Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 11:20am  
Stables Online:  108 
Silver Wishes Farm
11:15:51 Ayleena
Great horses at auction! EEE-EWE and many shinies - Apricot, Brindle, Chimera!
Willow Grove
11:15:42 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Unity of freedom
-HEE Click- Need homes
MakeEm Fancy
10:57:19 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly! Doesnt fit my breeding program sadly
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
10:49:25 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!!!
Don't miss out on these great horses only 14 hours left!

I sell upgrades also
-HEE Click-

Colorful filly for sale decently rated.
Willing to negotiate a price.
Eagle Creek
10:33:13 Eagle
Looking to buy WWE+ SH Mares
-HEE Click-
Falling Wishes
10:32:32 Wish
Show mares
Ends in an hour
-HEE Click-
10:18:23 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
-HEE Click-
RO babies:
-HEE Click-
FR folder: (Pm if you find any that are not for sale)
-HEE Click-
Pre-Made art for sale!
CCC Rumble art T2
-HEE Click-
SD KNN Filly
Brown Rnrn DD LpLp Brindle
-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Silver Wishes Farm
11:15:51 Ayleena
Great horses at auction! EEE-EWE and many shinies - Apricot, Brindle, Chimera!
Willow Grove
11:15:42 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Unity of freedom
-HEE Click- Need homes
MakeEm Fancy
10:57:19 Ally 💜
EWW ISH filly! Doesnt fit my breeding program sadly
-HEE Click-
Breezy Way Ranch
10:49:25 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!!!
Don't miss out on these great horses only 14 hours left!

I sell upgrades also
-HEE Click-

Colorful filly for sale decently rated.
Willing to negotiate a price.
Eagle Creek
10:33:13 Eagle
Looking to buy WWE+ SH Mares
-HEE Click-
Falling Wishes
10:32:32 Wish
Show mares
Ends in an hour
-HEE Click-
10:18:23 Blu;KNN;T2Artist
-HEE Click-
RO babies:
-HEE Click-
FR folder: (Pm if you find any that are not for sale)
-HEE Click-
Pre-Made art for sale!
CCC Rumble art T2
-HEE Click-
SD KNN Filly
Brown Rnrn DD LpLp Brindle
-HEE Click-

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The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 5, 2023 03:36 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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This is a 1x1 RP, please do not post unless your name is in the title. Feel free to read. Thanks!
Plot: Three Person RP. Galloping Stables: Bodyguard, The Ghost Barn: Country Singer, Wild Warmbloods: Hitman
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 6, 2023 12:50 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Ajax sauntered through the forest, a grin on his face. This day was going great... except for that little dark thought tht he had to yet again go kill someone, he was having an amazing day. He went back to his cabin and cooked up a hardy meal of venison, running his hand through his black hair once he was done with a contented sigh. Now he would have to ruin this moment and go hunt someone down. What was her name again? Oh it didn't matter right now. Ajax grabbed a couple daggers, stuffing on it each boot and a couple in his belt before taking a bow, slinging it over his back. Ajax grabbed a quiver of arrows and his leather jacket, standing up. The jacket was filled with all sorts of bottles, mostly sleep gas, laughing gas, and some poisonous things. He then walked out of the cabin, gave a last glance back, and headed for the place he knew this singer would be having her next concert.
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 9, 2023 12:26 AM

The Ghost Barn
Posts: 4996
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Cassidy was sitting in a chair facing a huge mirror, there were people busy hussling and chattering around her as a team of three people worked on her makeup and hair. She sat still while staring at herself in the mirror, it had been a whole 2 weeks since a death threat had been sent to her and this woud be her first concert after that so she was absolutely nervous with how the night would go. As she pondered the possbilities of the night, her boot was tapping loudly against the floor as she got more anxious. When suddenly her manager popped up from behind her since the 3 had finished up her hair and makeup "Cass what's wrong? You look pale honey" The manager spoke a bit concerned as well as that expression lying on her face. Cassidy looked back over her shoulder at the woman before sighing "Yeah I'm fine... Just worried about that threat from a few weeks ago" She said quietly before looking back in the mirror "Oh that thing again? Nothing has happened to you and nothing will, it's been a whole two weeks of nothing. Plus you have a bodyguard now that will protect you, so please just relax so you can perform good tonight" The manager spoke calmly to her while offering a warm smile before walking off as she answered a call. Cassidy appreciated al lthat her manager said but still she couldn't help but still feel anxious about the situation
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 9, 2023 04:59 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Ajax stretched his arms out with a slight wince, running a scarred hand through his pitch black hair. His dark blue eyes twinkled, even though his expression was a little sad as he strode through the forest. He had already decided this would be his last *deal* with all those stupid people that wanted other stupider people dead. He felt like the stupidest of all of them... accepting this. "What a way to get rejected." Ajax muttered to himself. "If I ever wanted a relationship, or family, or anyone to ever care... that's all down the drain, because now the only thing people see me as is a murderer." He finished with a growl. He wished he had never started this in the first place, but idiotic him just dove into it headfirst and found he couldn't get out of the hole without help. Sadly, no one wnated to help an assasin, so he was stuck here... digging himself deeper. Ajax kept going forward as these foreboding thoughts circled his mind like vultures, ready to eat the next kill he left. -Oh come on, now I'm seeing vultures. New nickname: hyena- Ajax thought grumpily, though a spark of the jokester inside of him flared up. He decided to dwell on the one thought that gave him hope... two guys. Those were probably the only two people in the world willing to try and pull him out of the hole he had made. The only two people willing to be his friend. Ajax didn't know their real names, but he called them Rooster and Goose. Best guys in the world, in his opinion. He was headed to their cabin right now, guilt weighing down on his heart quite heavily. Could his day get any worse?
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 12, 2023 05:23 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Adele tacked up her rented steed, named Rome, a palomino Akhal-Teke who had fought in many wars. She mounted and made her way to the stadium, where people were flooding in to see her subject's performance. She halter Rome and dismounted, leaving in in an easily accessible place. She walked around to the employees' door to the stage and went backstage. She saw Cassidy getting her makeup on and walked over. "Hello Miss Cassidy. Where should I wait for you? Rome is out front so I can get him quickly if anything happens." She stepped to the side to let a costume maker past, and then almost bumped into one of Cassidy's makeup designers.
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 12, 2023 05:23 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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(Should I add more or is that enough for now?)
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 12, 2023 05:24 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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That's fine for now, thanks!))
Ajax entered the cabin like a ghost, silent in his steps. He sat down in an old leather chair, cocking his head and listening. He heard Goose's loud laughter, and Rooster's quiet voice coming in the door. They entered, saw Ajax, and both grinned.
Goose entered his cabin and smiled widely as he saw Ajax. "Ajax, how ya doin'?" He asked, then his face dropped slightly. "Okay, stupid question. This is the last murder, right? You need to stop." Goose commented quietly, sitting down in a different chair.
"Yes, this is the last one." Ajax sounded sad. His eyes lit up slightly as an idea came to mind. "I'm going to need your cabin, please have it ready on the 8th. If everything goes well, I will be here with the girl... alive. If everything goes like I expect it to, have the cabin ready on the 15th and send for help." Ajax said cheerily, patting Goose on the shoulder before exiting and starting to the concert

Edited at July 12, 2023 05:27 PM by Wild Warmbloods
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 12, 2023 05:44 PM

The Ghost Barn
Posts: 4996
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Cassidy heard Adeles voice and smiled at the girl before brushing off all her makeup artist since she was doen anyway. ""Wherever you can keep on eye on me at all times would be great" She said still keeping a smile on her face before standing up from the chair while looking at herself in the mirror and addressing the clothes she had one, which was dark blue flared bootcut jeans, a black button up that had gotten tucked into her pants, a belt with a huge belt buckle that had a longhorn cattle on it, and her signature black boots and cowboy hat. Cassidy fixed up her outfit for a moment before turning to Adele "Just please make sure nothing happens, don't even get distracted for a minute" She sternly said with a warning her tone, not to scare the girl but more like a warnign to keep on her toes and eyes peeled
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 12, 2023 11:47 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Adele nodded sincerely. "Of course, that is my job, after all." She mapped out th stadium in her mind and decided the best place to be was next to the stage, on the right of where Cassidy would perform. Adele said goodbye to Cassidy and found her position, ready to do her job. Five minutes later, Adele noticed that more and more people were coming, and she realized how important this job really was. Cassidy was popular, in a different way than all of Adele's other clients. She frowned, but kept one eye on the stage, where any minute Cassidy would appear. Her other eye was seeking out Rome, mentally forming a path through the crowds to get to him. However, crowds were always moving, and Adele supposed she would have to just shove her way to the horse if something happened.
The Ghost Barn x Galloping Stables x Wild Warmbloods July 13, 2023 11:51 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Ajax made sure all his daggers were in place, his dark eyes flashing. "I swear I'm all metal with how many knives I have plastered over me." He muttered under his breath, a spark of mischeif flaring up in his gaze. Ajax broke into a jog and moved silently through the trees, looking like a shadow. He finally started hearing loud noises, knowing he was approaching. That's when Ajax veered to the side and let out a quiet whistle. A dark mare came galloping out of the forest, stopping with a snort near him. She was black with white speckles on her that helped her blend into shadows easily, and a rather stunning horse. Ajax slipped a bridle over her head and hopped on bareback, leaning down to strome the mare's neck. "Let's go, Fury." He murmured, urging the horse into a canter and going towards the sound of people. Lot's of people. Ajax then hopped off very near the festival, leading the mare a little closer and letting her go. He hoped she was ready when he needed her, but he wasn't going to tie her up to ensure a safe getaway. Ajax walked into the shadows near the concert, striding through the bushes alongside the people and being practically invisible as he observed.

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