
(Hello darkness my old friend xD)
XD, Hello. I just realized most of the RP's we've had together have literally died, XD. Although this one I really want to continue, but we don't have to if you don't want to. How have you been?

I've been doing alright, just been busy with stuff. How are you?)
Pretty good, I suppose. Life's been a bit difficult, but I'm getting through it. :)


-Little Flower watched the herd of horses from a safe distance, staying seating on the back of her large steed as he watched the herd as well. She felt free once more, she watched the sun slowly set before turning the gelding around before Prince strode off in a strideful trot to cover more quicker on his long legs-
From the moment the group returned home, the tribe was training and working hard. Wolf leading a group of boys teaching them how to fight. They went hard even as the sun started to come down, their voices ringing across the quiet plains as they train. It was only when it was to dark to train safely, did the tribe stop. One by one they return to eat and retire to their teppies.

((I literally forgot all about this role from how busy that I've gotten. I would love to come back to this role at some point since I miss rping with you))