Discusion : https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=68&t=58605 Willow Creek started out when a couple bought a huge property, thinking they could easily pay off the debt. But soon they died leaving the massive barn to their daughter who struggled to keep it a simple lesson barn with few horses and even fewer riders. Now they need your help creating successful competition teams in as many disciplines as possible to get them out of debt once and for all. Will you and your horse rise to the occasion or buckle under the pressure? Will you work well with your team or prefer to go solo? Finally will you win big enough to get Willow Creek out of debt... and keep out? Edited at March 5, 2022 10:41 PM by Dusk acres
Our Facility WC has a beautiful white farmhouse/dorm room with blue trim. It has 20 rooms with 2 beds each. Downstairs from the rooms is a lovely kitchen and lounge room. We have an office with all the info you could possibly need! (Plus a bathroom!) We offer two barns with 16 stalls each as well as a hotwalker. We boast an indoor and outdoor lunge ring. We have 1 outdoor jump arena, 1 outdoor dressage arena and 1 outdoor western arena. 2 indoors are also a part of the massive property as well are a grain/feed room/, wash stall, farrier stall and several grooming stalls. Add a big tack room and many cross-country and trail ride trails and our facility is complete! Edited at March 5, 2022 10:42 PM by Dusk acres
Rules! - Follow all HEE rules! - No god-modding - Don't make your characters the best (be realistic!) - Don't be full of drama, as in don't make the horse spook and run 5 miles away every post! - Hate the character, not the player - Drama is allowed so is romance but please pm the player before doing anything serious (liking, hurting, spreading mean rumors ect.) - No detailed injuries, like saying something simple like : He broke his leg is fine but no gory details! - Please, please respect pronouns! |
Heather Storm | 22 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Location: Outdoor Jump arena | M: Open for Interaction. Heather would be practicing some jumps with her Seal brown KWPN stallion, Eclipse. She would be working the equine with the level that their both comfortable with, the young woman faced the stallion towards an obstacle as they approach the jump. She took a carefully calmed her nerves as Heather cleared her mind to focus, counting Eclipse's strides....1....2....3...She felt her horse lift off of the ground as he tucked his front legs under him while he pushed himself off the ground with his hindquarters, the young Equestrian would be moving with her horse as she lifted herself off the saddle to make herself a light load for him. Coming to a landing, she sat herself back into the saddle as she sits herself up, leaning back a bit as Eclipse untucked his legs while tucking in his back legs. Landing on his front hooves, bringing himself forward with his rider while untucking his back legs to put his back hooves down before cantering off from the jump. The brunette gently patted the stallion's neck, feeling quite pleased about their process so far with each other. "Good job, Eclipse. Maybe one day, you'll be jumping some higher obstacles but for now we'll stick with these jumps since they're more your level." She softly said to Eclipse, the equine let out some air from his nostrils that flared a bit before he tossed his head a bit in a playful manner.
Scarr Catsister | 20 | Eventing Rider | Dove Heart "Dove" | Location: Barn | M: Open for Interaction. - Scarr walked into the barn to be greeted by the soft blowing of hungry horses. More like 1 hungry horse, all the others were in work already. Scarr kind of had a tiny issue with sleeping through her alarm. She walked up to her perlino Akhal-Teke mare, Dove. "Morning Dove girl, how would you like to do... Flat work!" Scarr did tiny jazz hands before Dove turned around in her stall and began to eat somthing off the floor. "I know, its not my favoriate either. Anyway, how 'bout some breakfast?" Scarr left the mare and went into the grain room. Dove had a hay mix in her stall at all times but she also got some grain with supplements since she was working harder than she had been. Once the grain was mixed she went back to Dove's stall and put the grain in. She checked the water and left to go get Dove's tack in order before the mare was done eating.
Elijah Conner|21|horse:big red jawl| location:barn coming from tack room|M:open to interaction -- Elijah walks in with a saddle and bridle from the tackroom he was ready to start the day practicing with big red jawl or reddy for short walking towards reddy stall he neighed happily when he saw me coming towards him, Elijah stop in front of him and said " ready to start the day reddy" reddy started to left his head up and down like he was saying yes I am ready,Elijah laughed and open the stall door and started to talk him up but after he brushes and hoofpick after Elijah was done he threw the blanket on then the saddle making sure everything fits in the right place then walks over to get his bridle reddy back up hey didn't want a bridle on it all not even a saddle but Elijah didn't let him down.
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Scarr Catsister | 20 | Eventing Rider | Dove Heart "Dove" | Location: Barn | M: Open for Interaction. - Once Dove was done eating Scarr took the grain bucket and put it on the massive pile of dirty buckets. She walked into the mare's stall with the lead rope in hand and clipped it to her halter. She walked her out of the stall and into one of the many wash stalls. She began to groom, curry comb, curry comb, hard brush, hard brush, soft brush, soft brush, face brush, face brush, mane and tail comb. She ran through the mental checklist as she was grooming. Once Scarr was done she picked up the hoof pick and started on Dove's feet. 1...2...3...4. "Good girl." Scarr called to her as she put the saddle pad on. Once her beige saddle pad was on she plopped her dark brown saddle on the mare's back and grabbed the girth. Once that was on she took off the halter and put on a dark brown birddle that matched the saddle. She patted the mare and led her out of the barn, into the bright sunlight. She walked the mare up to a mounting block and swung herself onto the 16 hand mare.
Elijah Conner|21|big red jawl"reddy"|location barn going to dressage| M: open to interaction ---- Elijah walked reddy out of the stall and the barn and towards dressage arena to start practicing getting on once to the fence and started warming up trot walk then back to trot then to a dressage Gallup....1....2...3 then to a trot Elijah pats Reddy "good boy" then he did it again try not to miss a step or even fall after three more time of doing it he letted reddy walk around a bit to let him breath Elijah turn his horse around like he was chaseing a cow but he never did anything like that
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Scarr Catsister | 20 | Eventing Rider | Dove Heart "Dove" | Location: Dressage Arena | M: Open for Interaction. - Once Scarr was on Dove she walked over to the nearby dressage arena. She saw another person on a beautiful black paint brindle horse. She waved hello and began to warm up. She walked one lap around the arena and then walked one lap the other way. Then Scarr got Dove to trot one lap one way, then one lap the other way. Walk walk, trot trot, canter canter After that Scarr had Dove get into a nice working trot and began to do some circle's. She worked on the mare's bending and getting her topline even. Once Dove had an even topline she kept it and quickly salivated. Scarr got her into a working canter and tried some circle's. Dove overbent and threw several bucks. When she finnaly calmed down Dove snorted loudly and called out to the other horse in the arena. Scarr began to try and re-focus her but Dove wasnt having it. Scarr decided to dismount and lead Dove back into the barn to untack. Since Dove wouldn't focus under saddle Scarr was going to lunge her or put her on the hot-walker. Edited at March 6, 2022 12:55 PM by Dusk acres
Elijah Conner|21|big red jawl "reddy"|location:dressage arena|M: open to interaction ----- Elijah looked at the girl that came in and waved back then goes back to training he didn't like to be in the same area with another person if reddy acts up the other horse would to so Elijah calmly picked up a trot and did a half prance to the other side of the fence Elijah saying "1...2....3" over and over until they got to the fence when reddy heared another horse neigh he neighed back Elijah wanted to go check if the girl was okay he careful turns reddy around and started for the gate he didn't kniw where they went or why they quit but maybe Elijah didnt need to know because he was a bit scared to talk to other people only if it was important that he need to speak
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