Mac, Ok thanks! Do you mind telling me who you buy it off of and for how much you pay for the 3 months? It can be in chat or in PM because I don't know if they won't want us to talk about the prices in chat or not
Oak, I'd say it's definitely worth it. As you've said, I can rate whoever whenever I want, I can do private sales, paying and training riders is so easy now. There's so many other things too
Mac, Ok, so is it worth it? I'm a free stable and I'm doing just fine. Just wish I could rate more in a day. But other than that I'm doing great. Would it be worth it?
Whe you have the time Prezi, please let us who did not win and used your OC'S what you want us to do with them since you said you prefer we don't sell them. Absolutely no rush...thank you so much for hosting this it was alot of fun.♡♡