Bullet *overcome with guilt she went back for the injured horse. She found him and stopped.... He looked Familiar? "pistol?" She called out nervously. Her heart fluttered when she heard him call back. She rushed over and helped him up asking what was wrong. "Its ok I can take you to the herd" she said leading back to the herd. Pistol Pistol lay there in paina he watched his humans ride away without him. He nibbled sat some grass stopping as he heard his name being called, "bullet? Yes I'm here!" He called back with excitement as bullet helped him up and led him to the herd he stayed back unsure how they would react
( I wanted to make a quick post, see ya!) Maple was quietly watching Bullet, hoping she would come back. Mint sighed once the humans left, What a relief..
Koda trotted along a steep cliff slide, he tossed his head around. The stallion took it at a fast gallop. He raced along the valley.

River looks around and trots off towards a river and flicks her tail she really didn't have anything to go by
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Bullet She walked up to the herd and made it clear she had a guest and if a single ear flattened or a rude look was given she would kick their a$$. She herded pistol into the herd forcing him to be around them Pistol He bit bullet a she was forced into the herd shocked none of them even glared at him. Then he realized how scary bullet was to horses who didnt have a bond with her.

Kessa nodded and smiled. "See ya then!" She called after him blushing a little.
Bullet She was becoming annoyed so she found an older colt and bit him sharply on the at for simply looking at her. He looked at her in fear than ran off to tell maple bullet bit him. I mean...he had bloody teeth marks to Prove it. She called after pistol as he went after the colt. She was impressed at his turning skills until she remembered he was a TAME horse for years. Pistol He was shocked when bullet bit a young colt for no reason. Did she really hold this much power he ran after the colt but came to a sliding halt and turning beautifully (like a reining horse) as he heard bullet call his name sharply.

Coyote walked around the outsides of the herd and discreetly made sure everybody looked fine. She then walked around finding a perfect spot for a quick nap.She watched the herd for a few minutes before cocking her leg back and dozing off.
Bullet "You stay and chill here while I go and find a certain human........they will help your leg and will keep you free" she called as she trotted away from the herd and towards the encampment where the nice human lived. Bullet didnt like the human but she knew Pistol needed help badly. Pistol "But wai-!" He was cut off by Bullet who had already left to find help. Pistol stood their in the middle of herd not sure what to do. Spotting a horse outside of the herd(coyote) he loped towards them with a limp in his step.

River drink quietly hopefully hearing anything around her but it was mostly the water she could hear river poke her head up and looks around as she flicks her tail and ears back a little bit
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