
Rumble Team |
The Rumble Team Presents: Creative Competition Clinic Nov 2024 *This is not a required contest. Consider it practice for the main event. The Creative Clinic Competition is a quarterly mini contest in which artists of all levels are invited to participate to use as a learning tool and skill sharpener. We will be focusing on certain skills, and other art aspects to continue to educate and challenge the artists. ALL levels are encouraged to participate! How to Enter | For this Creative Clinic Competiton, the artist will choose their own horse and background stock then must choose and integrate one of the provided companion stocks for their tier into their art piece. We are also challenging the artists with learning the skill of Frame Within A Frame __Definition: This technique is employed to achieve various artistic and narrative goals, by framing the main subject with other elements like windows, doorways, or even other objects that focus the viewer's attention more directly on the central point of interest. Submit your entry to SCF at #266600 along with your Tier and SSCN Winners will be decided by the highest vote of all entries for your tier. This is not a 1 vs 1 competition like the main Rumble. | Prizes: | Tier 1: 50k Tier 2: 50k Tier 3: 50k Tier 4: 50k | Additional Completion Bonus: | 5k to all submitted pieces (this means turn your art in no matter what) | Schedule of Events: | Oct 30: Introduction/Rules/Regulations Oct 30-31: Sign Up Days (2) Nov 1: SSCN Assigned/Stock Choices Released/Additional Details Given Nov 2: Let's Mini Rumble... Let the Creativity start...NOW! Nov 3 - Nov 16: 2 FULL weeks to create Nov 17: Wrap Up Starts Final Entry Submission Day ONE *************************** Nov 19: LAST CALL Final Entry Submission Day THREE *** Closed to entries after 10pm Gametime*** | FAQ Who can enter? Everyone may enter. How do I enter? Send your stable name and tier to SCF #266600 Subject: CCC Entry. Once sign ups are completed, SSCN and final details will be sent to you. What sources may I use for stock? You may use both Unsplash and Deviant Art. Are there any special requirements to use Deviant Art Stock? YES! You must make sure it is allowed stock and that you have read the stock providers rules of use and follow them. If you will be competing in the CCC and the main Rumble, it is suggested that you probably sign up for a Deviant Art account for FREE (some stock providers require this)...plus it will be a great place to host all your beautiful Rumble creations. What happens if I use stock that is not allowed or I don't follow the stock providers rules? You will be disqualified. What is a SSCN? A SSCN (Super Secret Code Name) is how you will be anonymously identified during the contests. Can I tell my SSCN to other people? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Please to keep things fair and interesting do not share your SSCN with other players. It negates the whole purpose of being SECRET!! Can we discuss the contests? By all means you can discuss ideas and themes and how much you love us.. but please... if you are competing DO NOT talk about how hard that challenge was or make announcements that you are or are not entering... a major fun factor on these contests is keeping the artists identites secret until the WHOLE contest is OVER! NO SPOILERS PLEASE!! The team is going to be strict on this and violations could result in a possible suspension from the next rumble contest. May I sell my artwork? Only after the WHOLE contest is over. Again PLEASE NO SPOILERS!! We know you are excited to share your loevly art with the community but it is unfair to the other competitors for you to BREACH THE SECRECY. Most of the contests will last 30 - 45 days...this should not be an outrageous amount of time to have to wait to sell your artwork. Violation could result in suspension from the next rumble contest. Any other questions may be directed to The Rumble Team: SCF: #266600 Coldwater Meadows: #28845 Reality: #278107 Mossy: #325753 HRS: #275252 | Edited at October 30, 2024 03:40 AM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |
Sign-ups are now CLOSED! Let's Mini Rumble! The creativity may start NOW! Edited at November 1, 2024 07:19 PM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |
DATES TO WATCH: NOV 2 and (NOV 3 - NOV 16) for artists to complete their masterpieces! Nov 17: Wrap Up Starts Final Entry Submission Day ONE *************************** Nov 19: LAST CALL Final Entry Submission Day THREE *** Closed to entries after 10pm Gametime*** Nov 20: Rumble Team Day to check all entries in and validate outside stock sources used Nov 21: CCC Voting Day 1 (will be open to all HEE for voting!) Nov 22: CCC Voting Day 2 (will be open to all HEE for voting!) Nov 23: CCC Winners announced and prizes distributed January 2025 (TBD) our NEXT Creative Competiton Clinic will be held Edited at November 1, 2024 07:33 PM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |
NOTICE to CCC competitors: You MAY use Adobe Free stock...Please take note for crediting.. Up to 2 images: Credit as AF 12345 (which would be the Adobe Free stock license number) If you use more than 2 Adobe Free images in your piece... Credit it as Adobe Free and please include the links to the stock images when submitting your entry. This will be how we handle Adobe Free stock usage moving forward for CCC and the Rumble. Please keep your credits simple and legible: They should appear either at the top or bottom of your page. Basic Arial font.. (order does not matter.. but either layout is preferred) Examples: or SSCN AF 12345
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Rumble Team |
Okay you guys and gals... We have as of tomorrow Wednesday 11/13.. seven (7) days left ... aka ONE (1) week before LAST CALL on Tuesday 11/19. I am really very excited to see what you all are going to come up with. Just in case anyone needs more explantaion as to the skill requirement of Frame Within A Frame: Here is a link to explain what it means Frame Within A Frame Explanation . If anyone who has already submitted their piece feels they may need to rework anything after reading this, you still have until the LAST CALL to resubmit. This is a requirement in your composition as well as your Winter Companion... Thank everyone! I know this is going to be amazing!! ❤️SCF (and my amazing team!)
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Rumble Team |
Hello artists! Wrap up day 1..starts tomorrow November 17. Please start putting your finishing touches on your entries remember Last Call your final deadline for entries is TUESDAY, November 19, 10pm gametime. If you have already completed your entry you may turn it in any time to 266600...please make note to double check these things before submitting... 1. Did I follow the guidelines...did I successfully create A Frame Within A Frame view? (This is a required element as is was the skill to be practiced.) 2. Theme: was Winter Companions...did you choose a companion (each tier had 2 poses from their designated companion to choose from) and work him into your winter theme? 3. Credits: please be sure your SSCN and Tier number are on your entry. Make sure everything is properly credited. Deviant Art stock users please make sure that you are using allowed stock sources and that all the stock providers rules are being followed. Special Deviant Art note: As we respect our DA stock providers wishes for us to link our works back to their page or show them where stock is used...please wait until AFTER..We have completed the contest before sharing anywhere on DA. 4. Did I have fun and have I joined the Artist Rumble Club? 5. Remember even if you haven't finished... get something into us by the deadline...an unfinished entry is still an entry... we are encouraging full participation! Don't forget you get 5k for a completed sumbission. 6. PM to #266600 Subject: CCC-SSCN and Tier # Thank you to everyone who is participating! We are extremely excited and encouraged with the entries so far... keep them coming! Much Love! SCF Edited at November 16, 2024 11:31 PM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |
Tomorrow November 19 is LAST CALL! All art submissions should be turned in before 10 pm gametime! Please even if you are not finished... turn something in! Every entry is important! Plus you get 5k for getting your entry in. Voting will be open to all of HEE on November 21 and 22... and winners will be announced on November 23! Good luck to all our artists! Edited at November 18, 2024 04:59 PM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |
WE ARE LIVE! Please check out the entries and vote here! Edited at November 21, 2024 03:54 PM by SCF Sporting Chance
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Rumble Team |