
Aaron Jane Fernon | 22 | F | Dancing Complexions | M; Damon, Property, Tack Locker, Stall, Barn -☆- Aaron walked back out to her truck, searching around in the back for her phone. She knew she had left it in here somewhere... but where? She sighed, standing up and tugging at her tank top uncomfortably. Even though it was spring, she felt very sweaty. Aaron shook her head in annoyance, figuring she'd find her home later. Stepping back and closing her car door, she walked to the back of her trailer again, searching through it intently. When she didn't find her phone back there either she threw her hands up in anger, sighing in frustration as she stepped off the trailer ramp, putting the back up and hitching it. ☆ Aaron walked back to the barn, walking down to Dancers stall and moving the hose. She peeked into the stall, eyes glancing over her black and white spotted mare intently, looking for any signs of discomfort or injury. Finding none, Aaron turned around. Her sharp blue-eyed gaze landed on a nervous-looking man. She raised an eyebrow, she felt like that. Internally, of course. She probably just looked annoyed on the outside. She sighed quietly, turning her gaze away and walking over to the tack locker. Opening it she looked through it, making sure everything inside was accounted for and mostly unharmed from the drive. She still can't believe she came all the way here from Rhode Island... It wasn't horrible. There were plenty of places to stop. However, downside, lots of people were interested in Dancer. So that hadn't been fun. Aaron pulled her bag off her shoulder, shoving it into the tack locker, and stepping back to close the locker. ☆ Turning around, her red hair swishing behind her, her eyes landed on Dancer's stall once more. She was slightly worried. It was a new place, with other people and horses, but she seemed to be freaking out more than Dancer. Who was munching on some hay happily. "Glad you're doing fine." She muttered sarcastically, walking towards the barn doors. She stepped out and began walking along the gravel, set on exploring the property a bit. Edited at August 4, 2024 07:44 PM by Oakwood Barn

Chloe Fourie | 21 | F | Meteor Shower | M; Barn A and outside Metoer had her head rested on my shoulder, her lips fluttered and her eyes were half-closed. The brush rubbed gently against her neck at a soothing pace. Meteor exhaled a loud breath and moved her neck to pull me in a little closer. "Mm, i can't tell if its the seditives or if your jus' sleepy from me." Stoneteller whinned from outside the stall, his grey fur was messy in some rough patches (probably from chasing some innocent animal) and his tail was thumping against the floor. I pursed my lips and gazed into Meteors quiet brown eyes. The mare had soothed over the last 30 minutes and had no sign of distress or fear. Personally I think she was scared I was going to leave her here but considering I was still here (obvisously) she had calmed. "How do you feel about a short walk outside? You can see the other horses unloading from that small hilltop." I murmured to her, in response she fluttered her lips again. Smiling I gently withdrew from her and backed away to the end of the stall. Placing the brush down I fetched Meteors lead rein and clipped it onto her halter. Meteors ears went up instantly,. I swung the lead over her neck and pushed her blanket off, leaving it to rest on the side of the stall. "Stoneteller, your gonna have to move out the way." The young dog jumped onto his paws, tail wagging aggresivley and nails clicking on the stone floor. Hoping we wern't disturbing any of the other horses I led Meteor out of the barn with Stoneteller in tow. We crossed the gravel path and headed past a sandy arena. Meteor luckily seemed very calm and ad her neck stretched out. Stoneteller spotted the hill and gave a small bark before sprinting off at some innocent magpie. shaking my head in amusment I unclipped Meteors lead and swung it over my shoulder. "Feel like a little run, girl?" I smiled and run off after Stoneteller, Meteor seemingly remebering our small little routine with the dog shook her head and canter after me. I halted next to Stoneteller on the hill, Meteor shook her head and skidded to a stop next to me. Stoneteller picked himself into a high-held trot and wove around Meteors legs. The mare who was used to the routine stood perfectly still until he leaped onto her rump and crawled onto her back. She then picked onto eye contact with, waiting for the sign for her to start. I nodded and gave a small whistle for her to start. She flicked her tail and started totting slowly in circles around me. My smiled widened when Stoneteller gave a small jump with was our signitture move. The dog leaped off Meteors back and then both of the halted to a stop perfectly beside eachother. "Good job, guys!" I crouched down and Stoneteller leaped into my chest, barreling me over. meteor watched us, eventully settling down to eat the grass while me and my dog lay on our backs in the slowly warming moring

Natasha Shepfeild After driving for about twelve hours, she looked down at her gps, seeing that she was 5 minutes away from the barn she let out a major sigh of relief. Finally. Of course, a very laughable fact being she didn't know any other horse who could finish a large slow feed haynet that fast, and take the drive from england to here without being sedated or having an issue, just hanging out. As she got closer, her playlist hit the best song, "chk chk boom" by straykids, as Nat was a major kpop girly, and she rocked out to straykids for the remainder of the drive, arriving at the barn with wolfgang playing very loudly in her truck. When Nat brought her truck into the barnyard, she heard her horse move around slightly, Hermes being loose in the trailer. The nickname was a rather unusual one considering her horses registered name was Cash is key, but considering his personality being almost exact to the goofy greek god, it made a whole lot of sense when you hung around the shorter gelding. As Nat pulled in she checked the list she had been given on where her gelding would be staying. "Barn two. Left 3C." she said to herself as she parked her trailer, the parking not being perfect but good enough in her eyes. Natasha then got out of her silver ram truck and walked over to the three horse and camper trailer she had her Cash and rodeo events, the gelding inside tossing his wmpty haynet everywhere for everyone to see as if saying, "look she's starving me!" "Hermes. I refilled that literally less than an hour ago! How do you eat so fast bud?" Natasha laughed as she opened the trailer door and grabbed his lead rope, which was holding up the haynet, before clipping the teal rope halter onto the matching lead rope, before leading the gelding out, who seemed very insistent on staying with the love of his life's, the haynet. "Come on Hermes. You'll get food later." Natasha chuckled as she led the short grulla gelding out, who reluctantly followed her as she led him from the trailer to his new stall.

Freddie Kerr | 24 M | Eventer Location: Trailer Parking | Tags: Bethany Firefly ➳ Rook
Freddie was so grateful to see the open metal gate into the yard. It had been a long journey from Adelaide and he was so ready to stop being in the truck. The horses had been great for the haul; as long as they had hay and water and rested every four hours. With a sigh of relief, Freddie pulled the rig to a stop behind another trailer in the lot. It was a nice feeling to finally shut the truck off and know it was going to be longer than the half hour stops he had been doing for a few days. Walking to the side of the four horse trailer, he checked on how the horses were doing. He found that they both enjoyed a box stall set up, so he'd taken out the dividers in the head-to-head style set up so they could have more room. Fortunately there was also plenty of room between them, so they couldn't fight. Freddie found both Firefly and Rook to be relatively fine. The haynets were less than half full which was fine as they had arrived at the new barn. Firefly tossed her head and let out a piercing whinny. Of course she had to announce her arrival as loudly as possible. Ducking down the side ramp, he decided to keep it open for some airflow as the horses were well enclosed in their stalls so no escapes could happen. Walking to the driver's side of the truck and trailer, Freddie looked around for the woman who called herself Bethany Moyer - as he had memorized from the emails they had exchanged in setting up the boarding arrangement. Freddie was dressed in dark blue jeans, a grey henley shirt and a black vest. His hair was shielded by a navy ball cap.
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-Time Skip- Time; Late Afternoon. / Sun; Setting Soon. / Temperature; 22 Celcius, Cooling after Dry Heat Afternoon. / Clouds; Sparse.
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Natasha Shepfeild Nat got out of her truck with the hay in the back and her australian cattle dog just asleep in the backseat. She quickly grabbed a bale from the back of her truck and carried it to her geldings stall, who of course, to no one suprise, had finished his haynet. "Hermes. Seriously Bud. slow down on the hay. Maybe one day I won't feed you twice a day and just once. See how you take that. Maybe you'll learn to save your hay." she said with a chuckle to the silver grulla horse as she opened the stall door and pulled out the geldings empty haynet, before refilling the haynet outside the stall with the door open, the gelding being smart for once and doing what he was trained to, staying inside. Once she finished stuffing the haynet with half a bake of hay, she brought her haynet back in, Hermes taking large chunks of the his out the money he could reach it, and maybe to inconvenience Nat as she hung up the haynet, we'll never know. Once she exited the stall, she quickly grabbed his water bucket before closing the stall door. "You know it probably would be a good idea to not forget to water my horse the day I joined a new stable. You know impressions and all." she said mostly to herself as she closed the stall door, her teal water bucket in hand, which was only half full, but honestly she didn't trust her gelding to not empty it the moment she leaves just to spite her and/or make people think she's starving him.

Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder. . Rolling of the wheels on the blue trolley Ruth was pulling the new trolley she bought from the shops behind her, She'd loaded up the trolley with the new bags of feed she had to go out and get deciding she'd invest in the trolley to haul them and she was grateful that she did it was only going to take her one trip to get it all up to the feed room. Looking up at the top of the large barns ahead she could see the suns rays peeping over as it was going to set within a few hours, as she progressed closer to the barn she could hear a familiar red mare calling from her turnout and was met with the sight of dirt and a lot of it. . Walking into the barn with her trolley rolling behind her all she could think about was that she'd have to try and bathe her now before the sun sets. Stopping the trolley she stored the feed bags away and folded it up to store in her car again later, making up Cinders grain and supplements in her bucket she'd let the mare eat while she cleaned her up. Juggling a halter/head, feed bucket and a bag of cleaning products with a towel slung over her shoulder she was ready. There was an eager face peeking out of her stall to greet her knowing what time it was, Cinder wasnt too bad to bathe it was just how long she'd stay clean. She'd clearly been sweating a bit in the heat of the afternoon with no trees in her turnout and the fact she didnt like being in her stall all the time it just made it harder for Ruth to try and manage the dirt. Placing the feed bucket on the ground she slipped into her stall and managed to reach the halter over her ears and clipped it onto her head, clicking her tongue the mare walked on and they made their way out of Barn A after she picked the feed bucket back up. . The mare stopped short of walking outside the barn looking around with her ears forward and letting out a high pitched nicker and standing for a moment to listen for a reply, "You'll meet some of them soon don't worry, lets just get you cleaned up for now" she sighed at the last part. Plopping the feed bucket down onto the grass she grabbed the hose from around the side of the barn she wasnt worried about Cinder going anywhere because she was already going to town on her feed, she wasn't much to wander off. Sure enough the mare was still stood on the grass with her head down inside her food bucket munching on its contents, "Where do i start" Ruth mumbled to herself as she started up the hose and began spraying down the mares right flank watching as the dirt began sliding down her chestnut coat. . Her lead rope was resting on the grass not tied Ruth trusted her enough not to flee, they'd only been here for a few hours and Ruth was already giving the mare her first bath at the new place Ruth rolled her eyes at the thought but this was just how Cinder was no matter what you put on her she'd find some way to get dirty whenever you turned her out. from the constant scrubbing on the mares coat her hair was slowly falling out of the ponytail she'd put it up in hours ago and her clothes slowly but surely soaked up some of the water and suds coming off the red mare.
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Freddie Kerr | 24 M | Eventer Location: By Barn A | Tags: Ruth Firefly ➳ Rook
Freddie was grateful the transition into the new barn had been simple and easy. Once he had set up the stalls with bedding, hay and water, he brought out the horses one by one and let them into the stalls. He was careful to slowly transition the horses to the new hay by bringing a few bales of the old hay and adding a little bit of the new to their hay piles. The horses were settling in their stalls while Freddie had set about sorting his personal stuff like tack trunks, gear, and supplies. The one unfortunate part of the whole move, Freddie hadn't set up his own living arrangements. Of course it was more important for his horses to have the perfect space. But him, not so much. His current plan was to camp out in the tack room of the trailer. There was enough space in the gooseneck for a bed and the tack room area was pretty much cleared out of horse stuff. He really only needed an internet connection to stay on top of things on his computer. The young man was heading back to Barn A to check that Firefly had settled down in the stall. While she was a fiery mare, she adjusted to new places easily. His plan was to take her on a hack about the property . He'd already lunged Rook in the round pen to help the gelding stretch his tense muscles. Rook's stoic nature made it hard to gauge how he was doing. Although he had pinned back his ears at his owner from where he stood in the back corner. Freddie hadn't opened the doors to the attached runs because he wasn't sure how his two horses would react to their neighbors. He noticed a woman and horse standing by the barn but he was unsure of what they were doing. He couldn't help but run his eyes over the chestnut's body admiring the well built horse. Unfortunately his musings led him closer to the pair - and directly into the cast off spray from the hose! With a splutter, Freddie was abruptly pulled from his thoughts and back into reality when the water splashed him in the face. The whole situation made him laugh out loud with a chuckle. With a sheepish grin he moved away from the mare's offside and stepped around to see the woman and what she was doing. "I should have been paying better attention!" He said with a self-deprecating laugh. A grin hitched on the right side of his mouth reaching to his eyes. "I'm Freddie. I just moved my horses in today. I don't think we've met." The young man introduced himself from where he stood a few strides away, in hopes to not be accidentally sprayed again. He took the moment to look over the woman - her red hair was spilling out from where it had been tied back in twists and wisps.
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Chloe Fourie | 21 | F | Meteor Shower | M; Barn I made my way towards the feed, a red bucket hanging limply on my left hand. My eyes darted towards the large, rubber-y looking black bucket in the corner. Walking towards it I set my bucket down and pryed the lid open. Inside was a load of oats. Perfect! Chloe picked up the red bucket again and filled it with 4 large handfulls of the oats. She then went on to fill up Meteors red slow-feed haynet to the very brim before tieing it closed. Happy with the succsesful feed hunt she returned to her bay mares stall in which Stoneteller still hung about. The silvery dog had been very firm about not going back to the truck after their outing to the hill. Meteor's head shot up at the sight of her dinner and gave a small whinnie. Smiling I set down the oat bucket in the stall and then opened the door to get inside. Meteor plunged for the feed, completely ignoring me as I set up the hay net again. For today I wasn't going to put Meteors supliments in the oats, mostly because I was nearly out and beacuse her stomach would need to settle for atleast a few more hours. I ran my hand along Meteors firm neck and sighed. Hopefully tomorow I could take her into the arena for some jumping for out on a trail. I was unsure how cold it would be later that night and my phone was still in the car back down at the parking area. I walked out the stall, sure to close the stall door, and headed to where I hoped there would be another person to ask about the weather.

Ruth Carling | 27 | F | Pandoras Flame | M; Cinder, Freddie. . Ruth after her hard efforts of scrubbing was finally seeing the hard work pay off, the red mares coat was peeking through the caked on dirt. Ruth turned on the hose again and sprayed it over the mare to watch the suds and remaining dirt slide off but heard someone else get sprayed by the water, shutting the hose off she heard laughing and watched as a man stepped around Cinder who now had her head perked up observing for a few moments before she went back to stuffing her face with feed. Ruth turned her attention to the man listening to him as he spoke, "Nice to meet you Freddie" She smiled stepping closer and extending her free hand for a friendly handshake. "I'm Ruth, I just moved my horse here this morning" She was glad to meet another newcomer that seemed friendly. . She after getting her free hand back from the greeting pushed some of her hair back and behind her ears making a mental note to fix it later, before more of it spilled out from the ponytail that was barely hanging in there. "What Barn are you situated in?" She asked as she turned the hose back on but a lighter setting so they didnt wear the water so much, as she finished washing the suds off the mare and grabbed out her scraper she thought about taking Cinder on a hand walk to help dry her off more before she could roll somewhere and get the dirt stuck to her coat while it was wet. Chiming into the conversation again she decided to introduce her Cinder since she was standing around them while they spoke, "Oh, this is Cinder" she gestured towards the red mare who was finishing up grabbing the last few crumbs in her feed bucket but raised her head hearing her name. . Cora Veitch | 19 | F | Mad Maddox | M; Maddox . Hooves sounding against the bitumen road Cora and Maddox had gone for a little stroll to pass the time before Cora's mother came to fetch her to go home for the night. The teen looked over at the sun slowly getting closer to setting as its orange light filtered through the large trees sprawled across the land beside the road shining on Cora and the bay stallion below her, Cora had only brought out her bitless bridle to ride him she preferred having that close contact that a saddle couldn't provide and she felt that Maddox responded slightly better without one. . Swatting her hand out at a fly as it tried to land on her face she steered Maddox off the road and onto the nature strip and cued him to canter, after a squeeze and cluck the stallion sped up from a walk, trot and into a canter watching as the fly struggled to keep up. She cheered in triumph as her long wavey blond hair whipped around in the wind behind her, she leaned down patting the stallion on the neck as they made their way back to the boarding facility. Slowing down to walk through the gate she allowed Maddox to slow and eat the slightly overgrown grass near the fenceline and trees, keeping an eye out for her mothers car while she was there but she also pulled out her phone to have a quick browse while her horse munched away at the grass.
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