of Hope (an equine therapy organisation) 4/01: Confirmed about a training day in a few weeks. - Be patient with myself & others <3 . HEE Goals: - Breed a WWW prl filly - Breed a WWW spl foal - Restart doing art consistently - Restart dressage futurities - Consistently get on the top yearly points leaderboard Edited at January 11, 2023 08:41 AM by Tanglewood

Trivia Team |
RL Goals Get a driveway put in on my property and start building the barn Get asbestos certification (for work) Be more consistent with doing yoga Be more mindful on how I can alleviate my back problems Read more Become more consistent with making art so I can improve Start going to sleep eariler Reach rank 100 on rdr2 online Regularly post rdr2 online content * HEE goals Breed a top XLB stud Breed a ABLB mare Breed a WWW RID Open my art & palette shops back up Be more consistent with training Edited at January 6, 2023 02:17 PM by Sweetwater Creek
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