bullet She found the human she wanted and started to fake limp. She called to the human and turning back towards the herd wanting them to follow once they got within 20 feet of the herd she herded pistol out and towards her waiting for him to be Bandaged so they could leave. Human(Layla) She saw the lone mare limping. She quickly grabbed her supplies and rushed after her stopping when she ran off a couple feet away. Oh! She wanted her to follow her! She ran after the mare stopping once she was 20 feet within the herd. She gasped once she saw pistol his leg hanging limply.,she Recognized him but decided she wouldn't tell his owner(tom). She quickly bandaged him up with lightweight splints so he could run away from danger or at least trot.
Oh sweet baby jesus it's been about 10 pages since I've replied o_o but I'm back now I'm terribly eorrsfor the wait, right now I don't really have an input but I will do my best 😊 refresher on my horse, Raven. Half draft midnight black mare, white blaze going just past her eyes, pale grey eye color, about 4 years old. --- Raven watched as the new mare, Bullet, brought a tamed horse through the herd. Everyone else seemed to fear her, but Raven didn't think much of her. Raven was an upper leveled horse, somewhat the beta and protector, and didn't fear much, especially not herd horses. She ignored the horse though, obviously the people didn't think too much of their horse, Pistol, to check back on him. But as she saw Bullet leading a human over to their horse, Raven had had enough. She whinnied loudly and galloped over, sliding to a stop in front of the woman, rearing up, ears laid flat against her head.
Maple quietly acknowled Pistol and then she saw the human. Maple reared and snorted.

Kessa smiled to herself and grazed peacefully.
Bullet She ran towards the Raven biting her hunches and protecting the human. "She is here to heal my brother!" She said kicking at raven and maple to protect her brother and the human her eyes holding fury and fear.
The young stallion trotted along the plain, his scars visible. Koda's skull brand showed on his left side of his face. He look around until he saw water, he lowered his head down to take a drink. His long black mane with white highlights touched the water. Koda lifted his head galloping off at a high speed, he tossed his head around. Koda rested by a willow tree, he nibbled on the fresh green grass before drifting to sleep.
After attacking her herd mates she wandered off about 300 yards and saw a stallion(koda). She trotted forwards drinking from the pond her eyes watching the stallion. The young mare looked at him taking in his whole picture. He had been in some fights and had been tame. She curled her lip at the brand hardly remembering her 'HWS' brand right below her mane.
Koda looked around, he sniffed the air before rising up from the ground. The stallion didn't seem to notice the mare since he was blind in his left eye from being thrashed at with a sword that scared his face&eye. He trotted off into the open plain. Koda's Snow White skull brand on his left side of his face showed. He grazed for a while, Koda then laid down in the open fEiLd. He rested for a while. Edited at February 7, 2023 01:37 PM by I Am Zephyr
*her ears pricked she followed him not liking the stallion from her herd nor did she like pistol..... He was her brother. She had always wanted a foal but NEVER liked the herd stallions they where pushy and didnt look good anyhow.*
Koda walked for days until he came to a cliff edge, he slowly started to walk down the cliff as there was little water. The drought was here, there was no water anywhere. He walked until he made it. He lowered his head down at the little pond taking a drink. Koda would stay here for a day. He needed water the most.