Cerburus was Excited "You do!?" Cerburus rolled in the snow making (Her) him look like a white horse. Edited at January 26, 2024 11:46 PM by Hermès
ghost nodded "yep mabey more tramatic tough..)
(Wow Ghost, when I read back he sniffed the foal, was he expecting them to be Mysterys or something? XD) Mystery lowered her head "I am so sorry for your loss" She said in a low voice, she followed them back to the herd and said "You will be safe here, you can stay with us if you want" She said with a smile and a nuzzle Edited at January 27, 2024 12:07 AM by Hyrule_Stables
(ghost has trust issus ok dont juge him) ghost stood next to mystery watching the foal play in the snow
Cerburus went onto the lake and kept slipping stuggling to get off. (Cerburus is starting to warm u to you guys)
(lol I'm not judgemental Ghost. Aww really Hermes? 🥰) Mystery snorted at the foal as they kept slipping and sliding, she nudged Ghost "Isn't she cute!?" She laughed, looking back to see if Cerburus had made progress
Phantom wandered over to the foal and mystery. She stayed back a little as he was unsure.
"yea" ghost laughed (its so short )
Mystery looked at Phantom "Oh hey! This is Cerburus, our newest arrival! And no, not mine" she joked
Cerberus managed to get off the ice "Hello!" Cerburus had a warm smile on her face will eating a little bit of oats.