
Lily ran. She ran until her wounds hurt too much. Then she fell into a pile and cried, though it felt like a childish thing to do.

After the alligator went away West looked panicked. He cried out, "Lily! Where are you!?" Cantering around and searching for her. His wounds had got torn open, and they hurt terribly bad... but he was worried Lily was hurt
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(Wait, do horses cry in this?)

(Sure, go right ahead lol)
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"I'm over here..." Lily whispered, before everything went black.

West heard a whisper... and galloped over to where Lily lay on the ground. "Lily!" He bellowed, fear filling his voice. He nudged her, then flung his mane in a panic. -what do I do...- West thought, his eyes looking wild. He knew what to do when HE was hurt.. mash some dirt into it and suck it up. BUT WHAT ABOUT LILY.
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Lily moaned, wincing at her wounds.

West whirled at the moan. He looked Lily over. He couldn't even SEE WHAT WOUNDS SHE HAD agh he was freaking out. He first ran and got some moss to make the wounds stop bleeding.
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(P.S. she's got a wound on her leg, one on her back, and one on her neck)

(Thank you) - West quickly pushed some moss into the wound on her back, then ran to get more for her neck. After he had treated both of those he took some long, thin plants and carefully twisted it around her leg so it covered that wound. After that... he had no idea what to do
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