There's so many cheap WWE combo boys out there, not really a reason anymore to breed an EEE mare to an EEE boy - those I use for my colourful PEP combo mares.
Solar, true. Based on that foal alone I can probably guess what his father is weak in, but still, getting an S from two well lined EEE matches kinda hurts lol.
-HEE Click- here you go! My tobi braves are really thriving, but I'm even more grateful when I get duns, especially since all of my brave dun TBs go back to two of my dun colour mares. And the splash is a nice touch as well.
I have a few colourful freshies this year. One is only E but his colouring is so pretty. Next year there's tons of pearl babies to debut. I also caught a rather impressive KNN girl when I was trying to finish the P with a pattern quest.
I have a 3 year old mare whose Bravery is 'Unknown'. I cannot find her on the list for Exploring, is this a bug or is there another reason why she would not show up? She definitely hasn't explored for a couple of days.