
Lily looked surprised. "Really? What do they look like? What do they eat? I bet they live in Japan, though... You know, I don't even know where Japan is. What is Japan anyway? An island? A language?" Lily smiled a little bashfully. "Sorry if I asked too many questions..."

West looked a little surprised by Lily's questions, but he was happy to answer them. "They are white with orange spots, 13 feet in diameter at most, they eat small animals and plankton, live underwater, yes in Japan, Japan is a country on the other side of the world, yes an island... sort of. A really long one, and Japanese is the language." He answered her questions with a grin. The only real reason West knew this.... he loved animals and knew a lot about them
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Lily's eyes widened even more, if that's even possible. "13 feet?! White with orange spots?! Even without seeing one, I know I'm gonna hate it. Wait... There are countries? Like, islands? Are there..." Lily shuddered at the thought. "Humans? Like in Japanese? Or was it Japan?" Edited at June 17, 2023 10:58 PM by Galloping Stables

"Yes, the biggest ever recorded was 13 feet from leg tip to leg tip, fully stretched out." West confirmed. "When they were first discovered I believe they were called monsters. They really are just gentle giants. Yes, there are countries, but I'm no expert so don't ask me too much about that side of the spectrum. Yes, there are also humans that live on Japan.... but again, I only know a lot about the animal. Stray to far from that and my brain gos blank."
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(I'm going to be gone for a week, just letting you know)
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(Aw, sad! I may have to delay the RP, then ;) Sorry I missed when you sent that. Where'd you go?) - Lily shook her head. "Nevermind, pretend I didn't ask. I don't want to hear about a creepy monster, it gives me the creeps. Anyway... Uh..." Lily hesitated, not really wanting to ask her next question. But decided she had to. "Do you... Like me? Like, not think I'm wierd? Most of the horses who've met me either ignore me, think I'm weak and dismiss me, or just plain tell me they don't like me." Lily fidgeted, worried for West's answer.

(I went to a camp. Super fun! Thanks for understanding) - West flicked his ears with a small smile. He could understand that.... he had always been fascinated by the weird creatures that roamed the earth, but most horses weren't. He was a little distracted when Lily asked her next question, but it kind of slammed his brain back into the present and stunned him a little. That's what it felt like, anyway. "Of course I don't think you are weird, I think you are one of the bravest, smartest, strongest, most beautiful, and most capable horses I've met. Don't ever worry about me not liking you, because I really do. I am very lucky to have a mare around like you." West didn't really know what to say, so he just said what he felt. Lily really was amazing, and he did feel lucky to have her as a friend.
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(Ooh, camps are the best! :D) - Lily relaxed, and a smile of relief washed over her face. "Thanks... You're awesome too. Thanks for being nice to me..." Lily also didn't know what to say, as she wasn't the best at saying what was in her brain. "Um... Do you wanna explore? Maybe find a new place?

West nodded, relieved that went so well. "My pleasure. And thank you." He answered with a tip of his head. "I would love to explore, and I believe there is a really pretty waterfall up that way." West announced, his face brightening at the idea of... moving. Sometimes he loved to just stand, but right now he was feeling fidgety.
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(Yay, were both online!) - Lily nodded vigorously, not having anything to say. "Let's do that. I haven't been that way before." Lily trotted forward, leaving West in the dust.