Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Sun 07:31pm  
Stables Online:  105 
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
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07:25:46 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
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Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
07:23:49 Captain America
-HEE Click-
EEE+ mares!
All prices start at $1,000
07:19:59 Coco
-HEE Click-
07:19:02 Blossi
-HEE Click-
All prices start at $1,000

EEE+ quality horses
Port Royal Equines
07:17:52 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
Columet Farms
07:04:46 The Coffee Purist
For this stud
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Columet Farms
07:04:15 The Coffee Purist
Get a W; get 1k. Pm me link to foal funds paid out no later than Friday
Hot 2 Trot
06:59:30 PON Champ
Selling EEE PON Mare. Pm me offers.
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Wind Song
06:48:34 Roxy/RoxyBug/Rox
How much does jasmines sell for?

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
Legacy Leagues
07:25:46 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
07:23:49 Captain America
-HEE Click-
EEE+ mares!
All prices start at $1,000
07:19:59 Coco
-HEE Click-
07:19:02 Blossi
-HEE Click-
All prices start at $1,000

EEE+ quality horses
Port Royal Equines
07:17:52 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Irish Cob Painting at auction! Please consider bidding. 🫶🏻

-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 3k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
Columet Farms
07:04:46 The Coffee Purist
For this stud
-HEE Click-
Columet Farms
07:04:15 The Coffee Purist
Get a W; get 1k. Pm me link to foal funds paid out no later than Friday
Hot 2 Trot
06:59:30 PON Champ
Selling EEE PON Mare. Pm me offers.
-HEE Click-
Wind Song
06:48:34 Roxy/RoxyBug/Rox
How much does jasmines sell for?

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Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 20, 2024 03:04 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Keefe looked at the mare again, his sharp teal eyes trailing over every inch of her before turning to the girl. "Vegas is a pretty name. And she has beautiful conformation. Thoroughbred, I assume? Now, with a horse with a pretty name like Vegas, I'm sure yours is beautiful too. May I inquire what it is?" He asked, starting to rub the stallion's neck. This seemed to calm Diablo down. "Nope, just an underrated American Quarter Horse, though he does trace back to some famous Andalusian and Morgan in his lines. His name is Irresistible Little Devil, but I call him Diablo." The boy spoke confidently. After the girl left he finished calming down his horse before wandering out, near the cabin but in the woods.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 20, 2024 03:37 PM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lottie Manchester}
Before she left she talked to him some more "I'm Lottie and thanks, Vegas is my everything and yes she is a Thourghbred" she told him, She then made her way to the cabin where she would lie in her bed thinking and being happy that the boy talked to her since none ever did.
She sighed and began reading her unfinished book called The Maze Runner which she loved both movie and books very very dearly, After she finished the 15th chapter she walked out and took a deep breath of the fresh air.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 20, 2024 04:08 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Keefe nodded at Lottie's answers, smiling at the name of his new cabin mate. It had a pretty ring to it. Ambling through the forest right behind their cabin, Keefe angled towards the sound of a river, sitting down on a flat stone to watch the fish Dart past. He wondered what Lottie thought of him. Keefe always wanted people to like him... but it was very rare he liked someone else. Still, the girl seemed quite nice.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 22, 2024 11:08 AM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lottie Manchester}
She sighed before walking towards the stables where her lovely mare was busy peeking at the new quarter hrose stallion that Keefe owned, She rolled her eyes before walking into her mare's stall and clipping her lead rope to that halter she was wearing, She smiled and led the mare carefully out before taking her to the tacking station, She then tacked the mare up and walked her to the arena where she would practice her jumping since it was quite rusty, She patted the mare's neck before circleing around the arena before she did any jumps.
Lottie smiled as Vegas turned her ears in the direction of her voice and with a gentle pat to the mare they were off and over the jumps, She smiled as Vegas flew over the jumps perfectly.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 22, 2024 11:14 AM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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After sitting at the river for a little while he stood and stretched, quickly striding out of the woods. Diablo would get bored after too long in the stall, so he had to exercise the horse. Plus he wanted to run some barrels. Walking into the barn and brushing the stallion quickly, he tacked up with his tooled leather saddle and bridle. The western saddle was black with dark red hints and tassels, plus some beautiful leather tooling. The bridle looked much the same, as did the breast collar. Leading Diablo out and mounting easily, Keefe sat deep as the stallion started prancing around, eager to get going.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 22, 2024 11:44 AM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lottie Manchester}
She looked over and saw Keefe riding his stallion which made her smile and her heart melt because he seemed so gentle and calm, She then went for a jump and completly lost balance on Vegas the last thing she knew she was on the ground trying to get up, She had realized she broken her leg and it was a pain to try and get up.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 22, 2024 12:17 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Keefe let Diablo canter around, warming the slightly crazed stallion up with a grin. He loved the power under him, always ready to fly. His gaze snapped up as the girl and her horse jumped, and having done cross country he knew both Vegas and Lottie were not prepared. He watched the girl tumble to the ground. Keefe, alarmed, jumped off Diablo and ran over. "Lottie, stay awake. What hurts." He knew everything hurt but he had to keep her busy because he could see her leg was broken. Meanwhile Keefe called 911, then the stable owner.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 23, 2024 09:42 AM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lottie Manchester}
I was badly dazed and was seeing two Keefe's instead of just one and that freaked me out until i focused and seen just one of Keefe, I smiled and looked into his eyes and told him "My leg hurts bad" i said and looked to Vegas who was limping, "Crap" i called out and tried getting up to check on my mare but i just fell right back down to the ground.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 23, 2024 11:11 AM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12336
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Keefe nodded, of course knowing that a leg would prbably hurt ater being broken. He just hoped it was a clean break... or only a fracture. As Lottie tried to get up Keefe pushed her back down. "You cannot move, it'll only make your injury worse which in turn will make you not be able to ride Vegas for longer. I'll check on her." He said, hearing the scream of sirens.
Rivershine Stud x Wild West Warmbloods Rp January 23, 2024 02:12 PM

Rivershine Stud
Posts: 253
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{Lottie Manchester}
I glared at him and rolled my eyes "Quit it, That's my horse please" i called and began crying cause i wanted my mare to be beside me, I looked to Keefe and realized i had no choice but to trust him with my horse since i had a leg broken and couldn't move around much.

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