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Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:18 PM

Posts: 2087
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Hey, please do not make any posts. This is a thread i made for me to put my horse stories in, I didn't know where else to put it, i think the game creators should make a story section in forums since i feel weird about putting my stories in the 'RP' thread so sorry... But please feel free to read along, this story is a work in progress so it's not finished yet, feel free to pm me and give feedback. Love ya'll <3
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:19 PM

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One beautiful spring morning in the vast fields of North America there was a mare, she was heavily pregnant and had been in labour for several hours throughout the night, the pain she had gone through was almost unbearable but she knew it would all be worth it. Soon, she had given birth to a beautiful colt, he was brown with a black mane and tail, and had four white socks on his legs. The mare watched as her baby squirmed around trying to get his bearing on the world he could feel beneath him, but then, he stopped moving completely, the mare waited a few moments to see if he would move but yet the foal still showed no signs of life. She began to freak out as she feared her foal might not survive, she then started nuzzling her baby, rubbing his tiny back to encourage him to breathe, after almost a minute of doing that he finally took a breath. The new mother sighed a breath of relief that her foal was alive, she started licking him to clean him up before standing, she nudged her baby, helping him stand for the first time. It didn’t take long before he was trying to get his first meal, the mare nursed him for quite some time before deciding to take him back to the herd she lived in. She was excited to show off her baby to the herd, she was now a proud mother. She had finally arrived to the edge of the herd, her new born colt staying close to her side, she tossed her head and made a deep grunting sound, letting the herd know she was back and she wasn’t alone. All the other mares in the herd stopped grazing and came over to greet her and the newest member though the attention soon became too much for the colt so he squished himself even closer to his mother’s side.
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:21 PM

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Then there was a loud sound that made the colt jolt, then all of the mares moved to one side, a stallion appeared from behind the herd and approached the colt and his mother. The colt didn’t know who this stallion was or why all the other horses moved for him and the mare that walked beside him, though his mother knew them, the mare and stallion that were coming up to her and her new son were the lead mare and stallion, the lead stallion went by Aqualius and his mare went by Angel. It was tradition that the stallion of a herd had the rights to all the members, all mares in a herd belonged to their leader, and the lead mare cannot get jealous if the herd members get pregnant to the stallion because that’s the herds way of growing. It is also tradition that once a foal is born, the lead stallion has to sight it in order to approve it’s place in the herd. If the foal belongs to another stallion then it will not get accepted by the herd and the lead stallion will try to kill it since it’s not his.

Edited at August 21, 2023 08:22 PM by Hyrule_Stables
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:23 PM

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But the mare was proud of her achievement and thought her foal would have a place in the herd. The stallion came up to the mare and her foal and nuzzled her withers as if to say “Welcome back” before proceeding to look the foal over and sniff him. As he did so the stallion started getting agitated, the lead mare grunting in disapproval and the lead stallion laying his ears flat on his head as he realized the colt didn’t look nor smell like him. The foal’s mother grew confused as to why the leader was getting agitated and skittish before remembering the stallion she had run into months ago, he was a young horse who was trying to get a herd of his own, and she was by herself when they met, the herd were in the woods at the time, it wasn’t like she wanted anything to do with him... It just happened, but she didn’t think her foal was his, she was almost sure it was the lead stallion’s. The lead stallion grew furious, displeased that the foal wasn’t his own blood, he glared at her with a look of disgust and disbelief before looking back at the little thing that stood in front of him, giving the colt a look as if it weren’t even a horse before backing up a bit and pawing the ground. The foal’s mother knew exactly what the stallion was thinking... Kill!
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:24 PM

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She flattened her ears back against her head, baring her teeth towards the stallion as a warning to not try anything, he saw this as a threat but didn’t back down, he didn’t see mares as a threat since he was a stallion and stallions are supposed to be stronger than mares. So he proceeded to charge at the colt and reared up to kick the tiny thing, but his mother stood in and rammed her body into his side, knocking the stallion over. Usually mares wouldn’t put up a big fight if their leader didn’t ‘approve’ of the foal... But this mare was different, she had just given birth to her first foal, and she wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt her foal, she couldn’t, she loved him too much, and she most certainly would not let the lead stallion hurt her baby. After ramming him over, the stallion got up, if he wasn’t mad before, he was furious now, he flared his nostrils and bared his teeth. The colt became frightened and started shivering, she hated seeing her baby so scared, all the other herd mares backed up, they knew this wasn’t gonna end well for the mare or the foal, the mare stood in front of her foal protectively not wanting the stallion to have a chance to hurt him.
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:25 PM

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The stallion lunged towards her and bit at her stomach, she whinnied from the pain but stood her ground, she nudged her colt to tell him to run and he listened, running away from the herd while the protective mom stayed a while longer, nipping at the stallion’s legs every time he tried to move before finally kicking him so that she could run and catch up with her foal, leaving the safety of the herd’s territory and going into unknown land. But she didn’t care, she was just happy that her baby was still alive. They travelled quite a distance, she saw that he was worn out and hungry from all that walking so she found a shady spot under a tree for them to rest, she let him nurse as she nibbled the grass, ten minutes later he was full so she laid in the soft grass and he lay next to her. Soon enough he was sound asleep, she watched him for a minute with a warm loving proud smile then started grooming him before rapping her head around his body and closing her eyes, soon, she’d drift into a deep sleep.
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:26 PM

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It had been two weeks since the foal and his mother had left the herd, she grew hungrier with each day they travelled but she knew they couldn’t stop yet, for one she had to make sure that Aqualius wasn’t following them, and secondly she knew she had to find a herd for her foal to stay in, herds provided safety and security, though the mare knew deep down that the chances of a random herd excepting her with another stallion’s foal were extremely low, she had to try for both their sakes. Just as the desperate mother was about to lose hope of finding another herd, she caught a scent, she could smell horses nearby. Her and her colt followed the smell until they finally came across a herd. Her eyes lit up as she finally found a home for her and her foal, she called out to the herd to get their attention. When the lead stallion heard the stray mare calling he left his herd and approached her, soon seeing that she had a new-ish foal beside her, he nickered almost as if trying to ask why she was here and what she wanted.
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) August 21, 2023 08:27 PM

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The mare lowered her head and nodded to show she understood what he was asking, she explained the situation and how her old leader, Aqualius, wanted to kill her baby, the stallion listened to her story, looking at the colt then at her, his face growing into a grin, he nodded his head and said she could stay in his herd as long as she got rid of her foal first. The mare’s ears fell back against her head, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she bared her teeth to show she didn’t except his offer before turning to her foal and nuzzling him for comfort, then took him and left the stallion and his herd. Her ears drooped and her eyes filled with tears as she realised they were back at square one. They walked a while more, the colt staying close to her side when she suddenly felt off... She stopped moving and raised her head to sniff the air
(I'm still working on it, a work in progress)

Edited at August 21, 2023 08:28 PM by Hyrule_Stables
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) September 25, 2023 07:47 PM

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She stopped moving and raised her head to sniff the air, panic filled her as she recognized the smell that floated through the air. Mountain lion. She changed her attitude quickly as she braced herself for a fight, she turned her head to make sure her son was right beside her, and as she thought, he was huddled up beside her waiting for her to do something, she then frantically scanned the area around them carefully with her eyes making sure she could spot the lion before it attacked them, her eyes closed in on a little fluffy lump hiding in a bush a few meters in front of them. The mare made a deep grunting sound to let the mountain lion know it better run the opposite direction or else, it didn’t back down but instead decided to launch itself at the two, the mare reared up and kicked at the lion to scare it off but yet the lion still showed no signs of fear. It showed it’s teeth and swiped it’s claws towards her, the colt squealed nervously as he didn’t know what was going to happen. His mother however hid her nervousness well as she didn’t want to risk her foal getting hurt, she continued to bite and kick at the lion, but the lion managed to scratch the mare’s shoulder.
Rocky, story of a stallion (can read) September 25, 2023 07:48 PM

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She was beginning to worry about both their safety when her and her colt heard something, coming from a hillside was the distinct sound of a horse, the mare recognized the horse’s voice and looked up at the hill to see a young stallion. She began to realise who he was, he was the stallion she ran into all those months ago, the father of her foal. She tossed her head and called out to him, begging him to help them, the young stallion heard the mare’s cries for help so he looked behind him and made a high pitched whinnie, then, emerging from behind the stallion came four mares, he looked at his mares and instructed them to stay on the hill and only fight if he needed help before charging towards the mare, foal, and mountain lion, he managed to get in front of the mare and her foal just in time before the lion tried to attack again.

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