Btw lets rp in free range and med times))
Koda nipped her, he once again kicked her this time in the chest. Koda was barely breaking a sweat. He snorted pinning his ears back, he trotted off.
*she bit him one last time on the chest before following him as he left her steps slower then his* (DONT ASK AS I HAVE NO CLUE)
Okay just can we also rp in free range and mediv
kk also I will be more active in the free range and medi))
Ok Greta I have to go so tho))
Koda walked away, he didn't want to risk himself getting hurt.
*she followed behind her steps fast but heavy as she tried to keep up her wounds slowing her down. She made sure she could touch his tail so she didnt fall,behinx*
Koda pinned his ears, he let the mare hold his tail. Koda kept walking until he found water. He lowered his head, and took a long sip.