
Page Links . Roleplay; You are here . Barn Order . Barn A (8/12) - . Left Side of Barn (From Entrance View) . Stall 1A; The Lovely Marisol (Left; 2A / Front; 1B / Right; Barn Opening) Stall 2A; Meteor Shower (Left; 3A / Front; 2B / Right; 1A) Stall 3A; Dancing Complextions (Left; 4A / Front; 3B / Right; 2A) Stall 4A; Shade's Tempest (Left; 5A / Front; 4B / Right; 3A) Stall 5A; Open (Left; 6A / Front; 5B / Right; 4A) Foaling Stall 6A; Open (Left; Wall / Front; 6B / Right; 5A) - Right Side of Barn (From Entrance View) . Stall 1B; Pandoras Flame (Left; Barn Opening / Front; 1A / Right; 2B) Stall 2B; PH Sparrow (Left; 1B / Front; 2A / Right; 3B) Stall 3B; Silent Wisperer (Left; 2B / Front; 3A / Right; 4B) Stall 4B; Open (Left; 3B / Front; 4A / Right; 5B) Stall 5B; Open (Left; 4B / Front; 5A / Right; 6B) Foaling Stall 6B; Florea Dreaming (Left; 5B / Front; 6A / Right; Wall) . Barn B (6/12) . Left Side of Barn (From Entrance View) . Stall 1C; Lights Out (Left; 2C / Front; 1D / Right; Barn Opening) Stall 2C; Mad Maddox (Left; 3C / Front; 2D / Right; 1C) Stall 3C; Cash Is Key (Left; 4C / Front; 3D / Right; 2C) Stall 4C; Open (Left; 5C / Front; 4D / Right; 3C) Stall 5C; Open (Left; 6C / Front; 5D / Right; 4C) Stall 6C; Open (Left; Wall / Front; 6D / Right; 5C) - Right Side of Barn (From Entrance View) . Stall 1D; Bronze Buckaroo (Left; Barn Opening / Front; 1C / Right 2D) Stall 2D; Raging War (Left; 1D / Front; 2C / Right; 3D) Stall 3D; Nevermore (Left; 2D / Front; 3C / Right; 4D) Stall 4D; Open (Left; 3D / Front; 4C / Right; 5D) Stall 5D; Open (Left; 4D / Front; 5C / Right; 6D) Stall 6D; Open (Left; 5D / Front; 6C / Right; Wall) . . [ Rules ] - 300+ Word Posted (Doesnt have to be all the time but please try:) )
- Follow HEE Rules Too
- Some Equestrian sense (e.g cleaning a horse pre-post riding, farrier, No riding like no tomorrow all the time with no horse exhaustion, appropriate weather related outfits etc)
- No controlling other peoples characters or killing off anyones characters without permission (e.g no horses going beserk together without consulting the owner of that horse char)
- Time skips and the weather will be controlled by me. (please message me to discuss needed time skips:) otherwise i will start the new day when i think everyone has finished the day)
. Property Sketch . . Characters . . Land Owner (1/1) Bethany Moyer - 63 - No Pets . . Boarders (10/21) Lilianna Cresendo Demala - 19 - F - Lights Out Heather Ray Storm - 23 - F - Bronze Buckaroo & The Lovely Marisol Ruth Carling - 27 - F - Pandoras Flame Chloe Agnes Rú Fourie - 21 - F - Meteor Shower Damon Epaphos Áed kool G - 24 - M - PH Sparrow Cora Veitch - 19 - F - Mad Maddox Aaron Jane Fernon - 22 - F - Dancing Complextions Isabelle Renee Merkoris - 19 - F - Raging War & Silent Wisperer Natasha Shefeid - 19 - F - Cash is Key Freddie Kerr - 24 - M - Shade's Tempest & Nevermore . . Equine (14/24) Lights Out "Ligee" - 6 - Stallion - Appaloosa - Lilianna Demala (Owned) Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" - 7 - Stallion - Dutch Warmblood - Heather Storm (Owned) The Lovely Marisol "Etria" - 6 - Mare - Andaulsian - Heather Storm (Owned) Pandoras Flame "Cinder" - 12 - Mare - Dutch Warmblood - Ruth Carling (Owned) Meteor Shower "Meteor/Millie" - 17 - Mare - Crossbreed - Chloe Rú Fourie (Owned) PH Sparrow "Sparrow" - 8 - Mare - Sport Horse - Damon Áed kool G (Owned) Mad Maddox "Maddox" - 9 - Stallion - Warmblood - Cora Veitch (Owned) Dancing Complextions "Dancer" - 6 - Mare - Sport Horse - Aaron Fernon (Owned) Raging War "Dakota" - 4 - Stallion - Thoroughbred - Isabelle Merkoris (Owned) Silent Wisperer "Lady" - 14 - Mare - Crossbreed - Isabelle Merkoris (Owned) Cash is Key "Hermes" - 7 - Gelding - Quarter Horse - Natasha Shefeid (Owned) Shade's Tempest - 9 - Mare - Belgian Warmblood - Freddie Kerr (Owned) Nevermore - 8 - Gelding - Trakehner - Freddie Kerr (Owned) Florea Dreaming "Fleur" - 16- Mare - Draft Mix - Bethany Moyer (Owned)/Cora Veitch (Leased) Edited at August 12, 2024 05:25 AM by Moonland And Elites
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Starting Info/Post . Season; Spring / Weather; Chilly Morning with a some frost on the Windows, 9 Celcius but Warming. Afternoon tops at 27 Celcius of Dry Heat with Sparse Clouds and Expecting a cool Sunset/Night. . Starting Time/Date; 8:00AM, Monday. . . . Bethany Moyer | 63 | F | No Pets | M; Gate, Newcomers. . Waking up bright and Early Beth had already put some warm clothes on and was heading out of her fireplace heated home, Her usual scarf wrapped around her neck as she closed the front door behind her. Stepping onto the pavers she began walking towards the large metal gate at the front of the property, Keys jingling in her hand as she grew closer. Fiddling with them she unlocked the large gate and began opening them, Pushing on the steel gate it groaned as it swung open leaving a wide enough path for the cars and floats to arrive later on. . Looking back at the gate she smiled to herself, happy that her old property would finally be filled again with the sweet faces of equine and some newcomers to greet as well. Making her way back she made herself a cup of tea and sat on the porch with her tea and newspaper, pulling her right sleeve up slightly she read 8:00 on her watch exactly on the dot.
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I turned down the lane, enjoying the rumble that the horse box made behind the car. Her breath hung in the misty air and frost bit down on her large red puffer jacket. Stoneteller whined behind me and i glanced up through the mirror to see the fluffy dog pawing against the seats. "Almost there buddy, honestly you and cars." Stoneteller gave a little indignint yip. As we headed for the large steal gate which had been left open for us newcomers i heard a little whinny from the horse box. "I know girl, we're here now." We pulled carefully down the drive, Stoneteller jumped to his paws and began giving little leaps around the padded backseat. "Settle down Stoneteller, this isn't the first time i've let you out a car." The sable sheepdog snorted and continued his leaping though they had subsided slightly in size.

Damon Áed Kool G | Dan | 24 | Male - Dan leaned against the car window, head phones blasting music into his ears. He gazed out over the passing land in the window beside him, his uncle, Sam, reached over and nudged him. "Almost there" he said, his gruff voice pushing past the sound of loud music. Dan turned, peering at his uncle, who thankfully dedicated a portion of his life to raise his brothers son. And it for sure earned him a fair share of grey hairs. The older man sat, his back slumped against the chair behind him and both hands on the wheel. His pepper and salt hair dangled in his eyes, greasy. "You need to wash your hair" Dan said, he was grown now, but he was still fairly dependent on his uncle. Who had this bright idea of sending him here to get used to other people and gain independence. Damons uncle smiled, a brief turn of the lips. "Well, with you gone, I have more water to myself!" Uncle Sam declared, pumping his fist. Dan laughed, he only knew one person who could bring him joy like this, it was his uncle. Suddenly a deep wave of sorrow washed over Dan, he would be leaving his uncle, to hang around strangers. The young man turned in his seat to look at his uncle, "you sure I have to go?" He said, his voice wavering. Uncle Sam turned to him and gave him a pitied look, "you need to let go of me sometime kid, grow independent, you know, do young people things!" Dan made a face, "young people things is a puzzle as much to me as it is you" he grumbled, fiddling with the ear piece on his head phones. Rumbling from behind greeted them with the fact that sparrow had run out of hay already. Dan sighed, "is it normal for a horse to eat that much?" He mumbled, Uncle Sam looked over at him, "Ha! Well, you already know the answer to that" he said, turning to glue his eyes on the road. Infront of them, peaking at the edge of the wind screen, a large gate greeted their eyes. Dan leaned forward, nerves slithering around like a snake, bile leaving a metallic taste on his tongue. His uncle turned into the gate and stopped, turning to smile at Dan, "we are here!" He said, the older man laughed at Dan's face and jumped out of the truck, landing neatly while Dan ungraciously slipped down from the high cab. Dan peaked around the side of the truck, spotting a older woman. Dan squeaked nervously and turned and fled to the float, he could find his best friend there, not strangers. Uncle Sam was already unloading Sparrow, her polished hooves thumping against the ramp. His uncle smiled, "looking flashy young girl" he said, patting her neck before turning the lead over to Dan. "I will help you with unloading her tack, but for now I think you should talk to the lady" Uncle Sam said, nodding to the waiting woman. Dan swallowed nervously and Sparrow nuzzled him, at least his has a friend to stand beside him. Taking reluctant steps, Dan finally reached the woman, "Uh, h-hello, my name is Damon Áed Kool G" was all he said, his face practically hiding in Sparrows soft mane.
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Bethany Moyer | 63 | F | No Pets | M; Damon, Newcomers. . Looking up from her newspaper mid sip from her tea she noticed a car pulling in, It was one of the new boarders with her dog and horse float. As she began getting up from her seat she watched as another one pulled in through the gate and parked on the gravel, Setting her newspaper down she kept a hold on the mug as the hot tea inside warmed her fingers from the chilly morning air. . She adjusted her scarf closer to her neck as the chilly air bit at her neck now she was standing, her faded brown eyes spotting a young man walking up to her she could tell he was nervous about interacting with her so she gave him a warm smile. "I see" she spoke, "You're one of the new boarders" she smiled. "Well lets get you settled in shall we?" she added as she peeked down at the tall barns sitting at the back of the property, she pulled a note out of her pocket with her right hand and squinted slightly to read the cursive writing. . "Ah!, okay so you're with Sparrow? You're after stall 2B in Barn A and you're one of the first few so you can settle in while it's still quiet" she chuckled with the last part but gathered by how he seemed nervous she knew it'd be good for him, settling into the surroundings before it was crowded by people. . . Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder . Anxiously clenching the steering wheel of the small SUV she kept glancing at the camera screen mounted to her dashboard, it viewed the sedated mare in the float behind the suv. Ruth hated having to move the mare by float but it was just too far and she had too much stuff not to use the car, she was glad at least that the road was quiet and there wasnt too much traffic because she left early. Her eyes flicking between the mare and the road once more, she was well rugged up with a padded halter, travel leg wraps and a thick rug just incase something went wrong she really didnt want another vet bill but the mare seemed calm ish. . Keeping her eyes on the road now as she finally saw the property, reading the large sign next to a big steel gate she knew it was the right place. Peeking around she began to pull in, the small SUVs tires crunching down on the gravel as she pulled into one of the large parking bays past the other people who'd arrived before her. Switching off the engine and undoing her seatbelt she took a deep breath and got out of the car . Undoing the ramp she carefully lowered it and stepped up into the horse trailer walking in through the unoccupied side she checked in on the mare, her eyes droopy from the sedation but she was still awake and functional only sedated enough that she wouldnt lose it in the trailer. Pulling on the lead rope it quick released and she began backing Cinder up, clicking her tongue the chestnut mare carefully began stepping back.
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Chloe Fourie | 21 | F | Stoneteller & Meteor | ; Introductions and arriving I parked my car carefully, twisting it around to bring the horse box neatly into the facility. Stoneteller barked and scrabled against the doors. "Alright, alright!" I leaned over and opened the back door, grunting i flipped the keys to my car and pulled them out. Stoneteller was jumping in place beside the car now, tail wagging excitedly. I climbed out the car and made my way towards Mrs. Moyer. She was certinly a warm lady I observed, watching her interact with a young man. Stoneteller barked again, whining and making circles around my legs. I whistled quietly to him and the dog's ears drooped as he sat down next to my leg. A small snort came from behind me and I saw Meteor's bay head peeking through the small window in the horse box. She didn't seem afraid for nervous, perhaps a little travel sick and bored. Her hazel eyes sparkled through the moring ice, ears pricked against the moring cold. Her fleece lined red halter sat snuggly over her broad face and i could see tiny flecks of red near her chest, which was her rug. Stoneteller yipped again and i gave him a small pat on the head. "Let's get Mil's out, huh?" Stoneteller weaved around my legs as i began to pull down the ramp, barking as the ramp landed softly on the ground. Meteor whinnied again, tail swishing. I unclipped the saftey rail, which i had placed there incase Meteor started panicing. Stoneteller sat to the side, tail thumping against the ground. I slipped inside and untied the lead rein before gently pressing Meteors chest. The mare backed up slowly, ears going flat. "S'alright, girl." I murmured to her as we both reached the ground. Meteors ears darted around, ears flicking back and forth. "Let's get you a stall huh?" Stoneteller followed us as i slowly led Meteor towards Mrs.Moyer ((not sure if its Ms or Mrs)). Stoneteller kept a reasonable distance from both Meteor and the mare near them.

Heather Storm | 23 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Mentions: Open to Interactions. A black pick up truck would be going down the road, hauling a silvery grey two horse trailer with a built in tackroom on the right side of the trailer. Heather would be listening to music on the radio while gently tapping her index finger on the steering wheel. The young woman let out a nervous sigh, already she could feel her anxiety trying to act up but the young woman would try to keep herself calm by doing a few deep breath sessions. The ombre brunette gently pushed her glasses up since they've slid down a little, she would see the stables come into view. She'd turned her turn signal on before slowly her truck down a bit then carefully turns into the driveway as she was now looking for a place to park, catching a few glances of riders already out on their horses. Once Heather parked her vehicle in a parking spot, she turned her car key as the young woman turned the engine off after putting the truck into park. She leaned back against her driver seat, still feeling a bit nervous while feeling a bit homesick since she wasn't in Denvor, Colorado anymore. "Ok, ok it's fine...everything is gonna be fine. It's just a facility where you board your horses to ride and train for competitions. Besides, what could possibly go wrong..a lot of things actually." Heather softly said to herself, basically talking to herself inside her own vehicle with some of her southern accent coming out a bit. After a few minutes of the brunette had finally calmed her nerves down, she opened her driver side door before stepping out of her vehicle, shutting the truck door. She makes her way to the back of the trailer as the brunette could already hear her stud fussing from inside the trailer, wanting to be let out already after the long drive here. Heather would be wearing a white polo shirt with a silver horse jumping logo on the right side, a black jacket that zips up at the front, dark brown winter riding gloves, warm black leggings and dark brown ankle paddock boots. She would have her hair in a ponytail to just keep her hair out of her face so it doesn't get in the way. The young woman walked around to the other side of the trailer as her stallion continued to fuss inside the trailer as she was getting her tackroom door open to grab a lead since she left their halters on both of her horses. Heather grabbed Eclipse's black lead rope before remaking her way back to the back of the trailer. "Alright, alright I'm coming. Geez, don't get your hooves all in a twist." The woman softly grumbled to herself, opening up the trailer door before setting it down to become a ramp then steps inside to grab her stallion first while her mare has been very much quiet this whole trip here. She stayed on the left side of Eclipse as he had finally settled down a bit, clipping on his lead to his black halter that has silver buckles then she carefully backs him out until he's completely out of the trailer. The stallion stood quite tall next to his rider as he held his head high with perked ears before a loud bellowed neigh sounds out of him, already thinking that he owns the place while he's intrigued by the new sights and smells. Heather would feel a bit embarrassed by the stallion's behavior as she covers her face a bit with her left hand while holding the lead firmly in her right hand, the young woman moves her said right hand away from her face before she gets her equine to move his feet by walking him in a circle to hopefully calm the stud down some more which Eclipse decided to prance a bit to be a little show off. The young woman slowed the stallion back down to a halt, he was now somewhat easier to manage now as Eclipse shook himself a bit which the brunette carefully refixed his black rug while his black shipping boots stayed perfectly on his legs then she lead the stallion to the right side of the trailer before hitching him to the trailer. She goes back into the trailer, coming back out with Eclipse's half empty haynet before tying it to the right side of the trailer for the stud to snack on to keep him distracted. Heather went back inside the little tackroom, grabbing a pale lilac purple lead rope then she makes her way back over to the back of the trailer to get her mare out of the trailer. The young woman would notice her rose dapple grey mare was looking back at her with perked ears as she approached the equine on the left side. "Hey, pretty girl." She'd softly said to the equine while clipping her lead to her matching colored halter that also has silver buckles on it. Heather carefully backs her mare out until she's completely out of the trailer. Etria's rug and shipping boots would also match, the woman started walking her mare around in a circle to help stretch her legs for a bit since it was a long drive for both of the equines while the Rose Dapple Grey would be quite interested in the new sights and smells of their new surroundings. Edited at July 30, 2024 03:46 PM by Aspen Fire ES

Damon Áed Kool G | Dan | 24 | Male - Dan nodded, his fingers brushing over Sparrows smooth grullo neck. The young man carefully pulled on Sparrows lead rope and walked a large semi-circle around the other lady. Behind him, he could see Uncle Sam smiling and waving at him, luggage in his hand. Dan quietly watched as Uncle Sam loaded them onto the path, for Dan. The young man wanted nothing more but to turn back, but Uncle Sam wanted him to do this, anyway, turning and running into his uncles arms would make him look like a fool. Dan sighed sadly and Sparrow nickered, "at least I get to keep you" he said, his fingers tickling her velvet muzzle. Dan sighed, pulling sparrow behind him into barn A like the older woman said he should. Dan looked from side to side, trying to look for 2B. At first Dan struggled, and then he found it, sitting plain as day in front of him. Sparrow, beside him, had other ideas. The dappled grullo horse was turning and trying to eat little snacks that were next to the stall. Dan pulled against her, reaching out and pocketing the rest of the uneation snacks. She had to share. Seems like they both had a little something to learn. Dan sighed and opened 2B's door, pulling the healthy sport horse into the stall, Dan closed the door and reached out, grabbing hold of Sparrows head collar, detaching the lead and swinging it over his arm. The young man patted Sparrow softly until she calmed down, nipping at strands of hay. Dan smiled, turning away and opening the stall door, unloading the treats in his pocket to where Sparrow had found them. Dan shut the stall door as a intrested head peered at what he was doing. "No more" Dan said, stroking Sparrows shining neck. Dan smiled, turning away, remembering that Uncle Sam was still unloading luggage. Dan jogged, eager to get back to his uncle now, the nervous twist in his stomach started to fade, but only ever so slightly. Infront of him, his uncle came into view, Dan slowed down and walked up to him. Uncle Sam looked up from a small luggage pile and smiled, "she settle in well?" He asked, Dan nodded, grateful for his confident horse. "alright then, I better get going then" he said, smiling even more, showing off his aged teeth, clean but crooked. Dan felt a wave of shock and sadness wash over him. His uncle was leaving. Dan spun, quickly, wrapping his uncle in a tight embrace, his uncle laughed and pried his nephew off of himself, "you need to learn to be independent, you can't rely on me to always be there" he said, ruffling Dans platnuim hair. "Anyway, I am going now, back home, but I am only one phone call away" he said, brushing hair out of his eyes, "you will do well here, around other horse-loving people" he said, turning away from Dan and climbing into the trucks drivers seat, smiling the whole time. Dan swiped a arm across his face, stealing small forming tears. "Bye Uncle Sam" was all he said, watching his uncle drive out of the gates, the gravel of the road greeting his tires. Dan turned to the woman, who was speaking to another person, Dan felt a use of fear close around his guts like a clamp. Another person was here, which probably meant he had to interact with them because he needed to talk to the woman. Fear turned Dan's usually tan skin a chalky white, this time he had neither sparrow or Uncle Sam. Slowly, Dan approached the woman and the girl, "uh.. w-where do I put the luggage?" he said, adding not to look at the girl, keeping his words for the older woman.
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(Miss, she isnt married) . . Bethany Moyer | 63 | F | No Pets | M; Chloe, Damon, Newcomers. . Watching the young man take Sparrow to her assigned barn she took another sip from the mug of tea in her hands, humming she tapped one of her fingers against the ceramic mug with a light ting when her nail made contact with its surface. Her faded brown eyes were met with another person, a lady, her dog and a horse beside her. She smiled warmly once more "You must be another boarder, One moment dear i'll find your barn number", rummaging in her pocket again she'd decided to just keep it out now that everyone was arriving she'd need it. . With a soft clearing of her throat she read the crinkled piece of paper again, "2A in Barn A" she smiled looking up from the piece of paper. Extending her hand with the piece of paper in it she gestured towards the barn the young man before had just walked towards, "Thats the one". After giving her directions she noticed more cars and floats arriving, "one busy day" she spoke to herself before noticing Damon was back seeming to need some more assistance. . "Any horse luggage can be stored in the tackroom designated locker or in my homes storage room" she replied in a soft tone, "Did you want to put them in there now?" she asked before her faded brown eyes looked over at the other new arrivals unpacking their luggage and horses. It made her happy to see the property so full of life again, she missed the days when it was bustling with her thoroughbreds and employees who worked with them. . . Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder, Bethany, Damon. . Backed off the ramp Ruth guided the mare over to the side of the float tying her lead rope in a quick release knot, hitched to the float Ruth went and pulled up the floats ramp latching it up. The chestnut mare was looking around at her surroundings when ruth made her way back around to her "it's alright" she spoke stroking Cinders face, she was glad the drive was finally over so they could finally get settled in. . She quickly walked over to the land owner Miss Moyer and grabbed the stall number and barn that she needed as the lady seemed rather busy and she didnt wanna keep her long, a quick exchange of words and a greeting nod to the Guy next to her she was on her way. Undoing the lead rope again she led the red mare away from the float and towards the barn, one thing she was very grateful about was that the barn had an option for attached turnout so she didnt have to worry about cinder freaking out in a confined space. . Walking with all of her black and white themed gear on the mare let out a long groan likely happy to finally stretch her legs, ruth peered back at the mare following behind and a small frown crept onto her lips. She didnt like seeing the mare so drowsy and not herself but it was either this or a horse hanging over a float divider hell maybe worse. Clearing the thought away she gave the mare a pat on the shoulder as they closed in on Barn A, stepping inside the sound of the mares hooves sounded through the barn as they found their way to Cinders stall. Stall 1B . Opening the stall and letting her inside Ruth could feel a shift in the mare, she was more weary and looking around at the stall so ruth didnt waste time in opening the turnout attached to her stall. "See its okay" she smiled stroking the mares neck seeing the tension subside but she didnt stick around inside the stall, "Woahh, hold on" shaking her head and making a start on undoing her tack. She knew Cinder well and if she left this on by the time she got back itd be covered in who knows what, ruth was very glad she didnt own a grey. . . Cora Veitch | 19 | F | Mad Maddox | M; Claire, Maddox. . Rolling down the country road Cora's mother Claire was driving as Cora hadnt gotten her full license yet and her mother felt safer if she was driving with such precious cargo, the blond girl however was fast asleep with a hat over her face to shield it from the bright sun peering inside the car. "Cora" Her mother called waking her up as the road grew bumpy with the sound of gravel under the tires, "We are here" she was greeted by the bright smile on her mothers face. Rubbing her blue eyes the girl finally came to her senses and looked around, they'd parked inside the new boarding place. . Smiling back she quickly threw off her seatbelt and climbed out of the car, she was wearing a dark purple tank top, black breeches and her black tall riding boots. The float attached to the vehicle was bouncing around ever so slightly with the horse inside moving around filled with anticipation, undoing everything and unloading the stallion he came out filled with life his ears taking in all of his surrounding sounds while he surveyed the area. Coras mother went to get the stable number and barn while Cora and Maddox went to explore . Spotting a large roundpen just next to the parking lot Cora decided to go there, putting her hands up on the stallions withers and back she hoisted herself up on top of him standing 16.1 hands it was a nice view. His ears flicking back listening as she clucked and headed over to the metal roundpen, finding their way in through the ajar door they relaxed inside. Cora held the lead rope up over his withers so maddox wouldnt accidentally tread on it as he had his head low taking in the scent on the ground of the round pen. Edited at July 30, 2024 02:42 AM by Moonland And Elites
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Aaron Jane Fernon | 22 | F | Dancing Complexions | M; Open -☆- A white Chevy drove along the windy road, a two horse trailer hitched to it and pulling along a calm mare. Inside sat a red haired girl, her hair pulled into a loose ponytail that whipped around her face from her open window. The truck twisted along the roads, the radio playing music as she drove along. The white truck slowed when getting to the entrance of a boarding facility. The girl poked her head out the window and nodded slightly. . "Seems like the right place..." . She mumbled to herself, turning on her blinker and pulling into the driveway. She saw multiple other trucks parked in the driveway and she took a small breath. She knew there were going to be other people. And she was fine with it. She had to be fine with it. The girl took another, shaky breath and turned off her truck. . Opening the door and hopping out of the white Chevy, she glanced around. She was wearing a black tank top and some flared jeans. She was wearing simple paddock boots as well as a necklace with two stirrups together. Aaron spotted a tall male walking a stunning grullo horse around and quickly felt out of place. She knew her horse would fit in, but she felt way in over her head. Aaron reminded herself she's fine. She was a rider and they were all riders. So she should be able to ignore them easily. . The red haired girl walked to the back of her trailer, sliding a hand along the silver metal. A few stickers were stuck to the sides of the trailer, mostly depicting horses or equestrian related jokes. Ones she had thought were funny a long time ago. Aaron looked around again, her stormy blue eyes looking over the place as her ponytail swung against her neck. Was she supposed to check in somewhere? Spotting a woman who looked in her late 50s to her early 60s, Aaron decide she was probably the oldest one here. And hopefully the most helpful... not that she could compare anyone here. She hadn't even talked to anyone. Aaron decided to test her luck and walked over to the warm looking lady. . "Hello... Do I check in somewhere here?" . Aaron asked the woman, throwing glances over her shoulder to make sure her mare was alright waiting. Dancer seemed perfectly content, munching her hay happily. Of course. Aaron needed to calm down. Though, her anxiety with this new place was starting to piss her off. It was just another boarding place... somewhere she'd never been before... very far from home... she shook the though away quickly as she snapped back to reality, looking to the woman again. Edited at July 30, 2024 02:38 AM by Oakwood Barn