"From the day he was born." She sighed. Isabella looked like a mom, who had just realized her baby is growing up. "Should we join him, your majesty?" She asked with a grin, looking back at Jay. Before he could answer, she was inside she water gently doing a simple swim.

He chuckled at how Isabella said her answer about Taco always loving water since he was little. He then was about to answer her question but was cut of as Isabella went into the water already. Jayce slipped off his jacket, leaving himself in a button up undershirt, or t-shirt. He then stepped into the water and let himself adjust before swimming forward and towards Isabella.
Bella saw Jay coming towards her and called Taco, who came cantering at her. She quickly mounted him and gave Jay a come and get me grin. "You coming?" She asked before nudging Taco into a swim. Taco happily obliged. He swam forward making sure that Bella got super wet.

He watched as the two began to swim off and looked towards Columbus. The large stallion did not seem found of the water, most likely because his heavier weight made it easier for him to sink. After a moment of thought Jayce swam forward and slid onto Taco's back, right behind Isabella. He figured that if Taco did struggle with two people on him then Jay could just slide off and swim beside the two.
Taco gladly swam forward, purposefully going down under, making both of them get soaked. "Taco!" She scolded playfully at the pinto horse. He continued going deeper, constantly jumping under then going back up.

Jayce shook his hair free of the water after Taco had dove down into the ocean water, chuckling some at the horse's actions. Jay prepares himself after the first time for any other time when Taco dove under the cool ocean surface. He had a smile plastered on his face as this was one of the best times he had had in a while.
She jumped off Taco once they got into the deep water and splashed the prince. Bella never expected to even meet the prince, much less swim with him! As soon as Isabella jumped off, Taco followed her. Bella swam up ahead and made a quick turn, and Taco followed her exact moves, making it really hard to stay on. The paint horse was having, if not more, just as much fun as the two of them. Isabella was having so much fun! Once she swam into the shallower, relatively speaking, she dove down and brought a heart shaped rock up. The rock was a brown with large portions that were made from crystal and gold. The crystal part was fully clear, with specks of gold scattered through. The rock part, was fully rock and was mostly brown with striped of a lighter brown.

Jayce watched as Isabella jumped off and was confused on why until she splashed him. He laughed some before sliding off to go after her. He swam after Isabella and made sure to stay out of Taco's path. He was enjoying the time they were having, especially since this was going to be one of the last relaxing days he would have now that he's king. But Jay didn't think about that now, he was more focused on enjoying himself. He followed a bit behind Bella and watched as she dove into the shallow water and brought something up with her. "What is that," he asks curiously as he swims over to her to examine what she found.
"Take it." She commanded the prince. Bella held out the beautiful rock to Jay. "For memories." (Sorry it's short my brain is fried))

(It's fine lol) ~ He held out his hand and took the rock. Jayce then examined it and was intrigued on the rocks beauty and shape. "Thanks," he says with a smile, "I sure will remember this day because of you. Thanks for this Isabella."